Archivo de la categoría: Awards


Pilar Osorio, GEAR member, has completed her PhD in Economics.

The thesis entitled “Sustainability of household consumption and challenges for decarbonization in Spain and Castilla-La Mancha through input-output analysis”, was supervised by María Ángeles Cadarso and María Ángeles Tobarra, and is composed of three peer-reviewed papers:

  • Córcoles, C., López, L. A., Osorio, P. y Zafrilla, J. (2024). The carbon footprint of the empty Castilla-La Mancha. Energy Policy, 184, 113892. DOI:
  • Osorio, P., Cadarso,M.A., Tobarra,M.A, García-Alaminos, Á (2023). Carbon footprint of tourism in Spain: Covid-19 impact and a look forward to recovery. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2023.03.003

The thesis tribunal was formed by Professors Mònica Serrano, from the University of Barcelona, Ángeles Cámara, from the Rey Juan Carlos University, and Mateo Ortiz, from the University of Castilla-La Mancha.


Pilar Osorio was awarded the «Albacete Young Research and Scientific Culture Prize 2022» for the work “Spanish household’s carbon footprint: Analysis of sustainable consumption with a gender perspective”.This distinction has been awarded by the Albacete City Council and the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, to stimulate scientific vocations among young people.


Great news!!

The GEAR member Mateo Ortiz, under the supervision of María Ángeles Cadarso and Luis Antonio López, has completed his Ph.D.!!

The thesis, entitled “La huella de carbono de agentes no estatales. Análisis a través de las cadenas globales de producción de multinacionales y ciudades”, presents three peer reviewed publications that you can easily access here:

  • Ortiz, M., Cadarso, M. Á. y López, L. A. (2020). The carbon footprint of foreign multinationals within the European Union. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(6), 1287-1299. doi:10.1111/jiec.13017 LINK
  • Ortiz, M., López, L.-A. y Cadarso, M. Á. (2020). EU carbon emissions by multinational enterprises under control-based accounting. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 163, 105104. doi: LINK
  • Gilles, E., Ortiz, M., Cadarso, M.-Á., Monsalve, F. y Jiang, X. (2021). Opportunities for city carbon footprint reductions through imports source shifting: The case of Bogota. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 172, 105684. doi: LINK

Mateo did an astonishing Thesis defense in front of a amazing thesis tribunal composed by Mònica Serrano (from Universidad de Barcelona), Ignacio Cazcarro (from Universidad de Zaragoza and ARAID) y André Carrascal (from Universidad de Oviedo).

Undoubtedly a day to remember for the GEAR group. Congratulations Mateo; thank you for your great work, incredible effort, and good mood.

Great doctor, with and without a tie…


The GEAR researcher Mateo Ortiz was awarded the «Albacete Young Research and Scientific Culture Prize 2021» in the University Research category for his work on The carbon footprint of multinational enterprises and their potential to transfer climate policies and sustainable production patterns. This distinction has been awarded by the Albacete City Council and the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, to stimulate scientific vocations and talent among young people under 30 years of age.

We are very proud and happy with this recognition to the young researchers of the GEAR group.


Great news from GEAR!!

Santacruz Banacloche, under the supervision of María Ángeles Cadarso and Fabio Monsavle, has recently completed his Ph.D.!!

Santacruz has presented an insightful and diverse thesis that rests on the knowledge and work experiences acquired in CEPAL and CIEMAT, always well linked to a strong MRIO modelization storytelling.

The thesis, entitled “Análsiis de la sostenibilidad de las inversiones verdes en el camino hacia la transición energética y la descarbonización de la economía. La importancia de las cadenas globales de valor”, presents three peer reviewed publications that you can check following the next links:

  • Banacloche, S., Cadarso, M.Á., Monsalve, F., 2020. Implications of measuring value added in exports with a regional input-output table. A case of study in South America. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 52, 130-140. LINK
  • Banacloche, S., Cadarso, M.A., Monsalve, F., Lechon, Y., 2020. Assessment of the sustainability of Mexico green investments in the road to Paris. Energy Policy 141, 111458. LINK
  • Banacloche, S., Herrera, I., Lechón, Y., 2020. Towards energy transition in Tunisia: Sustainability assessment of a hybrid concentrated solar power and biomass plant. Science of The Total Environment 744, 140729. LINK

Congratulations Santacruz, thank you for your hard work and your tenacity!!

