GEAR in Seminars

Jorge Zafrilla has been invited by the Seville University (Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente) to giving a talk entitled: “Global emissions chains and multinational enterprises. Measuring responsibilities following the control criterion” in the framework of the VIII WORKSHOP ON ENERGY ECONOMICS AND PUBLIC POLICIES EVALUATION (June, 8 – 9 th).

Download the program here

Kurt Kratena visits GEAR

Last Thursday, May 12th, GEAR team was visited  by the researcher of  the Centre of Economic Scenario Analysis and Research, S.L. – CESAR ( and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research, WIFO ( Kurt is also Associate Professor at the University of Loyola (Seville).

At the working meeting, some lines of future collaboration between the two teams were established.

Reunión con Kurt (002)

BOOK proposal to be published by Routledge

Óscar Dejuán, María Ángeles Cadarso and Manfred Lenzen are going to be the editors of the book entitled “Environmental and economic impacts of decarbonization. Input-output studies on the consequences of the 2015 Paris agreements”. 

The publisher has shown a great interest in the following proposal:


The title of the book provides a clear framework for the chapter. It is opened, however, to a broad array of topics and approaches:

  • Any type of impact: environmental, economic and/or social
  • Any territorial dimension: local, regional, national or international
  • Any methodological and analytical approach in which there is room for input-output techniques


  • 21/06/2016: Reception of papers with an abstract (about 300 words) specifying the goals, data and methods of the research
  • 21/07/2016: (a) Confirmation of the selected papers. (b) Detailed proposal to Routledge in order to obtain the final approval of the book
  • 21/12/2016: Submission of the papers to the editors (they may require some improvements)
  • 21/03/2017: Submission of the final manuscript to Routledge
  • Late 2017: Book published by Routledge

If you are interested, please contact with María Ángeles Cadarso (

GEAR presente en la V Gala Benéfica de AUDA

Guadalupe Arce, miembro de GEAR, asistió el pasado 2 de abril a la Gala Benéfica que organiza anualmente la asociación sin ánimo de lucro AUDA., donde se concretaron algunas líneas de colaboración con esta asociación en materia de divulgación.


AUDA tiene como objetivo principal la información y concienciación de cada individuo así como del colectivo social por una sociedad justa con todos los animales, independientemente de la especie a la que pertenezcan. Está compuesto por un grupo de profesionales, la mayoría especialistas en derecho animal.

GEAR in Seminars, Illes Balears University

María Ángeles Cadarso has been invited by the Illes Balears University (UIB) to giving a talk entitled: “Biophysics accounting of the tourism system in the Spanish state”, as a part of the workshop-seminar “Biophysical and social accounting of economic activity. A theoretical and practical proposal of sustainability indicators”.

Download presentation (in Spanish)
