The digital book entitled «Social work: art to generate links» is now available, with papers and communications from the III International Congress of Social Work, held in October 2016 at the Donostia / San Sebastián campus of the University of Deusto. In this congress, professors Emilio Gómez Ciriano, José María Herranz de la Casa and Esther Mercado García presented the communication titled: «The MOMU project or how to work synergistically from Journalism, Fine Arts and Social Work to favor the labor integration of young people in situation of Social vulnerability «.
Categoría: News
Drawing the journey to find a job
The session on April 26th of the student pilot session was held with students from the School of Art «José María Cruz Novillo» in Cuenca. The session was led by Julia, a professor at Cruz Novillo School; Esther, professor of the UCM; Yolanda of the association ACCEM and Pedro, professor of the UCLM.
Marja: «In Finland, young people don´t have as high unemploment rate as here in Spain»
Here you can listen the radio program with Marja Susi and Anne Syvälahti from Turku University of Applied Sciences. They visited the University of Castilla-La Mancha to participate in the students pilot seminars froim 25th to 28th April.
Third meeting of the project MOMU in Tartu is already dated
The University of Tartu (Estonia) will host the next intensive international seminar of the European project Ka2 Eramus +, MOMU (Moving towards multiprofessional work) from 2nd to 6th October 2017. The last one was at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in October 2016. This project aims to promote the employability of young people between the ages of 15 and 29 through a training that combines educational tools from the Arts and Social Work. This seminar will be attended by about 20 researchers from the four universities that are part of the project: Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), University of Tartu (Estonia) and University of Castilla-La Mancha
All the countries schedule their pilot sessions with students and external visitors
The pilot sessions with the students in the different universities participating in the MOMU project are scheduled. The first will be hosted in Cuenca from 24th to 28th April. In Finland it will be hosted from 8th to 12nd May. In the United Kingdom it will take place from 22nd to 26th May, and finally in Estonia from 24th to 28yh July. In addition to the organizers, there will be participants from different universities of the project, with the aim of learning and reviewing the most relevant aspects and good practices for the handbook.
New training session with professionals and professors
The next 15th March will be a new training session with professionals and professors. The seminar will take place in room 1.16 of the building Melchor Cano from 11:30 to 14:30 in Cuenca. The program for this day is to make different dynamics to work in a multiprofessional way between social workers, artists and professors. The results will be the first step to take to the classroom the multiprofessional work with students, professors and professionals in April session. Teachers and professionals in Social Work and Art have already participated in two other sessions hosted last November and December.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2017
First working session with social workers and arts professionals
Last 2nd December, MOMU Spain developed the first working session with different social work and art professionals. The participants belong to the City Council of Cuenca, ACCEM (working with immigrants and refugees), Cáritas (working with different groups in exclusion), Roosevelt Association (works with people with disabilities), Infantad Center Of Spain (works with people with disabilities) and Museum of Abstract Art of Cuenca.
The Workshop began with a presentation of the project objetives and the current situation by Emilio Gómez. After that Fernando Casas presented all the data of the Eurostat European Youth Survey (April 2016).
And finally, Óscar Martínez explained some good practices and cases about social work and art. This moment was the starting point of the discussion about the possibilities of being able to work in a multiprofessional way.
All the participants also presented their projects that relate both areas and the possibilities of working together for the development of a joint work between professors and professionals of both areas, social work and art. These professionals are also tutors of teaching practices with the university.
The session was closed with the commitment to continue sharing the information among the different groups that participated and with the objective set at the next working session in January 2017.
The first training with professor starts
Two days ago, last November 25th, the first working session was held with a group of 12 professors from the University of Castilla-La Mancha belonging to the Faculties of Social Work, Social Education, Journalism, Fine Arts and the School of Arts and Crafts Novillo Of Cuenca, which has a higher vocational training course.
Emilio Gómez presented the working session and the project objectives and the current situation of it. Then, Óscar Martínez explained some good practices and cases about social work and art, so that professors can understant some experiences that are already being developed.
After a break, the working session began in pairs between professor of social work and art. First Cristina Serna spoke about persuasion and this was the starting point to began working on a joint proposal by couples. And the objetive was that could be developed in the classroom with the students.
The results of this first session have been very enriching in order to be able to continue working in 2017, having as main objective the classroom and the multiprofessional work.
MOMU project dissemination at Congress of Social Work in San Sebastian
Emilio Gómez, coordinator of MOMU in Spain and the researchers José María Herranz and Esther Mercado presented a paper about MOMU project at the III International Congress of Social Work «Social Work: art to generate links» that was held in the campus of San Sebastián de The University of Deusto from 26th to 28th of October 2016.
The paper with the title: «The MOMU project or how to work synergistically from journalism, fine arts and social work to favor the integration of young people in situation of social vulnerability» explain the project’s progress after the first year of life and the perspectives of Future work. They also had the opportunity to exchange with other researchers different perspectives that could enrich the work in the coming months.