Archivo de la categoría: Seminario

RED MENTES seminar (24/11/21)

On November 24, 2021, at the CIEMAT-Madrid headquarters, we enjoy the network’s seminar entitled “TOWARDS A FAIR ENERGY TRANSITION. RECENT LINES OF WORK OF THE MENTES NETWORK”. All the members of the Network were able to share our latest work.

We show you the program of presentations as well as some photos:




24 de noviembre de 2021; CIEMAT, Madrid


9.30 – 10.00:      Bienvenida y recogida documentación.

10.00 – 10.30:   Presentación Grupo 1. IIT – Comillas: “Programación robusta en energía”, Pedro Linares y Antonio Francisco Rodríguez Matas.

10.30 -11.00:     Presentación Grupo 2. IMDEA-Energía: “Modelización energética en la Unidad                                                  de Análisis de Sistemas de IMDEA Energía”, Diego Iribarren.

11.00 -11.30:    Presentación Grupo 3. BC3: “Líneas de investigación y proyectos en curso”, Iñaki Arto.

11.30 -12.00:     Descanso – café.

12.00 -12.30:     CIEMAT: “the importance of CSP cooperation projects in Europe to deal with sustainability for the energy transitions”, Santacruz Banacloche y Yolanda Lechón.    

12.30 -13.00:     Presentación Grupo 5. INARBE – UPNA. «Eficiencia energética y efectos rebote», Pablo Arocena y Antonio Gómez-Plana

13.00 -13.30:     Presentación Grupo 4. GEEDS – Uva: “Líneas de investigación y proyectos en curso”, Luis Javier Miguel y Luis Llases González.

13.30 – 15.30:   Descanso – Comida.


15.30 – 16.00:    Presentación Grupo 7. GEAR – UCLM: “La extensión de la sentencia Shell a todas las multinacionales a nivel mundial”, Luis López, Mª Ángeles Cadarso y Mª Ángeles Tobarra.

16.00 – 16.30:    Presentación Grupo 8. Tecnalia: “Plataforma de planificación-proyecto Bideratu”, Diego García Gusano.

16.30 – 17.00:    Descanso – café.

17.00 – 17.30:   Presentación Grupo 9. Presentación grupo 6. CREDENAT – Unizar: “Líneas de investigación y proyectos en curso”. Ignacio Cazcarro y Raquel Langarita.

17.30 – 17.45:   Discusión de temas de la Red (agradecimientos artículo, Jornada de modelización, próxima reunión y curso de verano).

17.45 – 18.00:   Conclusiones y cierre.

GEAR in the beautiful Seville

Last March 26, the GEAR member Luis Antonio López, was invited by the “Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente” to present the conference entitled “Principales nodos de CO2 asociados al comercio internacional entre China y el resto del mundo” in the framework of the XII Jornada de Econonía y Medio Ambiente” at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Seville.

Thanks for the invitation to our colleagues from the Department of “Economic Analysis and Political Economics” and the Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente.

We hope you have enjoyed the conference!

Enrique Gilles (EAN) visits GEAR

Last Friday, September 21st, the EAN’s (Bogotá, Colombia) lecturer and researcher Enrique Gilles visited the GEAR group. During the stay, Enrique presented the main potential research lines of collaboration analyzing hot topics in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America.

After the presentation, in a kind of brainstorm meeting, GEAR members presented the current research lines of the group and the potential matches with Enrique’s topic proposals.

The collaboration is just rolling out!!

Thank you, Enrique, for your visit.

GEAR participated in the Seminar on Sustainable Economy

Last May 17th, the GEAR members Jorge Zafrilla and Luis Antonio López, were invited to present the insights of the UNEF-UCLM new collaboration about the Macroeconomic Report of the Photovoltaics Spanish Industry. The project proposal and some methodological and databases aspects, were presented in the 2nd Edition of the Seminar on Sustainable Economy, organized by the homonymous Research Group from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UCLM in Ciudad Real.

Thanks to all of the participants for the comments and suggestions, and thank you to organizers for the invitation. We recommend following the events and contributions of this top research team following the Research Group updates in their Social Media profiles (Facebook and Twitter) and in their Website.

We will talk you soon about this new and challenging project we have signed with UNEF.