The goal of this scenario is the provision of a case of study where designers have to model the biophysical conditions as part of a context-aware system for a ubiquitous computing environment.
The system adjusts the PDA screen colors according to the cardiac pulse of the PDA owner. So, the system seta solid colors on the PDA screen to the leverage cardiac pulse of the owner, and sets pastel colors to decrease cardiac pulse.
This scenario is depicted on Figure 51. In this case the system checks the cardiac pulse of the user that owns a PDA running a cardiac pulse aware application. A Bluetooth sensor is capable of measuring the PDA owner cardiac pulse and this information is sent to the mobile device that processes it and acts accordingly.

If cardiac pulse is higher than 110, then a pastel color theme is applied to the PDA application form. On the other hand, if the owner cardiac pulse is lower than 60, then a solid color theme is applied to the PDA application form.
Tocarry out this task, the following 3 tasks were defined:
- The GetCardiacPulse that gets the cardiac pulse of the PDA owner
- The SetPastelColors that sets pastel colors to the PDA desktop and applications
- The SetDolidColors that sets solid colors to the PDA desktop and applications