Economía industrial / Industrial Economics

Publicaciones / Publications:


Triguero, Á., Moreno‐Mondéjar, L., & Sáez‐Martínez, F. J. (2023). Circular economy and firm performance: The influence of product life cycle analysis, upcycling, and redesign. Sustainable Development.; (Factor de impacto: WOS, JCR 2021: 8,562 Q1)

Triguero, A. (2023). La industria agroalimentaria: la apuesta por la calidad, la innovación y la sostenibilidad. Economistas, (181), 220-233.

Alvárez-López, M. E., & Gandoy, R. (2023). La necesaria reactivación de la industria: una tarea urgente y cargada de retos. Economistas, (181), 211-219.


Triguero, Á., Cuerva, M. C., & Sáez-Martínez, F.J. (2022). Closing the loop through eco-innovation by European firms: Circular economy for sustainable development. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31 (5), 2337-2350. (Factor de impacto: WOS, JCR 2021: 10,801 Q1)


Moreno‐Mondéjar, L., Triguero, Á., & Cuerva, M. C. (2021). Exploring the association between circular economy strategies and green jobs in European companies. Journal of Environmental Management, 297, 113437. (Open Access).; JCR (SCI, Environmental Sciences): 6,789 (in 2020), Rank: 34/274 (Q1).

Triguero, A. (2021). La colaboración público-privada para la innovación empresarial: innovación abiertaPapeles de Economía Española, (169), 119-134.


Cuerva, M.C, Triguero, Á. y Sáez-Martínez, F.J. (2020): “The way to be green: determinants of eco-process innovations in the food sector”, in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Moreno-Mondéjar, L., & Cuerva, M. C. (2020). Fostering investment in resource efficiency actions: the case of European SMEs. Energy Efficiency, 1-23. (SSCI, Environmental Studies): 1.81 (in 2019), Rank: 87/123 (Q3).

Moreno‐Mondéjar, L., Triguero, Á., & Sáez‐Martínez, F. J. (2020). Successful eco‐innovators: Exploring the association between open inbound knowledge strategies and the performance of eco‐innovative firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(3), 939-953; JCR (SSCI, Environmental Studies): 5.483 (in 2019), Rank: 10/123 (Q1).

Pardo, Miguel R. (2020). Transformaciones socioeconómicas en la España interior. De la desagrarización a la gran recesión (1950-2014). En Las crisis en la España del siglo XX: Agentes, estructuras y conflictos en los procesos de cambio (pp. 211-260). Sílex.

Rabadán, A., Triguero, Á., & Gonzalez-Moreno, Á. (2020). Cooperation as the Secret Ingredient in the Recipe to Foster Internal Technological Eco-Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2588; JCR (SSCI, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health): 2.849 (in 2019), Rank: 32/170 (Q1).

Triguero, Á., Córcoles, D., & Fernández, S. (2020). Influence of open innovation strategies on employment dynamics: evidence for Spanish manufacturing firms. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 29(3), 242-265; JCR (SSCI, Economics): 1.563 (in 2019), Rank: 167/361 (Q2).


Álvarez-Aledo, C. (2019). Employment in Green and non-Green Eco-Innovative Firms: specific analysis of Food Sector, Triguero, A. y Gonzalez-Moreno. A (Ed.) Research on Open-Innovation Strategies and Eco-Innovation in Agro-Food Industries, Chartridge Books Oxford, pgs.109-120.

Córcoles, D. (2019). The influence of collaboration with competitors on eco and non-eco-innovators: A study for the Spanish Food industry, Triguero, A. y Gonzalez-Moreno. A (Ed.) Research on Open-Innovation Strategies and Eco-Innovation in Agro-Food Industries, Chartridge Books Oxford, pgs. 83-96.

Cuerva, M.C. (2019). Influence of suppliers and customers knowledge sources on product and process eco-innovations in the Food Industry, Triguero, A. y Gonzalez-Moreno. A (Ed.) Research on Open-Innovation Strategies and Eco-Innovation in Agro-Food Industries, Chartridge Books Oxford, pgs. 73-82.

Fernández, S. (2019). Open innovation, collaboration and sustainable eco-innovation: a bibliometric study, Triguero, A. y Gonzalez-Moreno. A (Ed.) Research on Open-Innovation Strategies and Eco-Innovation in Agro-Food Industries, Chartridge Books Oxford, pgs. 25-36.

Fernández, S., Triguero, Á., & Alfaro-Cortés, E. (2019). M&A effects on innovation and profitability in large European firms. Management Decision 57(1), pp. 100-114. ; JCR (SSCI, Business): 2.723 (in 2019), Rank: 70/152 (Q2).

González-Moreno, Á., Triguero, Á., & Sáez-Martínez, F. J. (2019). Many or trusted partners for eco-innovation? The influence of breadth and depth of firms’ knowledge network in the food sector. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 147, 51-62; JCR (SSCI, Business): 5.846 (in 2019), Rank: 17/152 (Q1).

Moreno-Mondéjar, L. (2019). Open strategies and eco-innovation for business success in the Spanish agro-food industry, Triguero, A. y Gonzalez-Moreno. A (Ed.) Research on Open-Innovation Strategies and Eco-Innovation in Agro-Food Industries, Chartridge Books Oxford, pgs. 97-108.

