Archivo de la categoría: Disclosure

GEAR back in Seville

Last March 13-14, the GEAR member Fabio Monsalve, was invited to teach a Seminar entitled “Cálculo de Huellas Antropogénicas E-MRIO. Módulo Excel” by the Master on Economics and Development and to present the conference entitled “Dejando Huella” in the framework of the “11th Jornadas de Economía y Medio Ambiente”, both at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Seville.

Thanks for the invitation to our colleagues from the Department of “Economic Analysis and Political Economics“.

We hope you have enjoyed the seminar and the conference!

“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”: screening invitation

GEAR, within the framework of the 14th Edition of the “Movies and Economics Seminar”, invites you to the screening of the latest Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”.

José Julio del Olmo, a recognized local activist from “Ecologistas en Acción“, will present the movie and will motivate a discussion after the screening.

PLACE: Aula Magna – Faculty of Economics, University of Castilla-La Mancha

DATE AND TIME:  February 22nd (Thursday,) – 6 p.m.

PRESENTER: José Julio del Olmo (Ecologistas en Acción)

See you on the movies!


Congrats Guadalupe!

Great news from GEAR!!

Guadalupe Arce, one of our most talented researchers, has recently completed her doctorate (distinction “cum laude”)!!

All the contributions of the thesis, entitled: “Carbon emissions embodied in global value chains. The Chinese international trade role: The case of Spain and the new developing countries”, have been already published. If you are interested in this field of research follow the next links to download the papers:

  • López, L.A., Arce, G., and Zafrilla, J.E. (2013): “Parcelling virtual carbon in the pollution haven hypothesis”, Energy Economics, vol. 39, pages 177-186 (LINK).
  • López, L.A., Arce, G. and Zafrilla, J.E.. (2014): “Financial Crisis, Virtual Carbon in Global Value Chains, and the Importance of Linkage Effects. The Spain–China Case”, Environmental Science & Technology (Vol. 48, pp. 36-44): American Chemical Society (LINK).
  • Arce, G. (2014): “Fuga de carbono, hipótesis refugio de emisiones e hipótesis alternativas. Una revisión de la literatura”, Información Comercial Española (ICE), (Vol. 881, pp. 167-178), December, 2014 (LINK).
  • Arce, G., López, L.A. and Guan, D. (2016): “Carbon emissions embodied in international trade: The post-China era”, Applied Energy, 184: 1063-1072 (LINK).

Congratulations Guada, and thank you for hard work and your tenacity!!

It is a  big pleasure to work with you!!


Computing GHG Emissions (MATLAB Open Code)

Fabio Monsalve, member of the GEAR Group, has published a, open MATLAB code allowing the computation of the Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions (Co2 equivalent) according to the Environmentally Extended Mutiregional Input-Output Methodology (EEMRIO) and realying on World Input Output Database (WIOD).


In this code, the emissions, attributed to a bill of Final Demand, are allocated to countries/regions(41) and sectors (35). To run the model, it is necessary to download the following files from WIOD site:

The files should be uncompressed (if necessary) and saved in the same folder where the code is (saving in another folder will require changes in the set path preferences of Matlab).

Fabio hopes you find this code useful for your Multiregional Input-Output analysis!!


GEAR participates in 2017 PINT OF SCIENCE!

GEAR Group has been invited to take part of the 2017 Pint of Science that will take place next May 16 in Albacete, at the St. Patrick’s Irish Pub.

Jorge Zafrilla will present an open speech about the future challenges of the current unsustainable human footprints.

Come an join #PINT17ALB!!!




More information:

GEAR participates in the UCLM-MUST experience

The GEAR’s researcher Guadalupe Arce participated in the second UCLM-MUST seminar.

Students from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) and from the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) attended to the conference and participated in the groupal dynamic guided by Guadalupe. The activity was entitled “Consecuencias medioambientales del comercio España-China”.

Thanks to the organizers for the invitation and for proposal of all of these constructive alternatives and experiences in the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences in Albacete.

More information about the seminar here:


GEAR on the Radio!

Jorge Zafrilla, one of the GEAR members, has been interviewed in “Castilla-La Mancha Hoy” from CMM Media Radio.

In this interview, Jorge tries to explain a recent GEAR publication in Nature Climate Change about the Technology-based assumption to share, globally, emissions responsibilities among countries.

If you are interested, please hear here the interview:

Language: Spanish.



Original vector-image:

Master lecture by Iñaki Arto: “La huella energética del desarrollo humano”

Some pictures of Iñaki Arto’s presentation in the frame of the Master in “Growth and Sustainable Development” (Máster Universitario en Crecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible), from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).

Iñaki, research professor at Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), has presented a piece of his work  about the energy requirements of a developed world.

Thanks to Iñaki and all the attendees!


Master Lecture: Iñaki Arto

The Master in “Growth and Sustainable Development” (Máster Universitario en Crecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible), from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), invites you to the Master Lecture entitled: “La huella energética del desarrollado humano” by Iñaki Arto.

Our friend Iñaki, is Research Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) in Bilbao, Spain.  (LINK)

All GEAR members are part of the teaching staff of the “Growth and Sustainable Development Master”, and are proud to invite you to the Master Lecture that will be held next Tuesday 13th at the Salón de Actos of the Faculty of Economics and Bussines Sciences in Albacete.

See you then!
