



Víctor Raúl López Ruiz (Madrid, 1970 – ). Full Professor of Applied Economics (Econometrics), Scientific Disseminator and Researcher. PhD and Bachelor of Economic and Business Sciences (UCLM), and Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology (UNED). Director of Intellectual Capital Research Group (ICRG-UCLM). Honorary Member of Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR).

Deputy director to the Spanish and International Economics, Econometrics and History and Economic Institutions Department in University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). He has been teaching continuously since 1993 at the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Albacete), where he served as Economics Degree Coordinator from the academic year 20/21 to 23/24. Access from this oficial blog to his resources on the Internet.

Contact the Professor and his offer in courses, seminars, conferences and interviews. Access to teaching work, research, transfer and management activities.

Research: Economy and Quality of Life

Reporting, contact the teacher. Lectures given, examples: Data and Covid19 (truths and lies), Quality of life and society, smart areas planing, reasons for social happiness in Spain, Why are you happy?

Congress week: «IX Semana Universitaria y Cervantina» #Querote25

«Each one is as God did, and even worse many times» (Don Quixote of La Mancha, 2nd part, 1615, Chapter IV).

IV Congreso de Investigaciones Socio Económicas Noveles ante el Reto Demográfico. ISEN_RED25

See ‘Legado Quereño’ in Flickr (CECLM)

About Econometrics (A. Pulido, 1989: 55):»… econometric models alone can not create economic theory, or even confirm or refute it definitively, it’s already important mission is limited to pointing out certain lines of research that seem – at that time – more secure.»

Econometrics – Albacete Campus

With my teachers, from elementary school, Leopoldo Sánchez-Beato and Maria Jesús Nieto Prieto, and from university Dr. Antonio Pulido San Román. I owe them motivation and method.

Personal Blog-UCLM