

End-of-Degree and Master dissertations or Projects

GEAR members offer themselves to supervise students pursuing end-of-Degree or Master dissertations on energy and environmental topics.

Find here the guidelines (in Spanish): Degree – Master

PhD Candidates

The GEAR group is interested in supervising PhD thesis on environmental economics topics. An official master degree is a prerequisite to access our PhD programme. We recommend the Master in Growth and Sustainable Development offered by the Faculty of Economics and Business of Albacete.

Calls for PhD Grants:

  • Linked to National and Regional Calls.

Research grants and visiting researchers

Both young and senior researchers interested in coming to Albacete for a short research visit or postdoctoral stay are very welcome. During this research visit researchers will join GEAR activities: Economic talks, seminars, master classes, conferences, etc. They will also collaborate in research projects and papers

Calls for research and postdoctoral grants:

  • Linked to National and Regional Calls.