Archivo de la categoría: Conferences

Master lecture by Iñaki Arto: “La huella energética del desarrollo humano”

Some pictures of Iñaki Arto’s presentation in the frame of the Master in “Growth and Sustainable Development” (Máster Universitario en Crecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible), from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).

Iñaki, research professor at Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), has presented a piece of his work  about the energy requirements of a developed world.

Thanks to Iñaki and all the attendees!


GEAR in Paris

Many members of GEAR have attended and presented 6 papers in the ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT KNOWLEDGE WEEK (E2KW), an international conference organized by CYTEMA-UCLM in collaboration with UPEC-Cetreil. The six papers presented were:

  • “Analizing the interdependence of renewable energy and wealth generation”, López-Bernabé, E., Córcoles, C. y Carrasco, I. (POSTER)
  • “Mexico and Brazil: Global value chains and CO2 emissions embodied in trade”, Banacloche, S., Cadarso, M.A. y Monsalve, F.
  • “Is the emperor naked? Tracking the environmental and social footprint of EU 2007-2013 Finanncial Framework”, Monsalve, F., Zafrilla, J.E., Cadarso, M.A. y García-Alaminos, Á. (POSTER)
  • “Global emissions chains and multinational enterprises: Measuring responsibilities following the control criterion”, López, L.A., Cadarso, M.A., Zafrilla, J.E. y Arce, G.
  • “Are we greener or just older? Present and future CO2 diet emissions in Spain”, Tobarra, M.A., Gómez, N. y Druckman, A.
  • Environmental impact from Spanish food waste and its alternative: If I waste there will be trouble, if I don’t there will be double” Tobarra, M.A., Gómez, N. y Chtinis, M.


GEAR in 4CMR Seminars, University of Cambridge

Jorge E. Zafrilla has been invited by the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research (4CMR) to giving a talk entitled: “The environmental impacts of linkages effects in the global production chains” as part of 4CMR Seminars.

When: April 30th, 2014, from 1:00 PM to 2 PM
Where: 4CMR Seminar Room; 19 Silver Street, Cambridge CB39EP

GEAR Seminar at 4CMR:

4CMR Seminars Program: