Department of Economics and Finance – GEAR Research Group
Address: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Postal Address: Plaza de la Universidad, 1, CP: 02071, Albacete, Spain. Phone: +34926053549; Room: 3.23
Research Areas:
- Input-Output Analysis
- Environmental Economics
- Energy Economics
- Environmental and Energy Policy Modelling
- International Trade
- Offshoring
- Environmental Impact from International Freight Transport.
Scientific Publications:
Pinilla-Quintana, I.; Martín-Moraleda, E.; Hernández-Martínez, A.; Mota, C.; Martínez-Romero, M. T.; Gómez, N.; García-Coll, M. V.; Cabanillas, E.; Dorado-Suárez, A.; Santos, M. P.; Crone, D. M.; Romero-Blanco, C.; Molina-García, J.; Mandic, S.; Jiménez-Zazo, F.; Aznar, S. Walkable Distances to School in Urban, Semi-Urban and Rural Areas: The PACO Y PACA Study. Preprints 2024, 2024092132. LINK
Martín-Moraleda, E., Pinilla-Quintana, I., Jiménez-Zazo, F., Martínez-Romero, M. T., Dorado-Suárez, A., Romero-Blanco, C., García-Coll, V., Cabanillas, E., Mota-Utanda, C., Gómez, N., Hernández-Martínez, A., Molina-García, J., Crone, D., Santos, M. P., Mandic, S., & Aznar, S. (2023). Protocolo del Proyecto PACOyPACA CLM : (Pedalea y Anda al Cole y Pedalea y Anda a Casa en Castilla-La Mancha). Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 12(2), 1–22. LINK
- López, L.-A., Tobarra, M.-A., Cadarso, M.-Á., Gómez, N. y Cazcarro, I. (2022). Eating local and in-season fruits and vegetables: Carbon-water-employment trade-offs and synergies. Ecological Economics, 192, 107270. doi: LINK
- Cadarso, M. Á., Tobarra, M. Á., García-Alaminos, Á., Ortiz, M., Gómez, N. y Zafrilla, J. (2022). The Input–Output Method for Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Tourism: An Application to the Spanish Tourism Industry. In J. Ren (Ed.), Advances of Footprint Family for Sustainable Energy and Industrial Systems: Springer International Publishing. LINK
- M.-Á. Cadarso, M. A. Tobarra, A. García-Alaminos, M. Ortiz, N. Gómez and J. Zafrilla. The Input–Output Method for Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Tourism: An Application to the Spanish Tourism Industry, In: Advances of Footprint Family for Sustainable Energy and Industrial Systems, edited by J. Ren Springer Nature 2021 LINK
- Zafrilla, J.-E., Arce, G., Cadarso, M.-Á., Córcoles, C., Gómez, N., López, L.-A., Monsalve, F., Tobarra, M.-Á., 2019. Triple bottom line analysis of the Spanish solar photovoltaic sector: A footprint assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, 109311. LINK
- Tobarra, M. A., López, L. A., Cadarso, M. A., Gómez, N., & Cazcarro, I. (2018). Is Seasonal Households’ Consumption Good for the Nexus Carbon/Water Footprint? The Spanish Fruits and Vegetables Case. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(21), 12066-12077 LINK
- Arce, G., L. A. López, M. Á. Cadarso, and N. Gómez. 2017. Carbon leakage risk criteria to strengthen the effectiveness of INDCs. In Environmental and Economic Impacts of Decarbonization. Input-Output Studies on the Consequences of the 2015 Paris Agreements, edited by O. Dejuán, et al.: Routledge -Taylor&Francis Group- LINK
- Gómez, N., Cadarso, M.A. and Monsalve, F. (2016): «Carbon footprint of a university in a multiregional model: the case of the University of Castilla-La Mancha», Journal of Cleaner Production. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.06.009
- Cadarso, M.A., Gómez, N., López, L.A. and Tobarra, M.A. (2016): «Calculating tourism’s carbon footprint: measuring the impact of investments», Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 111, part B, pp. 529–537). DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.09.019
- Tobarra, M.A., Gómez, N. and Druckman, A. (2015): “IS OUR DIET ENVIRONMENTALLY HEALTHY? ”, Poster
- Dejuán, Ó., Córcoles, C., Gómez, N. and Tobarra, M.A. (2015): “Forecasting energy demand through a dynamic input-output model”, Economics and Business Letters, 4, (3), 108-115
- Cadarso, M.Á., Gómez, N., López, L.A., Tobarra, M.A. and Zafrilla, J.E. (2015): “Quantifying Spanish tourism’s carbon footprint: the contributions of residents and visitors. A longitudinal study», Journal of Sustainable Tourism (Vol. 23 (6), pp. 922-946), DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2015.1008497
