Archivo de la categoría: Conference

GEAR in Chile: 30th International Input-Output Conference

The GEAR research group attended the 30th International Input-Output Association Conference (IIOA), hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and held in Santiago de Chile from the 1st to the 5th of July 2024.

The group organized a special session entitled “Environmental impact of global value chains reconfiguration”, in which the following papers were presented:

  • The consequences of global reshoring trends in the EU carbon emissions. Mateo ORTIZ, Luis A. LOPEZ, Ángela GARCíA-ALAMINOS, Maria Angeles CADARSO.
  • Recent trends in international trade and their consequences on carbon footprints. Ángela GARCÍA-ALAMINOS, Maria Angeles CADARSO, Luis A. LOPEZ, Maria A. TOBARRA-GOMEZ .
  • Multinationals’ technological transfer on right-sourcing strategies: an environmental assessment for the European Union. Jorge E. ZAFRILLA, Ángela GARCíA-ALAMINOS, Nuria GOMEZ, Mateo ORTIZ
  • The environmental unintended consequences of a potential EU-MERCOSUR free trade agreement. An analysis for the agri-food industries in Spain. Yolanda PENA-BOQUETE, Fernando DE LA TORRE CUEVAS

Additionally, additional papers were presented by the GEAR members in different sessions:

  • Climate-related direct, indirect and induced impacts: evidence for Bangladesh. Guadalupe ARCE, Marina SÁNCHEZ, Jorge E. ZAFRILLA, Ángela GARCíA-ALAMINOS.
  • Capital- and finance-based environmental accounting framework. Luis A. LOPEZ, Manuel TOMÁS.
  • Aged-based household carbon footprint in Spain: an inequality and carbon taxation approach. Marina SáNCHEZ, Guadalupe ARCE, Luis A. LOPEZ, Jorge E. ZAFRILLA


Co-organization of the 15th Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics

The 15th Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics (AEEE) was held at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, at the lovely city of Toledo, from 29th to 31st January 2020.

Since our University would be hosting the event, some GEAR members led the organization of the 2020 edition of the conference in close collaboration with Leticia Blázquez, from the UCLM’s Talavera and Toledo Campuses. All together worked hard to successfully ensure a wonderful conference for all the attendees and speakers.

GEAR members participated not only as organizers but also as speakers in the academic sessions of the conference. The research works presented by GEAR members at the conference were:

  • «Emission Taxes, Feed-in Subsidies and the Investment in a Clean Technology by a Polluting Monopoly». García-Alaminos, A., and Rubio, S. J.
  • «Unequal rural and urban household carbon footprint in Spain and the impact of carbon taxation», Tomás, M. Á., López, L.A. and Monsalve, F.
  • «The carbon footprint of Spain’s photovoltaic industry». Zafrilla, J.; Arce, G. and Monsalve, F.
  • «Environmental and economic impacts of Brexit in the consumption of vegetables and fruits in the UK», López, L.A., Tobarra, M.A., Carrascal, A. and Ortega, R.
  • «Towards energy transition: sustainability assessment of a hybrid solar thermal – Biomass gasifier power plant in Tunisia». Banacloche, S., Herrera, I. and Lechón, Y.
  • «Triple bottom line analysis of the Spanish solar photovoltaic sector: A footprint assessment». Zafrilla, J., Arce; G., Cadarso, M.-Á., Córcoles, C.; Gómez, N., López, L.-A., Monsalve, F. and Tobarra, M.-Á.
  • «Economic and environmental impacts of decarbonization through a hybrid MRIO multiplier-accelerator model», Dejuan, O., Ortiz, M. and Portella-Carbó, F.
  • «The European Union’s carbon emissions under the control-based criterion». Ortiz, M., López, L.A., and Cadarso, M.A.
  • «Viabilidad económica y medioambiental de la estrategia de ecoinnovación “CO2-AFP Strategy”». Gueddari, A., Zafrilla, J., García-Yuste, S., Alonso-Moreno, C., Canales-Vázquez, J. Paper awared with the best flash session prize of the conference. Congrats Abde!
  • Inter-institutional research project: «Red Temática de Modelización Energética para una Transición Energética Sostenible (MENTES)». Coordinated by Cadarso, M.A. and presented by Arocena, P.

