Great news from GEAR!!
Santacruz Banacloche, under the supervision of María Ángeles Cadarso and Fabio Monsavle, has recently completed his Ph.D.!!
Santacruz has presented an insightful and diverse thesis that rests on the knowledge and work experiences acquired in CEPAL and CIEMAT, always well linked to a strong MRIO modelization storytelling.
The thesis, entitled “Análsiis de la sostenibilidad de las inversiones verdes en el camino hacia la transición energética y la descarbonización de la economía. La importancia de las cadenas globales de valor”, presents three peer reviewed publications that you can check following the next links:
- Banacloche, S., Cadarso, M.Á., Monsalve, F., 2020. Implications of measuring value added in exports with a regional input-output table. A case of study in South America. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 52, 130-140. LINK
- Banacloche, S., Cadarso, M.A., Monsalve, F., Lechon, Y., 2020. Assessment of the sustainability of Mexico green investments in the road to Paris. Energy Policy 141, 111458. LINK
- Banacloche, S., Herrera, I., Lechón, Y., 2020. Towards energy transition in Tunisia: Sustainability assessment of a hybrid concentrated solar power and biomass plant. Science of The Total Environment 744, 140729. LINK
Congratulations Santacruz, thank you for your hard work and your tenacity!!
See you soon!