InEMICEF, is a teaching innovation project that aims to to promote and foster the internationalisation of the UCLM by carrying out a series of actions that have a positive impact on the quality and increase in the number of English-friendly subjects and of subjects taught in English in bilingual degrees as well. Its purpose is to provide resources for teachers in three dimensions: 1) Disciplinary materials and resources in English referring to different areas of knowledge. 2) Resources to promote the improvement of English proficiency in academic environments 3) Methodological support to implement instruction in English. 4) Key Research.

Project Aims & Objectives

  1. Reflect on the teaching practices carried out in the implementation of subjects from the English friendly catalogue (CEF) and subjects taught in English (EMI) in bilingual degrees and identify good practices and areas for improvement.
  2. To draw up a document that compiles good practices in EMI and CEF, containing general and specific elements of the various subject areas and the various degrees participating in the project to serve as a guide and support for teaching staff interested in taking part in one or other programme.
  3. To promote the improvement of the English language skills of the participating teaching staff, so that they can meet the demands of international students in tutorials and so that they can approach the possibility of being able to teach their subject in English.
  4. Update the online resource repository and maintain the web page that was created in the previous teaching innovation project “REMARE-EMI”, adding disciplinary materials for more subjects, and more resources to improve the linguistic and methodological skills necessary to support teaching in English and English-friendly subjects.
  5. Collaborate in the internationalisation and modernisation of the studies offered in the Education Faculties of Castilla-La Mancha.
  6. To promote coordination between the teachers of the different Faculties involved, both from the Department of Modern Philology (English) and the other departments that teach non-linguistic subjects, so that we can join forces and collaborate to achieve common objectives.


Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas Modern Philology (PROJECT DIRECTOR)

Alicia Fernández Barrera Modern Philology (DEPUTY DIRECTOR)

Prado Camacho Alarcón Modern Philology 

Raquel Fernández Cezar Mathematics 

José Antonio Cruz Lemus Information Technologies and Systems

Jesús Serrano Guerrero Jesú Information Technologies and Systems.

Mª Ángeles Rodríguez Domenech Geography and Territorial Planning

Victoria Guadamillas Gómez Modern Philology

Gema Alcaráz Mármol Modern Philology

María Isabel Jiménez González Modern Philology

David Carrascosa Cañego Modern Philology

Ángel Mateos Aparicio Martín-Albo Modern Philology

Lucas Baeyens Morata Modern Philology

Elena Dourakis López-Almodóvar Modern Philology

Rocío Porras Soriano Applied Mechanics and Project Engineering.

Mª Laura Soriano Dotor Analytical Chemistry and Food Technology.

Maria Stavraki Psychology

Beatriz García Fernández Pedagogy

Alicia Martínez González Mathematics

Gabriel Rodríguez Rodríguez Gabriel.Rrodriguez@uclm Applied Physics

Natalia Solano Pinto Psychology

Magdalena Custodio Espinar Modern Philology

Margarita Navarro Pérez Modern Philology

Marta del Pozo Beamud Modern Philology

José Reyes Ruiz Gallardo Pedagogy

David Molina García Mathematics

Irene Casanova Mata Modern Philology