The GEAR Group has recently published our’s first contribution developed in collaboration with Enrique Gilles, Faculty of Business, Finance, and Economics EAN University Bogota, Colombia.

The paper, entitled “Nesting a city input–output table in a multiregional framework: a case example with the city of Bogota” presents a novel contribution in the field input-output developments for cities. First, we propose the nesting of the Bogota IO table in an MRIO model with Colombia and the rest of the countries presented in the OECD database. Second, we develope an evaluation of the role of the city of Bogota throughout the Global Value Chains.

We hope this is the first contribution of a productive collaboration with Enrique.

We hope you enjoy it!


GEAR wins the CYTEMA Award

The GEAR member Mateo Ortiz was awarded by the Scientific and Technological Campus on Energy and Environment (CYTEMA) for his poster presented at the IX Workshop for PhD Students organised by the University of Castilla-La Mancha, which was held in Ciudad Real on the 12th November 2019. The poster was selected as the best poster on scientific research related to energy and the environment. It summarizes the work titled “The carbon footprint of foreign multinationals within the European Union” co-authored by three GEAR researchers: Mateo Ortiz, Mª Ángeles Cadarso and Luis A. López.

We all are delighted with this new distinction which encourages us to work harder.  

Memories of Glasgow and Santiago…

In 2019, the GEAR research group has actively participated in the two main events of input-output analysis worldwide. The 27th Conference of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA), which took place in Glasgow, Scotland, from 30 June to 5 July 2019. And the 8th Conference of Input-Output Analysis of the Hispano-American Society of Input-Output Analysis (SHAIO) which took place in Santiago de Compostela from 11 to 13 September 2019.

The papers presented by the GEAR group in Glasgow were:

  • «The Social Footprint U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Affiliates», García-Alaminos, A., Zafrilla, J.E., Arce, G. and Ortiz, M.
  • «Students commuting choices: Carbon footprint and environmental identity», Collado, A., Gómez, N. and Olivos, P.
  • «Assessment of the sustainability of Mexico green investments in the road to Paris», Banacloche, S., Monsalve, F., Cadarso, M.A. and Lechon, Y.
  • «Environmental and economic impacts of Brexit in the consumption of vegetables and fruits in the UK», López, L.A., Tobarra, M.A., Carrascal, A. and Ortega, R.
  • «Degrees of separation and carbon embodied in China’s supply chain networks in processing exports and normal production», Arce, G., López, L.A. and Jiang, X.
  • «Assessing consumption-based carbon emissions for the city of Bogota, Colombia», Gilles, E., Ortiz, M., López, L.A. and Cadarso, M.A.
  • «Impact on emissions, employment and the balance of trade of the decarbonization of the electricity production and transport in the EU. A MRIO multiplier-accelerator model.», Dejuan, O., Ortiz, M. and Portella-Carbó, F.

The papers presented by the GEAR group in Santiago were:

  • «Assessing consumption-based carbon emissions for the city of Bogota», Ortiz, M.; Gilles, E.; Cadarso, M.A. and López, L.A.
  • «The Social Footprint of the U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Affiliates», García-Alaminos, Á; Ortiz, M.; Arce, G. and Zafrilla, J.E.
  • «Students commuting choices: Carbon footprint and environmental identity», Collado, A.; Olivos, P. and Gómez, N.
  • «Spanish Household Energy Footprint of Urban and Rural Settlements», Tomás, M. Á.; López, L.A. and Monsalve, F.
  • «Degrees of separation and carbon embodied in China’s supply chain networks in processing exports and normal production», Arce, G.;  Jiang,  X. and López, L.A.

Great Conferences!! Great cities!! Great moments!! Great memories!!

GEAR wins the Emilio Fontela Award!

The GEAR members Ángela García Alaminos, Mateo Felipe Ortiz Moreno, Guadalupe Arce González and Jorge Enrique Zafrilla Rodríguez have received the «6th Emilio Fontela Research Prize in Input-Output Analysis» for their work The Social Footprint of the U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Affiliates. This distinction has been awarded by the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society (SHAIO) within the 8th Spanish Conference on Input-Output Analysis held in Santiago de Compostela on the 12th Sept of September, 2019.

Proud and happy for this remarkable achievement!


