Information Layer (PIM)

The goal of this metamodel is providing developers/designers with tools to represent context features in terms of enties. To carry out this task, the metamodel allows the creation of two views of the entities: the intra-entity and inter-entity views.

The inter-entity view depicts the relationships among different entities and it is divided into two sub-views:

  1. The inter-entity communication view that shows the connections between entities (represented by the Information Flow Metamodel).
  2. The inter-entity instance view that shows how entities are grouped to exchange information (represented by the Space Reference Metamodel).

The intra-entity view depicts the entity itself and it is divided into two sub-views:

  1. The environment perception view that represent the environment from the entity point of view (represented by the Entity Context Metamodel).
  2. The entity core view that represents the entity itself (it not covered by the thesis; it depends on the application domain).

The Figure 13 depicts metamodels’ relationship.

Information Layer Metamodel
Figure 13: Information Layer Metamodel

You can reference this work as:
Ricardo Tesoriero, José A. Gallud, María D. Lozano and Víctor M. R. Penichet. CAUCE: Model-driven Development of Context-aware Applications for Ubiquitous Computing Environments
Journal of Universal Computer Science,  Vol. 16,  No. 15, pp. 2111-2138. 2010. Link: