Alta capacidad digital, felicidad social y smart city

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Nueva publicación en revista indexada (CITIES Journal, D1-JCR) sobre las capacidades digitales y la felicidad social en las grandes ciudades, te dejo aquí los datos, una excepcional investigación del Grupo ICRG.

10, July. Accepted new article in CITIES. 15, July, Published – Volume 153, October 2024, 105284

Title: Quality of life in the urban context, within the paradigm of digital human capital. Authors: Navarro, J.L.; López, V.R.; Huete, N. y Nevado, D. (2024)


  1. We analyze the relationship between citizens’ digital capabilities and their perception of quality of life.
  2. We use a multifactorial national survey for Spain in the year 2023.
  3. The results reveal a significant correlation between the level of digital skills and various quality of life factors.
  4. Residents in densely populated urban areas with greater digital capabilities show higher levels of social happiness.
  5. Human capital and digital ability are critical in the smart cities construction and social happiness improvement.