Víctor Raúl López Ruiz (Madrid, 1970) is Full Professor in Econometrics. Founder and Co-Director of the International Group: Intellectual Capital Research Group (ICRG). International Valuation Methodology Expert (EU-Romania-National Strategy for Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2014-2020). International evaluator (universities) to ARACIS-Romania. Coordinator of the Observatory on Intangibles and Quality of Life, he has modeled social happiness. Honorary Member (foreign) of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR) in the section of Economics, Law, and Sociology. Columnist and Blogger on socio-political issues, writer and cervantist.
Doctor and Bachelor in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2002, 1993). Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology from the UNED (2006-National Studies Award).
He began his teaching career as a Ministry Research Fellow in Econometrics (February to June 1993) at the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of Toledo. He has been teaching at the UCLM since 1993 at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of Albacete (Ass. Prof. 14/02/2012; Full Prof. 01/07/21). Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Cuenca (1995/1998) and also at the Center for University Studies in Puertollano (Ciudad Real) from 2008 to 2014. Some of the subjects he has taught or taught are: Elements of Econometrics, Econometric Methods, Economic Forecasting, Introduction to Econometrics, Econometric Methods and Models, Applied Econometrics, Information Systems for Management, …
He counts on the positive evaluation of the quality Teacher in all the editions realized in the UCLM, six 5-year teaching periods, and with four 6-year cycles evaluated positively in research and transfer (CNEAI).
Deputy Department Head of Spanish and International Economics, Econometrics and History and Economic Institutions from 2023 November. Economics Degree Coordinator in UCLM (Faculty EBS).
He has taught several international and national graduate and postgraduate courses for specialists, businessmen and professionals. Master in Business Schools and Universities. Management controller for a multinational architecture company for 8 years. On the other hand, he has been invited in foreign and national centers to hold lectures, conferences and courses. Director of numerous theses, Master’s and Bachelor’s final projects.
His lines of research focus on modeling and socio-economic indicators for national, regional and local spaces and business models for the management of intangible assets.
Among his publications, he has published 26 books and more than one hundred fifty works in prestigious journals and presented at national and international congresses. He has published a lot of articles, over two hundred, on socio-political issues in different media.
He has been awarded five times by the Center for Financial Studies (1998, 2001, 2008) and the Regional Government (JCCM in 2004 and 2005). He holds a Diploma of Honor, internationally for his work as an economist (2017).
He has conducted, directed and participated in various international, national and regional research projects.
He has held research and teaching stays at: Nottingham Trent University (UK), Valahia University and Ministry of Labor (Romania).
Research Lines:
International Indicators on Competitiveness, Development, Growth, Sustainability and Intellectual Capital. Happiness and Quality of Life indices.
Macro-economic models: national, regional, local and specific on the autonomic financing. Analysis, measurement, control and forecasting.
Business Sector Analysis: Sectoral strategic plans.