Estrategias metodológicas básicas del Plan de Lenguas de Centro de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Cádiz (en Español)

Author: Rubio, F., Romero, E., Herrero, F. y Zayas, F.

Recommended by: Alicia Fernández Barrera

“Este artículo presenta las estrategias y técnicas aplicadas en la formación de profesorado de áreas no lingüísticas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación en el enfoque metodológico AICLE, con el fin de adaptar el perfil docente del profesorado hacia planteamientos metodológicos integradores.”

Internationalisation, higher education and the growing demand for English: An investigation into the EMI movement in China and Japan

Author: Galloway, N., Kriukow, J. & Numajiri, T.

Recommended by: Alicia Fernández Barrera

“This paper is a report of a study which aimed to understand the new and emerging global trend of EMI.”

Implementing English-medium instruction (EMI) in China: teachers’ practices and perceptions, and students’ learning motivation and needs

Author: Jiang, L., Zhang, L. J. & May, S.

Recommended by: Gema Alcaráz Mármol

“It deals with EMI instructions in different areas, focusing on communication strategies. It also explores FL students’ motivation and academic interest.”

Lecturer education for English Medium Instruction

Author: Martín del Pozo, M. A.

Recommended by: Alicia Fernández Barrera

“This paper reflects on the concept of English Medium Instruction and presents the benefits for institutions and practitioners involved. Special attention is given to methodological implications and teacher training, including some indications for trainers or for those who may undertake autonomous training to teach through English.”