ICLHE, is a teaching innovation project that aims to to promote and foster the internationalisation of the UCLM by carrying out a series of actions that have a positive impact on the quality and increase in the number of English-friendly subjects and of subjects taught in English in bilingual degrees as well. Its purpose is to provide resources for teachers in three dimensions: 1) Disciplinary materials and resources in English referring to different areas of knowledge. 2) Resources to promote the improvement of English proficiency in academic environments 3) Methodological support to implement instruction in English. 4) Key Research.
The main aims of this project are:
(i) To develop teaching resources for teaching in another language.
(ii) To establish dynamics aimed at the acquisition of linguistic and methodological skills for the integration of content and language in higher education (ICLHE).
Therefore, this project constitutes a scenario to, in line with previous teaching innovation projects, continue collaborating in the improvement of linguistic and methodological training of teachers with several actions:
(i) Maintenance and inclusion of new resources in the repository of materials for teaching in English and for the improvement of linguistic competences in English, created in the teaching project “REMARE-EMI” and updated during the InEMICEF project.
(ii) Compilation of resources for independent English language learning.
(iii) Dissemination of various training offers and means of linguistic accreditation
(iv) Organization of an in-house training course
(iv) Reflection and observation of ICLHE practices.
Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas Esther.Nieto@uclm.es Modern Philology (PROJECT DIRECTOR)
Alicia Fernández Barrera Alicia.FBarrera@uclm.es Modern Philology (DEPUTY DIRECTOR)
Raquel Fernández Cezar Raquel.FCezar@uclm.es Mathematics
José Antonio Cruz Lemus JoseAntonio.Cruz@uclm.es Information Technologies and Systems
Jesús Serrano Guerrero Jesús.Serrano@uclm.es Information Technologies and Systems
Mª Ángeles Rodríguez Domenech MAngeles.Rodriguez@uclm.es Geography and Territorial Planning
Victoria Guadamillas Gómez Victoria.Guadamillas@uclm.es Modern Philology
Gema Alcaráz Mármol Gema.Alcaraz@uclm.es Modern Philology
María Isabel Jiménez González Mariaisabel.Jimenez@uclm.es Modern Philology
David Carrascosa Cañego David.Carrascosa@uclm.es Modern Philology
Lucas Baeyens Morata Lucas.Baeyens@uclm.es Modern Philology
Elena Dourakis López-Almodóvar elenadourakis@gmail.com Modern Philology
Rocío Porras Soriano Rocio.Porras@uclm.es Applied Mechanics and Project Engineering
Mª Laura Soriano Dotor Laura.Soriano@uclm.es Analytical Chemistry and Food Technology
Beatriz García Fernández Beatriz.Garcia@uclm.es Pedagogy
Alicia Martínez González Alicia.Martinez@uclm.es Mathematics
Gabriel Rodríguez Rodríguez Gabriel.Rrodriguez@uclm Applied Physics
Natalia Solano Pinto Natalia.Solano@uclm.es Psychology
Margarita Navarro Pérez Margarita.Navarro@uclm.es Modern Philology
José Reyes Ruiz Gallardo JoseReyes.Ruiz@uclm.es Pedagogy
Irene Casanova Mata Profesor.ICasanova@uclm.es Modern Philology
Silvia María Bravo Palomares SilviaMaria.Bravo@uclm.es Modern Philology
María Acevedo Pliego Maria.Acevedo@uclm.es Modern Philology
Ana Belén Alarcón Utrera Ana.Alarcon@uclm.es Modern Philology
Pablo Osorio Delgado PROFESOR.POsorio@uclm.es Modern Philology
Rafael Cruz González Rafael.Cruz@uclm.es Modern Philology
José Ángel Martín Baos JoseAngel.Martin@uclm.es Mathematics
Sonsoles Calderón López Sonsoles.Calderon@uclm.es Psychology
María Esther Paños Martínez Esther.Panos@uclm.es Pedagogy
Marcos Vinicios Rabelo Procópio Marcos.Rabelo@uclm.es Mathematics
José Luis Gómez Ramos JoseLuis.Gomez@uclm.es Modern Philology