See you soon!


Santiago J. Rubio from the University of Valencia and GEAR Group member Ángela García-Alaminos have recently published a new research article entitled “Emission taxes and feed-in subsidies in the regulation of a polluting monopoly” in SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association.

The paper studies and compares the use of emission taxes and feed-in subsidies for the regulation of a monopoly that can produce the same good with a technology that employs a polluting input and a clean technology. First, it is showed that the efficient solution could be implemented combining a tax on emissions and a subsidy on clean output. The second-best tax and subsidy are also calculated through a two-stage policy game between the regulator and the monopoly, concluding that the second-best tax rate can be the Pigouvian tax, but only if the marginal costs of the clean technology are constant. A linear-quadratic specification of the model is also developed, allowing for a comparison of both policy instruments.

This work was awarded the “Young Researcher in Energy Economics Prize” by Red Eléctrica de España and the Spanish Association for Energy Economics in January 2020.

We hope you enjoy it!



GEAR Group members Ángela García-Alaminos, Mateo Ortiz, Guadalupe Arce, and Jorge Zafrilla have recently published a new research article in Economic Systems Research.

The paper, entitled “Reassembling social defragmented responsibilities: the indecent labour footprint of US multinationals overseas”, presents news insights about the social impacts embodied in multinational firms’ global value chains.  Combining a  socially extended MRIO model with three social indicators (forced labour, fatal and nonfatal occupational injuries) from the indecent labour database developed by Ángela García-Alaminos,  we find that the activities of US multinationals foreign affiliates show increasing trends between 2009 and 2013 on indecent labour, contributing with 1.1%–1.3% of the global cases. United States affiliates located in India, China, and Brazil show the highest ratios per unit of value-added.

This work was awarded the “6th Emilio Fontela Research Prize in Input-Output Analysis” by the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society (SHAIO) in September 2019.

We hope you enjoy it!



The GEAR member Ángela García Alaminos and Dr. Santiago J. Rubio from the University of Valencia have received the «Prize for Energy Economics Young Researchers» for their work Emission Taxes, Feed-in Subsidies and the Investment in a lean Technology by a Polluting Monopoly. This distinction has been awarded by Red Eléctrica de España, and the Spanish Association for Energy Economics (AEEE) within the15th Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics held in Toledo on the 29th-31st of January 2020.

GEAR wins the CYTEMA Award

The GEAR member Mateo Ortiz was awarded by the Scientific and Technological Campus on Energy and Environment (CYTEMA) for his poster presented at the IX Workshop for PhD Students organised by the University of Castilla-La Mancha, which was held in Ciudad Real on the 12th November 2019. The poster was selected as the best poster on scientific research related to energy and the environment. It summarizes the work titled “The carbon footprint of foreign multinationals within the European Union” co-authored by three GEAR researchers: Mateo Ortiz, Mª Ángeles Cadarso and Luis A. López.

We all are delighted with this new distinction which encourages us to work harder.  

GEAR wins the Emilio Fontela Award!

The GEAR members Ángela García Alaminos, Mateo Felipe Ortiz Moreno, Guadalupe Arce González and Jorge Enrique Zafrilla Rodríguez have received the “6th Emilio Fontela Research Prize in Input-Output Analysis” for their work The Social Footprint of the U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Affiliates. This distinction has been awarded by the Hispanic-American Input-Output Society (SHAIO) within the 8th Spanish Conference on Input-Output Analysis held in Santiago de Compostela on the 12th Sept of September, 2019.

Proud and happy for this remarkable achievement!