English Writing Skills

Author: Vipin Nair

Recommended by: Lucas Baeyens Morata

“Sections with written information. Divided into genre-focused categories (“How to write”): biography,
essay, dissertations… Also included tips to improve your writing skills, use punctuation
effectively, etc.”


English Writing & Grammar Guide

Author: SimpleBrands

Recommended by: Lucas Baeyens Morata

“Sections with written information. Divided into genre-focused categories (“How to write”): biography,
essay, dissertations… Also includes tips to improve your writing skills, use punctuation
effectively, etc.”


English Phrasal Verbs Cards

Author: Bayatov, V. / The Learning Company

Recommended by: Lucas Baeyens Morata

“Learning and practicing English phrasal verbs via flashcards.”



ARIES: English Academic Style

Author: University of Glasgow

Recommended by: Lucas Baeyens Morata

“This app provides assistance for academic writing. It consists of a unit which helps you develop
your academic writing, via grammar, punctuation and genre-related tips and basics.”



Academic Writing in English

Author: UCL Business PLC

Recommended by: Lucas Baeyens Morata

“Sections with written info. Academic-focused writing tips and planning. It may not work with
very modern Android versions”



Academic Writing in English

Author: Brimley Norris, C.

Recommended by: Lucas Baeyens Morata

“This book is completely focused on academic writing, taking special care of grammar issues
and different academic written genre conventions. For EMI methodology interested professors
it could help develop their academic English written skills. Particulary interesting for this
matter is a little section entitled “General advice for non-native writers in academic English”
(page 3).”

Academic interactions. Communicating on Campus

Author: Feak, C., Reinhart, S, & Rohlck, T.

Recommended by: Lucas Baeyens Morata

“Interesting book addressed mainly to university professors. It deepens into academic language,
providing the teacher with lots of very useful tips and guidelines for email communication with
students, classroom interactions or office hours and appointments, for example, along with
interesting vocabulary about the academic world, names, places, directions, etc.
There is also a pronunciation focus section devoted not only to vowels, prepositions, etc. but
also to pausing or have, among others.”


“Instructor’s Notes” PDF File:

“Suggestions for Using the Companion Videos and Transcripts” PDF File:

“Transcripts for the Videos” PDF File: