Archivo de la categoría: Visits

Seminar and visit: Joanilio Teixeira (University of Brasilia, Brazil)

In the last two months, Joanilio Teixeira, Emeritus Professor at University of Brasilia, Brazil, has visited the Faculty of Business and Economics. Joanilio research is focused on the study of Heterodox Macroeconomics.

Last February 25th, Joanilio presented, in the framework of the Macroeconomics Seminar, the conference entitled “Controversies in Heterodox Macroeconomics: Post-Keynesians Vs. Kaleckians”.

You’ll always succeed if you start citing Bertolt Brecht: “The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error”, and ending citing Bhaduri “Nothing is more destructive to a political system that the lack of hope for a better future”, as Joanilio did. In between, the Kaleckian vision of the economy, seasoned with an incredible carreer, really close to some of the big names of the economy, was unraveled.

At the same seminar, our team member Óscar Dejuan presented the paper “Kaldor’s theories of distribution” published in Revista de Economía Crítica.

Thank you Joanilio for the visit and for the presentation.

We hope to see you soon again!

Enrique Gilles (EAN) visits GEAR

Last Friday, September 21st, the EAN’s (Bogotá, Colombia) lecturer and researcher Enrique Gilles visited the GEAR group. During the stay, Enrique presented the main potential research lines of collaboration analyzing hot topics in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America.

After the presentation, in a kind of brainstorm meeting, GEAR members presented the current research lines of the group and the potential matches with Enrique’s topic proposals.

The collaboration is just rolling out!!

Thank you, Enrique, for your visit.

“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”: screening invitation

GEAR, within the framework of the 14th Edition of the “Movies and Economics Seminar”, invites you to the screening of the latest Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”.

José Julio del Olmo, a recognized local activist from “Ecologistas en Acción“, will present the movie and will motivate a discussion after the screening.

PLACE: Aula Magna – Faculty of Economics, University of Castilla-La Mancha

DATE AND TIME:  February 22nd (Thursday,) – 6 p.m.

PRESENTER: José Julio del Olmo (Ecologistas en Acción)

See you on the movies!



Two researchers from the “Instituto Superior Técnico” of the University of Lisbon and MARETEC and one from the “Escuela de Ingeniería Minera e Industrial de Almadén” of the UCLM, have visited GEAR.

Last Tuesday, May 23, Kai Whiting, Gabriel Carmona and Ángeles Carrasco visited GEAR and presented their research lines and a paper entitled “Material services: with both eyes fully open”.

At the working meeting, some lines of future collaboration between the two teams were established, within the already established collaborations with the director of MARETEC (, Tiago Domingos.

Thanks for the visit guys!


Master lecture by Iñaki Arto: “La huella energética del desarrollo humano”

Some pictures of Iñaki Arto’s presentation in the frame of the Master in “Growth and Sustainable Development” (Máster Universitario en Crecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible), from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).

Iñaki, research professor at Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), has presented a piece of his work  about the energy requirements of a developed world.

Thanks to Iñaki and all the attendees!


Master Lecture: Iñaki Arto

The Master in “Growth and Sustainable Development” (Máster Universitario en Crecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible), from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), invites you to the Master Lecture entitled: “La huella energética del desarrollado humano” by Iñaki Arto.

Our friend Iñaki, is Research Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) in Bilbao, Spain.  (LINK)

All GEAR members are part of the teaching staff of the “Growth and Sustainable Development Master”, and are proud to invite you to the Master Lecture that will be held next Tuesday 13th at the Salón de Actos of the Faculty of Economics and Bussines Sciences in Albacete.

See you then!



Invited researcher: Mona Chitnis (University of Surrey, UK)

During July, GEAR-UCLM has been visited by the researcher and lecturer Mona Chitnis from the University of Surrey, Guilford (United Kingdom). With this visit, Mona and the GEAR-UCLM members have strengthened potential common collaborations.

Last Wednesday, July 27th, Mona presented her last contributions in the field of the estimation of direct and indirect rebounds effects for UK households in the framework a research seminar with the GEAR-UCLM group.

Thank you Mona for visiting us!

More about Dr. Mona Chitnis at:


Kurt Kratena visits GEAR

Last Thursday, May 12th, GEAR team was visited  by the researcher of  the Centre of Economic Scenario Analysis and Research, S.L. – CESAR ( and the Austrian Institute of Economic Research, WIFO ( Kurt is also Associate Professor at the University of Loyola (Seville).

At the working meeting, some lines of future collaboration between the two teams were established.

Reunión con Kurt (002)