SCAIWEB1 & SCAIWEB2: Retrieval, Organization and Management of Information on the Web using Soft Computing techniques

Soft Computing applied to the Web

The aim of this project is the develpment of the SCAIWEB platform for searching on Internet towards the efficient management and organization of the dynamic Web repositories of documents (web pages, blogs, e-mail). Using several soft computing techniques, based mainly in fuzzy logic, it is necessary to develop several methods to organize automatically web document collections at a fuzzy hierarchical structure based on the document contents. Another important objective is to provide a Technology Transference process, for making possible the use of these kinds of systems in real conditions such as the SCAIWEB project.

To accomplish this goal, in this project the tasks of reviewing existing techniques and State of Art, developing of new soft computing based complements for the SCAIWEB platform (clustering algorithms, pseudorelevance feedback, advanced visualization techniques, etc.) in order to achieve a new platform to solve the problems of organization and management information on the Web, are proposed.