Sáez-Martínez, F.J, Triguero, A. & González-Moreno, A. (2019). A review of Open-innovation and Eco-innovation strategies in SMEs, Triguero, A. y Gonzalez-Moreno. A (Ed.) Research on Open-Innovation Strategies and Eco-Innovation in Agro-Food Industries, Chartridge Books Oxford, pgs. 9-24.

Triguero, A. (2019). Does the sector matter? The role of open innovation in the adoption of eco-innovations in Food versus non-Food industries, Triguero, A. y Gonzalez-Moreno. A (Ed.) Research on Open-Innovation Strategies and Eco-Innovation in Agro-Food Industries, Chartridge Books Oxford, pgs. 61-72.


Mothe, C., Nguyen-Thi, U.T. & Triguero, Á.   (2018):  Innovative products and services with environmental benefits: design of search strategies for external knowledge and absorptive capacity, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(11): 1934-1954; JCR (SSCI, Environmental Studies): 1.594 (in 2017), Rank: 73/109 (Q3).

Triguero, A., Fernández, S., & Sáez-Martinez, F. J. (2018). Inbound open innovative strategies and eco-innovation in the Spanish food and beverage industrySustainable Production and Consumption, 15: 49-64; SJR (2017): 0.739.

Triguero, A., & Fernández, S. (2018). Determining the effects of open innovation: the role of knowledge and geographical spilloversRegional Studies52(5), 632-644; JCR (SSCI, Economics): 3.147 (in 2017), Rank: 36/353 (Q1).


Palacio Morena, J.I. (2017): “Crecimimento y modelo productivo: competencia versus ajuste de precios”, Gaceta sindical: reflexión y debate, Nº. 28 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Modelo productivo, empleo y protección social en España), págs. 43-64.

Triguero, A., Cuerva, M.C. & Álvarez-Aledo, C. (2017): “Environmental Innovation and Employment: Drivers and Synergies», Sustainability, 9 (2057); doi:10.3390/su9112057. JCR (SCIE, Green & Sustainable Science & Technology; Environmental Sciences): 1.789. (open access); JCR (SCIE, Environmental Sciences): 2.075 (in 2017), Rank: 121/242 (Q2).


Córcoles, D., Triguero, A., & Cuerva, M.C. (2016): “Comparing Persistence of Product and Process Innovation: A Discrete-Time Duration Analysis of Innovation Spells”, Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal, 10, 1-35. JCR (SSCI, Economics): 0.460.

Pardo, Miguel R. (2016). La economía de Castilla-La Mancha en el Antiguo Régimen. En Castilla-La Mancha en el siglo XVIII: aproximación y miscelánea (pp. 15-56). Almud, Ediciones de Castilla-La Mancha.

Triguero, A., Álvarez-Aledo, C., & Cuerva, M.C. (2016): “Factors Influencing Willingness to Accept Different Waste Management Policies: Empirical Evidence from the European Union”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 138, 38-46.  JCR (SCIE, Green & Sustainable Science & Technology; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences): 4.959.

Triguero, A., Moreno-Mondéjar, L., & Davia, M. A. (2016): “Leaders and Laggards in Environmental Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of SMEs in Europe”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 25(1): 28-39.  JCR (SSCI, Business; Environmental Studies; Management): 3.479.


Triguero, A., Moreno-Mondéjar, L., & Davia, M. A. (2015). «Eco-innovation by small and medium-sized firms in Europe: from end-of-pipe to cleaner technologies«, Innovation, 17(1), 24-40.


Blázquez, L., Brea-Solís, H. A., & Grifell-Tatjé, E. (2014).The impact of changes in regulatory regime on productivity of Spanish electricity distribution firms, en Estache, A. (ed) The Next Generation of Economic Issues in Energy Policy in Europe, CEPR Press – London., pp. 113-136.

Cuerva, M. C., Triguero, Á., & Córcoles, D. (2014). «Drivers of green and non-green innovation: empirical evidence in Low-Tech SMEs«, Journal of Cleaner Production, 68, 104-113.

Pardo, Miguel R. (2014). Perfil económico de Alcalá del Júcar a lo largo de su historia. En Alcalá del Júcar. Piedra, tierra, agua y sus gentes (pp. 437-494). Instituto de estudios Albacetenses «Don Juan Manuel», Diputación de Albacete.

Triguero, Á., Córcoles, D., & Cuerva, M. C. (2014). «Measuring the persistence in innovation in Spanish manufacturing firms: empirical evidence using discrete-time duration models«, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 23(5-6), 447-468.

Triguero, A., Córcoles, D., & Cuerva, M. C. (2014). «Persistence of innovation and firm’s growth: evidence from a panel of SME and large Spanish manufacturing firms«, Small Business Economics, 43(4), 787-804.

Triguero, A., Moreno-Mondéjar, L., & Davia, M. A. (2014). «The influence of energy prices on adoption of clean technologies and recycling: Evidence from European SMEs«, Energy Economics, 46, 246-257.