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Presentation in the ITISE conference 2024, Gran Canaria.
Delighted to have participated as a speaker at the 10th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE, 2024) helds in Gran Canaria.
Attendance to the 3rd Digital With Purpose Global Summit 2024 in Cascais (9-11 July)
Attendance to the NGFS seminar about nature-related Financial Risks publications
Attendance to the interesing webinar about AI on the teaching evaluation organized by UCLM
Attendance to the 6th Summer School on Sustainable Finance
Very interesting Conference organized by the European Commission-Joint Research Centre celebrated in JRC’s premises in Ispra, Italy. Thanks for the invitation.
Asistencia a la Jornada especializada:
Cuestiones de género y ética en proyectos de
Investigación de Horizonte Europa en la UCLM 2024
Attendance to the Workshop: The use of IA in Economic Modelling and Forecasting.
Very intesting Workshop about the applications of IA in Economic Modelling and Forecasting. Thanks for the kind invitation to SUERF.
Our PID has been presented in the First International Conference on Teaching Innovations in Economics-ASEPELT.
Our PID entitled «Enhancing Teaching Innovations in Business Administration & Management through Interdisciplinary Coordination in Quantitative Subjects» has been presented in the First International Conference on Teaching Innovations in Economics-ASEPELT (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.). Thanks to the organizers.
Asistencia al encuentro del BdE con la UCLM
Muy interesante el encuentro con el BdE en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de Toledo. Se explicaron las estadísticas más recientes de España de coyuntura económica, se presentó la base de datos BElab para uso docente y de investigación y se mostraron los resultados de la encuesta financiera de las familias (EFF). Los retos futuros del Bde se resumieron en el siguiente gráfico.