Mi.MO en Ljubljana 2013

Comisariado: Sylvia Molina. 
Venue: Association Gallery, Komenskega 8, Ljubljana. Date: 15th October 2013 to 22snd October 2013. Private view: 15th October 2013 at 18pm. 
Sylvia Molina, University lecturer in Fines Arts at University of Castilla La Mancha in Cuenca, is proud to present Mi.MO: Mierda-Moderna, an exhibition show with multiple artists that work focused within digital field. This exhibition will show diferent projects developed by these students using new technologies and tech-niques, from interactive projects to photography, performance, video animation and so on. These projects are linking to New Media and Arts, giving a special glance on the social critique, a reflection on new concepts and technologies that can open a new way to express the research of ideas and concepts and makes of this University one of the top universities in Spain. * Find out more: http://bellasartes.uclm.es/mimo