Recent publication

Óscar Dejuán and María Ángeles Cadarso, both GEAR members, in collaboration with Manfren Lenzen, have recently publish the book entitled «Environmental and Economic Impacts of Decarbonization. Input-Output Studies on the Consequences of the 2015 Paris Agreements», Routledge.

Many questions arise from the Paris Agreement that points to a second Industrial Revolution. What are the required changes in the structure of production and in the patterns of consumption? What will be their impacts on emissions, employment and international trade? This book answers these questions from a variety of  input-output models able to compute the impacts on specific sectors and regions.

This volume has 17 chapters written by 52 co-authors who are specialists in input-output analysis and environmental sustainability. They come from 24 universities, research centers and international agencies all over the world, sharing their commitments to explain important and complex ideas in a way that is understandable to the non-experts and experts alike.


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