R Course at the University of Seville

I have been invited to teach the course entitled ‘Introduction to Predictive Intelligence in R with applications’ at the Economic Analysis department PhD program in the University of Seville. Coming to Seville among good friends is always I gratifying experience.

The material of the course is here for anyone interested (in Spanish). The main objective of the course is to demonstrate the usefulness and power of R in the analysis of data, both in cross-sectional problems, as in time series and prediction. A set of predictive intelligence techniques such as regression, exponential smoothing, ad-hoc models and ARIMA will be progressively analysed. The course is eminently practical, with many examples and cases to analyze. It is divided into four sessions of two hours in which a theoretical introduction will be made for each technique, to then resolve the cases proposed in R. The course is of an introductory nature, but the students who complete it will have a good starting level to extend or adapt by themselves what they have learned to their own research topics. Attendees are encouraged to submit their own case studies.

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