- López, L.A., Cadarso, M.A., Gómez, N. and Tobarra, M.A. (2015): «Food miles, carbon footprint and global value chains for Spanish agriculture: assessing the impact of a carbon border tax», Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 103, pp. 423–436). DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.01.039
- Gómez, N., Tobarra, M.Á. and López, L.A. (2014). «Employment opportunities in Spain: Gender differences by education and ICT usage.» Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, vol. 14(3), pages 105-130. LINK
- Cadarso, M. A.; Gómez, N.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2012): “International Trade and Shared Environmental Responsibility by Sector. An Application to the Spanish Economy”, Ecological Economics, vol. 83, pp. 221-235
- Cadarso, M. A.; Gómez, N.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2012): “Offshoring components and their effect on employment: firms deciding how and where”, Applied economics, vol. 44 (8), pp. 1009-1020
- Cadarso, M. A.; Gómez, N.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2010): “CO2 emissions of international freight transport and offshoring: measurement and allocation”, Ecological Economics, 69, 1682-1694
- Cadarso, M.A., Gómez, N. López, L.A., Tobarra, M.A. and Zafrilla, J.E. (2010): “Emisiones de CO2 Asociadas al transporte de turistas en la economía española”, in “Investigaciones, métodos y análisis del turismo”, pages 255-267, Universitas, Oviedo
- Pedregal, D.J.; Dejuán, Ó.; Gómez, N. and Tobarra, M.A. (2009): “Modelling demand for crude oil products in Spain”, Energy Policy, vol. 37, pp. 4417-4427
- Calderón, M.J.; Gómez, N.; López, L.A. y Tobarra, M.A. (2009): “Patentes, proximidad tecnológica y empleo industrial en Castilla-La Mancha”, Revista de Estudios Regionales, vol. 85, pp. 197-219
- Cadarso, M. A.; Gómez, N.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2009): “Deslocalización a nivel regional: El caso de la industria y los servicios en la Comunidad de Madrid”, Papeles de Europa, 18, pp. 93-120
- Cadarso, M. A.; Gómez, N.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2009): “El offshoring como práctica para mejorar los resultados empresariales. Cambio técnico versus sustitución de inputs en la industria española”, Economía Industrial, 373, pp. 33-43
- Cadarso, M.A.; Gómez, N.; López, L.A. and Tobarra, M.A. (2008): “The EU enlargement and the impact of outsourcing on industrial employment in Spain, 1993-2003”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 19 (1), pp. 95-108
- Cadarso, M. A.; Gómez, N.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2008): “Especialización vertical en la industria y los servicios: convergencia en la Unión Europea”, Revista de Estudios Empresariales, 1, pp. 65-87
- Gómez, N.; López, L.A. and Tobarra, M.A. (2008): “Efectos de la difusión de las TIC sobre la eficiencia de las diferentes actividades productivas en la economía española”, in Banegas, J. and Myro, R. (eds) El impacto de las TIC en la economía española, Thomson-Civitas, pp. 129-163.
- Cadarso, M. A.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2007): “Especialización vertical, outsourcing e inversión directa en la industria española”, Revista de Economía Mundial, 16, pp. 27-55
- Cadarso, M.A.; Gómez, N.; López, L.A. and Tobarra, M.A. (2007): “Spanish industrial employment, vertical specialisation and outsourcing to the EU candidates”, en Vahtra y Pelto (ed.). The future competitiveness of the EU and its eastern neighbours, Pan-European Institute, Turku (Finland).
- Gómez, N.; López, L. A. and Tobarra, M. A. (2006): “Pautas de deslocalización de la industria española en el entorno europeo (1995-2000): la competencia de los países de bajos salarios”, Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española, 2884, pp. 25-42
- Gómez, N.; López, L.A. and Tobarra, M.A. (2006): “Difusión y absorción de TIC en la industria española”, Economía Industrial, vol. 360, pp. 117-130
Bachelor´s Degrees
- Principles of Economics
- Intermediate Microeconomics
- Intermediate Macroeconomics
Master´s Degrees – Master in Growth and Sustainable Development
- Environmental Economics