The GEAR Group has recently published the methodological proposal and several results of the 2016’s Photovoltaics Sector Macroeconomic Report in the prestigious journal Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.

The paper, entitled “Triple bottom line analysis of the Spanish solar photovoltaic sector: A footprint assessment” presents a relevant contribution for the Spanish economy as depicts the economic, social and environmental potential of an energy sector which is expected to be one of the driving sectors of the ecological transition of the Spanish economy.

The paper has been written by Jorge Zafrilla, Guadalupe Arce, María Ángeles Cadarso, Carmen Córcoles, Nuria Gómez, Fabio Monsalve, and María Ángeles Tobarra, all members of the GEAR group and members of the project between UCLM and UNEF for the elaboration of the Macroeconomic Report of the Photovoltaics sector.

We hope you enjoy it!


GEAR «on air» again!

Last April 28th, GEAR participated in the scientific disclosure radio show «Investiga que no es poco» of CMM radio about the recent publication in Nature Communications.
You can listen to the interview from the following link (notice, the interview is in Spanish):


Thank you Román for your great interview. It was a big pleasure to be part of the reference programme of scientific dissemination in Castilla-La Mancha.

New publication in Nature Communications

The GEAR members Luis A. López, María Ángeles Cadarso, Jorge Zafrilla, and Guadalupe Arce have recently published their last contribution in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.

The paper, entitled “The carbon footprint of the U.S. multinationals’ foreign affiliates” presents a novel and insightful contribution in the field of environmental economics. Among other relevant results, the activity of the U.S. multinationals foreign affiliates accounts for more than 0.5 GtCO2 in global terms. More than 1.5% of global emissions. If foreign U.S. multinationals’ activity would be cataloged as a country, it would be ranked the 12th top emitter in the world.

Policy implications behind the results of the paper are clear. Multinational enterprises need to be a part of the solution in the fight against climate change reducing the environmental pressure within their operations and supply chains. A more environmentally sustainable choice of suppliers, the reduction in the use of energy and materials intensive inputs and the technology transfers to affiliates, are some of the key decisions that headquarters have to take into consideration.

A nice paper in a great journal!

We hope you enjoy it!

This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (ECO2016–78938-R) and by the “Plan Propio de Investigación” of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).



GEAR in the beautiful Seville

Last March 26, the GEAR member Luis Antonio López, was invited by the «Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente» to present the conference entitled «Principales nodos de CO2 asociados al comercio internacional entre China y el resto del mundo» in the framework of the XII Jornada de Econonía y Medio Ambiente» at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Seville.

Thanks for the invitation to our colleagues from the Department of «Economic Analysis and Political Economics» and the Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente.

We hope you have enjoyed the conference!

Seminar and visit: Joanilio Teixeira (University of Brasilia, Brazil)

In the last two months, Joanilio Teixeira, Emeritus Professor at University of Brasilia, Brazil, has visited the Faculty of Business and Economics. Joanilio research is focused on the study of Heterodox Macroeconomics.

Last February 25th, Joanilio presented, in the framework of the Macroeconomics Seminar, the conference entitled «Controversies in Heterodox Macroeconomics: Post-Keynesians Vs. Kaleckians».

You’ll always succeed if you start citing Bertolt Brecht: «The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error», and ending citing Bhaduri «Nothing is more destructive to a political system that the lack of hope for a better future», as Joanilio did. In between, the Kaleckian vision of the economy, seasoned with an incredible carreer, really close to some of the big names of the economy, was unraveled.

At the same seminar, our team member Óscar Dejuan presented the paper «Kaldor’s theories of distribution» published in Revista de Economía Crítica.

Thank you Joanilio for the visit and for the presentation.

We hope to see you soon again!


The Global Energy and Environmental Economic Analysis Research Group (GEAR) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) has signed a new contract with UNEF to develop the 2017-2018 macroeconomic status report of the solar photovoltaic sector in Spain.

The report will present a detailed economic, social and environmental assessment of the current situation of the solar photovoltaics Spanish sector in an MRIO context.

The report is going to be presented ending May in the UNEF’s headquarter in Madrid.

GEAR acknowledges UNEF the confidence in the Academic Research, as helps to spread to the society and to the economy the scientific knowledge.