Reaffirming our commitment to the environment and sustainability, the GEAR group promoted a sustainable conference from the organization and did our best to get the provisions needed during the conference from eco-friendly suppliers. Moreover, we assessed the carbon footprint of the event and found that it reached 10.2 tonnes of CO2, approximately. The estimate covered all the direct and indirect carbon emissions generated in the organization and by all attendees. These findings were presented at the closing ceremony, where it was announced that the conference’s carbon footprint would be totally compensated by the Vice-rectorate for Research of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).  

Finally, we also want to highlight the remarkable achievements reached by two GEAR young members, Ángela García-Alaminos and Santacruz Banacloche, who received two of the Energy Economics Young Researchers Awards of the conference. Santacruz obtained a travel grant for his outstanding work and Ángela was awarded the 1st Prize for Young Researchers for the article with the highest quality and relevance in the field of Energy Economics.

Congratulations to Ángela and Santacruz for their prizes and all GEAR members and Leticia Blázquez for making possible such a great conference!


Memories of Glasgow and Santiago…

In 2019, the GEAR research group has actively participated in the two main events of input-output analysis worldwide. The 27th Conference of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA), which took place in Glasgow, Scotland, from 30 June to 5 July 2019. And the 8th Conference of Input-Output Analysis of the Hispano-American Society of Input-Output Analysis (SHAIO) which took place in Santiago de Compostela from 11 to 13 September 2019.

The papers presented by the GEAR group in Glasgow were:

  • «The Social Footprint U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Affiliates», García-Alaminos, A., Zafrilla, J.E., Arce, G. and Ortiz, M.
  • «Students commuting choices: Carbon footprint and environmental identity», Collado, A., Gómez, N. and Olivos, P.
  • «Assessment of the sustainability of Mexico green investments in the road to Paris», Banacloche, S., Monsalve, F., Cadarso, M.A. and Lechon, Y.
  • «Environmental and economic impacts of Brexit in the consumption of vegetables and fruits in the UK», López, L.A., Tobarra, M.A., Carrascal, A. and Ortega, R.
  • «Degrees of separation and carbon embodied in China’s supply chain networks in processing exports and normal production», Arce, G., López, L.A. and Jiang, X.
  • «Assessing consumption-based carbon emissions for the city of Bogota, Colombia», Gilles, E., Ortiz, M., López, L.A. and Cadarso, M.A.
  • «Impact on emissions, employment and the balance of trade of the decarbonization of the electricity production and transport in the EU. A MRIO multiplier-accelerator model.», Dejuan, O., Ortiz, M. and Portella-Carbó, F.

The papers presented by the GEAR group in Santiago were:

  • «Assessing consumption-based carbon emissions for the city of Bogota», Ortiz, M.; Gilles, E.; Cadarso, M.A. and López, L.A.
  • «The Social Footprint of the U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Affiliates», García-Alaminos, Á; Ortiz, M.; Arce, G. and Zafrilla, J.E.
  • «Students commuting choices: Carbon footprint and environmental identity», Collado, A.; Olivos, P. and Gómez, N.
  • «Spanish Household Energy Footprint of Urban and Rural Settlements», Tomás, M. Á.; López, L.A. and Monsalve, F.
  • «Degrees of separation and carbon embodied in China’s supply chain networks in processing exports and normal production», Arce, G.;  Jiang,  X. and López, L.A.

Great Conferences!! Great cities!! Great moments!! Great memories!!

GEAR in the beautiful Seville

Last March 26, the GEAR member Luis Antonio López, was invited by the “Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente” to present the conference entitled “Principales nodos de CO2 asociados al comercio internacional entre China y el resto del mundo” in the framework of the XII Jornada de Econonía y Medio Ambiente” at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Seville.

