Documental CAAC

Documental CAAC (2016)

Documental CAAC (Integrated Subtitles) from CAAC Cuenca on Vimeo.

Documental CAAC (Integrated Subtitles) from CAAC Cuenca on Vimeo.

Contemporary Art’s Archives & Collections of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca (Spain) [CAAC-Cuenca], is a mark that emerge in late 2012 with the intention of bringing together the set of centers, museums, collections and archives that some teachers-researchers have been built since the creation of the Faculty, in 1986. The aim is to achieve after all these years compiling heritage resources with a common framework of artistic practices developed by the alternative avant-gardes which emerged over the second half of the twentieth century and early twenty-first.

Cuenca y sus Colecciones y Archivos de Arte Contemporáneo