
Host 29th IAGBT-KITRI Biannual Conference

It is a pleasure to welcome “The International Academy of Global Business and Trade” and its 29th biannual Conference, with 6 countries and 8 institutions represented discussing “Weathering Current and Future Shocks in Global Business and Trade”.

Biannual Conference Meeting (30/31 January in Faculty of Economic and Bussiness Administration, UCLM).

Thanks to Professor Myeong Hwan Kim (Purdue University), U.S.A. and Jeon SoonHwan, Chairman of International Academy of Global Business and Trade and President of the Korea International Trade Research Institute.

Thanks to Dean of our Faculty, Professor Francisco Escribano

Editor in Energies Journal

Special Issue: “Energy and Environmental Economics/Policy“. Editors: Victor-Raúl López-Ruiz, Domingo Nevado-Peña and José-Luis Alfaro-Navarro

A special issue of Energies (ISSN 1996-1073). This special issue belongs to the section “C: Energy Economics and Policy“.

Wait for your researches focused in:

  1. Energy mix.
  2. Green taxes.
  3. Sustainable Tourism.
  4. Social and enviromental accounting
  5. Quality of life and Smart growth.

“Investiga que no es poco” (en Radio CMM) habla con nosotros sobre Felicidad Ciudadana

Martes 21:30h, el programa de radio CMM “Investiga que no es poco”, con Román Escudero, analiza nuestro trabajo en el Observatorio de Intangibles y Calidad de Vida sobre Felicidad Ciudadana, en el participamos miembros del Grupo de Investigación ICRG de la UCLM.

Ahora disponible en este post vinculado.