epartmento de Producción Vegetal y Tecnología Agraria – BIOECO – ECONOMIA AGROALIMENTARIA Y FORESTAL.BIOECONOMIA – GEAR Research Group
Postal Address: P.º de los Estudiantes, s/n, 02006 Albacete
e-mail: Guadalupe.Arce@uclm.es
Research Areas:
- Input-Output Analysis
- International Trade
- Anthropogenical Footprints
- Emissions Balances
Scientific Publications:
- Arce, G., García-Alaminos, Á., Ortiz, M., & Zafrilla, J. (2024). Attributing climate-change-related disaster displacement responsibilities along global production chains. iScience, 27(11), 111124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.111124 LINK
- Sánchez-Serrano, M., Zafrilla, J., Ortiz, M., Arce, G., 2024. Carbon taxation and related vulnerability of Spanish urban and rural households in a regional level. Regional Science Policy & Practice 16, 100123 LINK
- Fernández, S., Arce, G., García-Alaminos, Á., Cazcarro, I., & Arto, I. (2024). Climate change as a veiled driver of migration in Bangladesh and Ghana. Science of The Total Environment, 922, 171210. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171210 LINK
- López, L.-A., Arce, G., Cadarso, M.-Á., Ortiz, M., Zafrilla, J. (2023) The global dissemination to multinationals of the carbon emissions ruling on Shell. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. In Press. LINK
- López, L.A., Arce, G., Osorio, P. (2023): “Foreign multinationals affiliates and countries’ carbon upstreamness. How could these firms support the fulfilment of emissions reduction targets?”, Journal of Environmental Management 326, 116714. LINK
- García-Alaminos, Á., et al. (2021). «Reassembling social defragmented responsibilities: the indecent labour footprint of US multinationals overseas.» Economic Systems Research: vol 33, issue 4, pages 536-554. LINK
- López, L. A., Arce, G., & Jiang, X. (2020). Mapping China’s flows of emissions in the world’s carbon footprint: A network approach of production layers. Energy Economics, 87, 104739. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104739 LINK
- Zafrilla, J.-E., Arce, G., Cadarso, M.-Á., Córcoles, C., Gómez, N., López, L.-A., Monsalve, F., Tobarra, M.-Á., 2019. Triple bottom line analysis of the Spanish solar photovoltaic sector: A footprint assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, 109311. LINK
- López, L.-A., Cadarso, M.-Á., Zafrilla, J., Arce, G., 2019. The carbon footprint of the U.S. multinationals’ foreign affiliates. Nature Communications 10, 1672. LINK
- López, L.A., Arce, G., Serrano, M. 2019. Extreme Inequality and Carbon Footprint of Spanish Households. In Carbon Footprints: Case Studies from the Building, Household, and Agricultural Sectors. LINK
- López, L.A., Arce, G., Kronenberg, T. and Rodrigues, J. 2018. Trade from resource-rich countries avoids the existence of a global pollution haven hypothesis. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 175, pp. 599-611. LINK
- Cadarso, M.-Á., F. Monsalve, and G. Arce. 2018. Emissions burden shifting in global value chains – winners and losers under multi-regional versus bilateral accounting. Economic Systems Research: 1-23. LINK
- Arce, G., L. A. López, M. Á. Cadarso, and N. Gómez. 2017. Carbon leakage risk criteria to strengthen the effectiveness of INDCs. In Environmental and Economic Impacts of Decarbonization. Input-Output Studies on the Consequences of the 2015 Paris Agreements, edited by O. Dejuán, et al.: Routledge -Taylor&Francis Group- LINK
- Arce, G., J. E. Zafrilla, L. A. López, and M. Á. Tobarra. (2017). Carbon footprint of human settlements in Spain. In Carbon Footprint and the Industrial Lifecycle – From Urban Planning to Recycling, edited by R. Álvarez, et al. LINK
- López, L.A., Arce, G., Morenate, M. and Zafrilla, J.E. (2017): «How does income redistribution affect households’ material footprint?», Journal of Cleaner Production, in press DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.142, LINK
- López, L.A., Arce, G., Morenate, M. and Monsalve, F. (2016): «Assessing the Inequality of Spanish Households through the Carbon Footprint: The 21st Century Great Recession Effect», Journal of Industrial Ecology (JIE), (Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp. 571–581). DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12466
- Arce, G., López, L.A. and Guan, D. (2016): «Carbon emissions embodied in international trade: The post-China era», Applied Energy (APEN), in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.05.084
- Arce, G. (2014): «Fuga de carbono, hipótesis refugio de emisiones e hipótesis alternativas. Una revisión de la literatura», Información Comercial Española (ICE), (Vol. 881, pp. 167-178), December, 2014.
- Arce, G. (2014): “Emisiones asociadas al comercio internacional: La era post-China”, Póster
- López, L.A., Cadarso, M.A., Zafrilla, J.E. and Arce, G. (2014): “Assessing the implication on air pollution of an alternative control-based criterion”, Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences (PNAS), June, 4, 2014. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1406948111
- López, L.A., Arce, G. and Zafrilla, J.E. (2014): “China, refugio de emisiones de España”, Investigación y Ciencia sección Panorama, número 451, mes de abril
- López, L.-A., Arce, G. and Zafrilla, J.E. (2014): “Financial Crisis, Virtual Carbon in Global Value Chains, and the Importance of Linkage Effects. The Spain–China Case”, Environmental Science & Technology (Vol. 48, pp. 36-44): American Chemical Society
- Arce, G. (2013): “1.2 gigatoneladas de CO2 evitadas por el comercio internacional”, Póster
- López, L.A., Arce, G. and Zafrilla, J.E. (2013): “Parcelling virtual carbon in the pollution haven hypothesis”, Energy Economics, vol. 39, pages 177-186
Bachelor´s Degrees
- Principles of Economics