Thanks for the invitation to our colleagues from the Department of “Economic Analysis and Political Economics” and the Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente.

We hope you have enjoyed the conference!

GEAR in A Coruña at the “XVI AEEE Conference”

Luis Antonio López, Mateo Ortiz y Manuel Tomás participated in the yearly AEEE Conference “XVI Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética. Transición energética, industria y empleo”. This year’s edition took place in the beautiful city of A Coruña, Galicia, Spain.

The papers and posters presented were:

·         Ortiz, M., López, L.A. and Cadarso, M.A.: Huella de carbono de multinacionales extranjeras dentro en la Unión Europea.

·         Tomás, M.: Consecuencias ambientales de la desigualdad en los hogares de España: Un estudio a través de la huella de carbono de los hogares.


Enrique Gilles (EAN) visits GEAR

Last Friday, September 21st, the EAN’s (Bogotá, Colombia) lecturer and researcher Enrique Gilles visited the GEAR group. During the stay, Enrique presented the main potential research lines of collaboration analyzing hot topics in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America.

After the presentation, in a kind of brainstorm meeting, GEAR members presented the current research lines of the group and the potential matches with Enrique’s topic proposals.

The collaboration is just rolling out!!

Thank you, Enrique, for your visit.

GEAR participated in the Seminar on Sustainable Economy

Last May 17th, the GEAR members Jorge Zafrilla and Luis Antonio López, were invited to present the insights of the UNEF-UCLM new collaboration about the Macroeconomic Report of the Photovoltaics Spanish Industry. The project proposal and some methodological and databases aspects, were presented in the 2nd Edition of the Seminar on Sustainable Economy, organized by the homonymous Research Group from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UCLM in Ciudad Real.

Thanks to all of the participants for the comments and suggestions, and thank you to organizers for the invitation. We recommend following the events and contributions of this top research team following the Research Group updates in their Social Media profiles (Facebook and Twitter) and in their Website.

We will talk you soon about this new and challenging project we have signed with UNEF.


GEAR back in Seville

Last March 13-14, the GEAR member Fabio Monsalve, was invited to teach a Seminar entitled “Cálculo de Huellas Antropogénicas E-MRIO. Módulo Excel” by the Master on Economics and Development and to present the conference entitled “Dejando Huella” in the framework of the “11th Jornadas de Economía y Medio Ambiente”, both at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Seville.

Thanks for the invitation to our colleagues from the Department of “Economic Analysis and Political Economics“.

We hope you have enjoyed the seminar and the conference!

GEAR in Merida, Mexico 7th SHAIO Conference

Three members of GEAR partipated at the 7TH SHAIO Conference held in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico ( The biennial international conference of the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society (

The papers presented were:

  • Zafrilla, J.E., López, L.A., Domingos, T. and Monsalve, F. “Technology-based criterion to share environmental responsibility”.
  • Tobarra, M.A., Gómez, N. and Chitnis, M. “Environmental Impact from Spanish Food Waste”.
  • Arce, G., Tisserant, A., López, L.A. and Wood, R. “Who drives climate change? The relevance of extreme inequality”
  • Monsalve, F., Zafrilla, J.E., Cadarso, M.A. and García-Alaminos, A. “Unintended social consequences of EU financial framework 2014-2020”.


GEAR in Atlantic City, 25th IIOA Conference

Four members of GEAR partipated at the 25TH International Input-Output Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA (, the yearly international conference of the International Input-Output Association ( The papers presented were:

  • Arce, G., Zafrilla, J.E., López, L.A. and Tobarra, M.A. “Carbon footprint of human settlements in Spain”.
  • Monsalve, F., Zafrilla, J.E., Cadarso, M.A. and García-Alaminos, A. “Unintended social consequences of EU financial framework 2014-2020”.