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The Global Energy and Environmental Economic Analysis Research Group (GEAR) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) has signed a new contract with UNEF to develop the 2017-2018 macroeconomic status report of the solar photovoltaic sector in Spain.

The report will present a detailed economic, social and environmental assessment of the current situation of the solar photovoltaics Spanish sector in an MRIO context.

The report is going to be presented ending May in the UNEF’s headquarter in Madrid.

GEAR acknowledges UNEF the confidence in the Academic Research, as helps to spread to the society and to the economy the scientific knowledge.

Presentation of the “Photovoltaics Macroeonomic Status Report”

The Global Energy and Environmental Economic Analysis Research Group (GEAR) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) has developed the macroeconomic status report of the photovoltaic sector in Spain, entitled “El desarrollo actual de la energía fotovoltaica en España”.

The press release of the presentation was held last September 13th in the UNEF’s headquarter in Madrid. Jorge Zafrilla, the coordinator of the report, highlighted the current macroeconomic situation of the sector and its optimistic future regarding the current and forthcoming legislation on renewables energies in Europe and Spain. At the same time, the UNEF’s general manager, José Donoso, and the UNEF’s president, Jorge Barredo, presented the “2017 UNEF’s Annual Report“.

The project has been developed in the framework UNEF (Unión Nacional Fotovoltaica) and GEAR-UCLM collaboration agreement.

GEAR acknowledges UNEF the confidence in the Academic Research, as helps to spread to the society and to the economy the scientific knowledge.


GEAR in national press (Materia – El País)

María Ángeles Cadarso, the GEAR’s Group co-director, has participated today in MATERIA, the scientifical section of the national newspaper EL PAÍS.

The interview is related to a recently Nature Climate Change published paper about the Global Tourism Industry impact on Climate Change.

María Ángeles has provided some Spanish carbon footprint evidence for the case of the Tourism Industry. Comments are based on some of the results shown in previously GEAR’s published papers in the Journal of Cleaner Production and in the Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Big pleasure!



New publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production

GEAR team members Luis A. López, Guadalupe Arce and Jorge Zafrilla, in collaboration with Manuel Morenate, graduate student of the Master’s Degree Programme
in Sustainable Growth and Development, have recently published a new paper in the Journal of Cleaner Production entitled “How does income redistribution affect households’ material footprint?”.


LINK to the Journal:



GEAR participates in the UCLM-MUST experience

The GEAR’s researcher Guadalupe Arce participated in the second UCLM-MUST seminar.

Students from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) and from the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) attended to the conference and participated in the groupal dynamic guided by Guadalupe. The activity was entitled “Consecuencias medioambientales del comercio España-China”.

Thanks to the organizers for the invitation and for proposal of all of these constructive alternatives and experiences in the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences in Albacete.

More information about the seminar here:


GEAR on the Radio!

Jorge Zafrilla, one of the GEAR members, has been interviewed in “Castilla-La Mancha Hoy” from CMM Media Radio.

In this interview, Jorge tries to explain a recent GEAR publication in Nature Climate Change about the Technology-based assumption to share, globally, emissions responsibilities among countries.

If you are interested, please hear here the interview:

Language: Spanish.



Original vector-image:

Call for papers “SHAIO 7th Conference of Input-Output Analysis” Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico

The 7th Conference of Input-Output Analysis to be held in Mérida, Yucatán, México, birthplace of the great Mayan culture. This culture actually shines thanks to the descendants who inhabit the region and who carry out productive activities that require an okol (input) as well as a Jóok’ol(output or product), according the Mayan language. Initially these villages exchange the processed products and others were transported to other markets thanks to the white roads (sak béoob). With the arrival of the Spaniards, there were changes in those societies but did not prevent the commercial flows subsist.

The key dates are:

  • Abstract submission – May 22, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance – June 02, 2017
  • Full paper submission – July 24, 2017
  • Registration for the Spanish School – July 21, 2017
  • Submission Emilio Fontela Prize – July 21, 2017
  • Early bird registration – July 24, 2017
  • Regular registration – August 31, 2017
  • Spanish School of IOA – September 18, 2017
  • Spanish Conference on IOA – September 19-20, 2017

Please check all the information in: 

See you in Mexico!!


Master lecture by Iñaki Arto: “La huella energética del desarrollo humano”

Some pictures of Iñaki Arto’s presentation in the frame of the Master in “Growth and Sustainable Development” (Máster Universitario en Crecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible), from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).

Iñaki, research professor at Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), has presented a piece of his work  about the energy requirements of a developed world.

Thanks to Iñaki and all the attendees!


Master Lecture: Iñaki Arto

The Master in “Growth and Sustainable Development” (Máster Universitario en Crecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible), from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), invites you to the Master Lecture entitled: “La huella energética del desarrollado humano” by Iñaki Arto.

Our friend Iñaki, is Research Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) in Bilbao, Spain.  (LINK)

All GEAR members are part of the teaching staff of the “Growth and Sustainable Development Master”, and are proud to invite you to the Master Lecture that will be held next Tuesday 13th at the Salón de Actos of the Faculty of Economics and Bussines Sciences in Albacete.

See you then!
