Archivo de la categoría: Publications



GEAR team members Fabio Monsalve, Jorge Zafrilla, María Ángeles Cadarso, and Post Graduate student Angela García-Alaminos have recently published a new paper in the journal Economic Systems Research about the social implications of European Union Policies within a globalised production system. The paper is  entitled “Is the emperor wearing new clothes? A social assessment of the European Union 2007–2013 financial framework.

A big congrat!!


Download a free copy of the paper as a courtesy of Taylor and Francis:



GEAR team members María Ángeles Cadarso, Fabio Monsalve and Guadalupe Arce, have recently published a new paper in the journal Economics Systems Research about the importance of model choice  (bilateral or multiregional) analysing carbon content of trade and with a particular focus on  border tax adjustments on the carbon content of imports. The paper is  entitled Emissions burden shifting in global value chains – winners and losers under multi-regional versus bilateral accounting”.



Download a free copy of the paper as a courtesy of Taylor and Francis:


Economic Systems Research, 2018. doi: 10.1080/09535314.2018.1431768


GEAR team members Luis A. López and Guadalupe Arce in collaboration with Tobias Kronenberg (from Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Germany) and João F.D.Rodrigues (from Leiden University,  The Netherlands), have recently published a new paper in the Journal of Cleaner Production entitled Trade from resource-rich countries avoids the existence of a global pollution haven hypothesis”.



Congrats Guadalupe!

Great news from GEAR!!

Guadalupe Arce, one of our most talented researchers, has recently completed her doctorate (distinction “cum laude”)!!

All the contributions of the thesis, entitled: “Carbon emissions embodied in global value chains. The Chinese international trade role: The case of Spain and the new developing countries”, have been already published. If you are interested in this field of research follow the next links to download the papers:

  • López, L.A., Arce, G., and Zafrilla, J.E. (2013): “Parcelling virtual carbon in the pollution haven hypothesis”, Energy Economics, vol. 39, pages 177-186 (LINK).
  • López, L.A., Arce, G. and Zafrilla, J.E.. (2014): “Financial Crisis, Virtual Carbon in Global Value Chains, and the Importance of Linkage Effects. The Spain–China Case”, Environmental Science & Technology (Vol. 48, pp. 36-44): American Chemical Society (LINK).
  • Arce, G. (2014): “Fuga de carbono, hipótesis refugio de emisiones e hipótesis alternativas. Una revisión de la literatura”, Información Comercial Española (ICE), (Vol. 881, pp. 167-178), December, 2014 (LINK).
  • Arce, G., López, L.A. and Guan, D. (2016): “Carbon emissions embodied in international trade: The post-China era”, Applied Energy, 184: 1063-1072 (LINK).

Congratulations Guada, and thank you for hard work and your tenacity!!

It is a  big pleasure to work with you!!


Carbon Footprint Manual recently published by two GEAR members

Luis Antonio López and Jorge Zafrilla, GEAR members, in collaboration with Sergio Álvarez (from Madrid Technical University), have recently published the AENOR’s 6th volume of the Carbon Footprint Series entitled “La huella de carbono y el análisis input-output”.

This is a completely updated manual in Spanish to learn about the carbon footprint estimation and related tools (MatLab codes, visualization tools, calculators, etc.) using Environmentally Extended MRIO and hybrid IO-LCA models.

We hope you find this book interesting!



Recent publication

Óscar Dejuán and María Ángeles Cadarso, both GEAR members, in collaboration with Manfren Lenzen, have recently publish the book entitled “Environmental and Economic Impacts of Decarbonization. Input-Output Studies on the Consequences of the 2015 Paris Agreements”, Routledge.

Many questions arise from the Paris Agreement that points to a second Industrial Revolution. What are the required changes in the structure of production and in the patterns of consumption? What will be their impacts on emissions, employment and international trade? This book answers these questions from a variety of  input-output models able to compute the impacts on specific sectors and regions.

This volume has 17 chapters written by 52 co-authors who are specialists in input-output analysis and environmental sustainability. They come from 24 universities, research centers and international agencies all over the world, sharing their commitments to explain important and complex ideas in a way that is understandable to the non-experts and experts alike.


We hope you enjoy it!


Computing GHG Emissions (MATLAB Open Code)

Fabio Monsalve, member of the GEAR Group, has published a, open MATLAB code allowing the computation of the Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions (Co2 equivalent) according to the Environmentally Extended Mutiregional Input-Output Methodology (EEMRIO) and realying on World Input Output Database (WIOD).


In this code, the emissions, attributed to a bill of Final Demand, are allocated to countries/regions(41) and sectors (35). To run the model, it is necessary to download the following files from WIOD site:

The files should be uncompressed (if necessary) and saved in the same folder where the code is (saving in another folder will require changes in the set path preferences of Matlab).

Fabio hopes you find this code useful for your Multiregional Input-Output analysis!!


New publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production

GEAR team members Luis A. López, Guadalupe Arce and Jorge Zafrilla, in collaboration with Manuel Morenate, graduate student of the Master’s Degree Programme
in Sustainable Growth and Development, have recently published a new paper in the Journal of Cleaner Production entitled “How does income redistribution affect households’ material footprint?”.


LINK to the Journal:



New publication in Nature Climate Change

GEAR team members Jorge E. Zafrilla and Luis Antonio López, in collaboration with Tiago Domingos, from MARETEC, Intituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon), have recently published the Correspondence entitled “Consistency of technology-adjusted
consumption-based accounting” in the prestigious journal Nature Climate Change.


Nature Climate Change 6, 729 (2016). doi:10.1038/nclimate3059

Nature Climate Change 6, 729 (2016). doi:10.1038/nclimate3059