Science and Mathematics for All Students: It’s Just Good Teaching

Author: The Science and Mathematics Education Unit in cooperation with the Center for National Origin, Race, and Sex Equity

Recommended by: Raquel Fernández-Cézar

“This publication includes proposals for teaching science and mathematics from an inclusive perspective, with an emphasis on low-achieving students.”

Inquiry Strategies for Science and Mathematics Learning. It’s Just Good Teaching.

Author: Jarrett, D.

Recommended by: Raquel Fernández-Cézar

“This publication includes question-based teaching approaches for science and mathematics.”

Healthy habits in pre-schoolers and their families. An invitation to reflection

Author: Solano-Pinto, N., Canales, I.S., Cézar, R.F., López, S.C., & Bardera, C.P.

Recommended by: Natalia Solano Pinto

“This study analyses some health-related habits in a sample of families with children aged 3-5 years.”

VIA Institute – Values in action

Author: VIA Institute on Character

Recommended by: Natalia Solano Pinto

“This website offers information about type of Character strengths and resources professionals in positive psychology field. Special interesting are topic about mindfulness and stress. Different resources are used to show the application of character strengths in different field, such as in education context.”

Body image in children and adolescents

Author: Solano-Pinto, N.

Recommended by: Natalia Solano Pinto

“These slides show a preliminary result of a study by the “Mirada Crítica” research group from UCLM. This slideshow was presented in Schools for health in Europe, in Sain-Etienne (France, Lyon University) on the 6th November of 2019”

Using Smartphones as Experimental Tools, a Follow-up: Cognitive Effects by Video Analysis and Reduction of Cognitive Load by Multiple Representations

Author: Hochberg, K., Becker, S., Louis, M. et al.

Recommended by: Natalia Solano Pinto

“The principal aim in this paper is research about the cognitive effects of mobile devices (smartphones or tablets) among students at secondary schools. This research use a quasi- experimental study through treatment- control group comparison in relationship affective variables such as interest, self- concept and curiosity.”

Body size attitudes and body image perception among preschool children and their parents: a preliminary study

Author: Kościcka, K., Czepczor, K., & Brytek-Matera, A.

Recommended by: Natalia Solano Pinto

“In this paper you can find information about body image development among children and their parents. Besides, it’s a quantitative research with contrast between parents and their children in relationship between thin and muscular ideal internalization and, on the other hand, family, media and peer pressure.”

A Biopsychosocial Approach to Risk and Resilience on Behaviour in Children Followed from Birth to Age 12

Author: Agnafors, S., Svedin, C.G., Oreland, L. et al.

Recommended by: Natalia Solano Pinto

“In this paper contains information about resilience concept and quantitative research about a model to explication about relationship child temperament, social functioning, and maternal sense of coherence. This evolutive components would be an important factor in order to understand the mental health in children.”