GEAR in A Coruña at the “XVI AEEE Conference”

Luis Antonio López, Mateo Ortiz y Manuel Tomás participated in the yearly AEEE Conference “XVI Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética. Transición energética, industria y empleo”. This year’s edition took place in the beautiful city of A Coruña, Galicia, Spain.

The papers and posters presented were:

·         Ortiz, M., López, L.A. and Cadarso, M.A.: Huella de carbono de multinacionales extranjeras dentro en la Unión Europea.

·         Tomás, M.: Consecuencias ambientales de la desigualdad en los hogares de España: Un estudio a través de la huella de carbono de los hogares.


New publication in Environmental Science & Technology

GEAR team members, María Ángeles Tobarra, Nuria Gómez, María Ángeles Cadarso and Luis A. López, in collaboration with Igancio Cazcarro (BC3), have recently published the paper entitled «Is Seasonal Households’ Consumption Good for the Nexus Carbon/Water Footprint? The Spanish Fruits and Vegetables Case». In this paper authors analyse to what extent proximity and in-season consumption of fruits and vegetables consumers are solutions to drive the economy to a more sustainable development.


DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00221

Link to the paper:


Enrique Gilles (EAN) visits GEAR

Last Friday, September 21st, the EAN’s (Bogotá, Colombia) lecturer and researcher Enrique Gilles visited the GEAR group. During the stay, Enrique presented the main potential research lines of collaboration analyzing hot topics in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America.

After the presentation, in a kind of brainstorm meeting, GEAR members presented the current research lines of the group and the potential matches with Enrique’s topic proposals.

The collaboration is just rolling out!!

Thank you, Enrique, for your visit.


GEAR team member, Jorge Zafrila, has recently published the first outcome derived from the multidisciplinary collaboration with some other researchers within the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This new research line evaluates disruptive and new CO2 removal strategies applied to agri-food industries.

This first paper, written by Carlos Alonso-Moreno, J. Julián Garde, Jorge E. Zafrilla, Jesús Canales-Vázquez, Abdessamad Guedari, & Santiago García-Yuste, has been published in the Journal of Cleaner Production and is entitled “The Carbon Dioxide-Rumen Fermentation Processes-strategy, a proposal to sustain environmentally friendly dairy farms”.



Link to the paper:

Journal of Cleaner Production, 204 (2018) 735-743. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.295

Presentation of the «Photovoltaics Macroeonomic Status Report»

The Global Energy and Environmental Economic Analysis Research Group (GEAR) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) has developed the macroeconomic status report of the photovoltaic sector in Spain, entitled “El desarrollo actual de la energía fotovoltaica en España”.

The press release of the presentation was held last September 13th in the UNEF’s headquarter in Madrid. Jorge Zafrilla, the coordinator of the report, highlighted the current macroeconomic situation of the sector and its optimistic future regarding the current and forthcoming legislation on renewables energies in Europe and Spain. At the same time, the UNEF’s general manager, José Donoso, and the UNEF’s president, Jorge Barredo, presented the «2017 UNEF’s Annual Report«.

The project has been developed in the framework UNEF (Unión Nacional Fotovoltaica) and GEAR-UCLM collaboration agreement.

GEAR acknowledges UNEF the confidence in the Academic Research, as helps to spread to the society and to the economy the scientific knowledge.



GEAR team member Luis Antonio López in collaboration with Xuemei Jiang and Dabo Guan, have recently published a new paper in the journal Energy Economics about the how changes in global value chains affect global carbon dioxide emissions.

The paper is  entitled “The global CO2 emission cost of geographic shifts in international sourcing.



Link to the paper:



GEAR team members Fabio Monsalve, Jorge Zafrilla, María Ángeles Cadarso, and Post Graduate student Angela García-Alaminos have recently published a new paper in the journal Economic Systems Research about the social implications of European Union Policies within a globalised production system. The paper is  entitled “Is the emperor wearing new clothes? A social assessment of the European Union 2007–2013 financial framework.

A big congrat!!


Download a free copy of the paper as a courtesy of Taylor and Francis:


GEAR participated in the Seminar on Sustainable Economy

Last May 17th, the GEAR members Jorge Zafrilla and Luis Antonio López, were invited to present the insights of the UNEF-UCLM new collaboration about the Macroeconomic Report of the Photovoltaics Spanish Industry. The project proposal and some methodological and databases aspects, were presented in the 2nd Edition of the Seminar on Sustainable Economy, organized by the homonymous Research Group from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UCLM in Ciudad Real.

Thanks to all of the participants for the comments and suggestions, and thank you to organizers for the invitation. We recommend following the events and contributions of this top research team following the Research Group updates in their Social Media profiles (Facebook and Twitter) and in their Website.

We will talk you soon about this new and challenging project we have signed with UNEF.


GEAR in national press (Materia – El País)

María Ángeles Cadarso, the GEAR’s Group co-director, has participated today in MATERIA, the scientifical section of the national newspaper EL PAÍS.

The interview is related to a recently Nature Climate Change published paper about the Global Tourism Industry impact on Climate Change.

María Ángeles has provided some Spanish carbon footprint evidence for the case of the Tourism Industry. Comments are based on some of the results shown in previously GEAR’s published papers in the Journal of Cleaner Production and in the Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Big pleasure!



GEAR back in Seville

Last March 13-14, the GEAR member Fabio Monsalve, was invited to teach a Seminar entitled «Cálculo de Huellas Antropogénicas E-MRIO. Módulo Excel» by the Master on Economics and Development and to present the conference entitled «Dejando Huella» in the framework of the «11th Jornadas de Economía y Medio Ambiente», both at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Seville.

Thanks for the invitation to our colleagues from the Department of «Economic Analysis and Political Economics«.

We hope you have enjoyed the seminar and the conference!