Se busca persona altamente motivada para realizar una Tesis Doctoral en el IIS Biodonostia y el Dpto. de Pediatría de la UPV/EHU, en San Sebastián. La tesis estará dirigida por la Dra. Ainara Vallejo y se centrará en el desarrollo de nuevas terapias farmacológicas frente a enfermedades neuromusculares. Esta tesis se integra dentro de un proyecto de investigación en Salud financiado por el IIS Carlos III.

Se ofrece *un contrato de un año prorrogable, con fecha de inicio en diciembre de 2019*, y con la expectativa de que el candidato se presente a convocatorias de formación de investigadores para obtener financiación competitiva.

Los requisitos indispensables son:

  • Grado en Ciencias Biomédicas, Ciencias de la Salud, o titulación afín con fecha posterior al 1/1/2016
  • Título de Master Universitario (o en curso)
  • Nota del expediente académico superior a 7.5 sobre 10

Se valorará experiencia previa en laboratorio, artículos publicados y conocimiento de inglés.

Los interesados deberán enviar una breve carta de motivación,   junto con el CV y el expediente académico (con la nota media de   Grado), a la Dra. Ainara Vallejo antes del *18 de octubre* a la   dirección de email:




  • Titulación académica: Grado académico en Bioquímica, Biotecnología o similar.
  • Formación específica: Grado académico obtenido con posterioridad al 1 de enero del 2015. Máster Universitario en Biología celular y/o molecular, Bioquímica o Biomedicina (imprescindible).


  • Experiencia previa demostrada de al menos un año en técnicas de biología celular, bioquímica y biología molecular aplicadas al estudio de la función mitocondrial.

Otros méritos curriculares:

  • Publicaciones y/o comunicaciones a congresos: Se valorarán especialmente las primeras coautorías en publicaciones científicas relacionadas con la función mitocondrial y las ponencias orales en congresos.
  • Herramientas informáticas: SI
  • Idiomas: INGLÉS

Fecha de comienzo del proyecto: NOVIEMBRE 2019





Oferta de contrato predoctoral_IberusTalent

3yr PhD “Characterization and modelling of soil erosion and non-point source pollution in agricultural areas in Navarre (Spain)” –IberusTalent call

IberusTalent is an Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) programme cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020-Marie Slodowska Curie Action Cofund.

It is an International Doctoral Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley (IberusTalent) offering 36 predoctoral contracts to excellent ESRs to develop individual research projects in the fields of Agrofood and Nutrition and Health Technologies in order to produce a positive effect in terms of excellent science with impact at the regional level.

Call is now open until 30 November

Please go to for more details

TRIM-NET a training network in drug discovery targeting TRIM ubiquitin ligases is recruiting 12 PhD students

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813599

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
GA 813599 – H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018
General description of the Network
The Tripartite motif (TRIM) family of Ubiquitin E3 ligases plays an important role in many physiological processes and in many diseases including cancer, neurodegenerative and neuro-muscular disorders and rare genetic diseases. As such, they are excellent targets for therapeutic manipulation. TRIM-NET is a training programme for Early-Stage Researchers to identify novel therapeutic targets and to develop the strategies to validate them in preclinical studies. The TRIM-NET network will integrate complementary expertise and multidisciplinary approaches to exploit common targeting strategies for translational applications. The consortium will train a cohort of young researchers in skills and expertise essential for biomedical research focusing on: i) determining how TRIM proteins contribute to disease; ii)developing strategies to modulate TRIM protein activity; iii) designing high throughput screeningassays for drug discovery. The project consists of 12 individual research projects. As the scientific workpackages are highly integrated, recruited students will avail of techniques and training opportunities,including secondments, across the work packages. Through a unique international partnershipbetween academic and non-academic partners the TRIM-NET training programme will provideyoung researchers with skills required for biomedical research in industry and academia.Eligibility and Requirements
Not having a doctoral degree yetLess than 4 years full-time research experienceA degree which entitles to embark on a doctorate in the host countriesLess than 12 months spent in the host country in the 3 years prior to the recruitmentA strong background in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Medicine or related fields according to the individual research projects
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813599
Job offer and Benefits
Attractive salary
3-year full-time employment contract in accordance with the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actionregulations for Early Stage Researchers;
Enrollment in a PhD programme at the local partner’s institution. In case the student is enrolled ina doctoral programme in a country where the duration of the PhD study is beyond the 3-year-MSCA contract, additional funding for the additional year(s) will be provided by the host group
Access to state-of-the-art research and supervision by recognized experts
Participation in network-wide training activities, schools and conferences
Secondments periods at other network partners’ labs.
Application procedure
Applications in English should include:
A cover letter indicating their motivation for the selection of this project and the indication of thecountries of residence during the last 3 years;CV (contact details, education, work experience, list of publications, prizes/awards, language skills,etc….);
A motivation letter;A digital copy of the degree certificate and official academic transcripts of Bsc and Msc studies(Master diploma/certificate or equivalent qualification giving access to the Doctoral Programme + Transcript ofRecords including examinations and scores obtained. If the documents are issued in a language other thanEnglish, a translation must be included, along with the original document);A documentation of English language qualifications;Two recommendation letters sent directly by the referees to withthe subject: “TRIM-NET” and full contact details of the reference persons;
Application in a single pdf file should be sent by e-mail to with indicationof “TRIM-NET application” in the subject line. Equal consideration will be given to female and male applicants. Deadlines of Application, Evaluation process and Starting date
Deadline for Application: September 2015, 2019.The merit-based recruitment process will be on a competitive basis across all applicants for eachproject.Students are expected to initiate their contracts before 31st December, 2019.

Ph.D. Studentships Available in Endocrine Regulation of Metabolism and Development in Drosophila at the University of Copenhagen

Ph.D. Studentships Available in Endocrine Regulation of Metabolism and Development in Drosophila at the University of Copenhagen
The Rewitz lab is currently on the lookout for one to two Ph.D.-student colleagues! The lab is working intensively on aspects of endocrine regulation of metabolism and development in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and the projects for which we are recruiting students are in this area. Funding for these positions is in-hand and guaranteed; however, opportunities exist for graduate fellowships that provide additional funding for students (see below).
The Rewitz lab at the moment comprises Kim Rewitz (Associate Professor), two Assistant Professors, one Ph.D. student, six Master’s students, and a laboratory manager/technician. Ph.D. students are expected to work closely with members of the team. Ph.D. studies in Denmark last three years, but we envision a four-year program, with the first year as a pre-Ph.D. research scientist. Starting dates are flexible, although we hope to begin work within six months (by early 2020). Prior experience in Drosophila work or in the metabolism field is not necessary, but of course is a bonus. No preference will be given in any way to any aspect of the applicant’s non-scientific background, including ethnicity, sex and identity, nationality, and so on.
Position one: cholesterol as a growth-regulating nutrient
Cholesterol is a famous molecule — rightly so, and for many reasons. It is necessary as a structural component of cell membranes, providing fluidity (for example, this is one reason for which cold-water shrimp are high in cholesterol: it keeps their cell membranes from solidifying). Cholesterol is also the chemical substrate for the synthesis of steroid hormones, both in mammals (for example, testosterone and estrogen) and in insects (the hormone ecdysone; see the Publications page for more on this). Dysfunction of biological cholesterol-management systems also leads to health defects, such as heart disease, stroke, and the Niemann-Pick class of cholesterol-storage diseases.
Furthermore, we recently found that dietary cholesterol regulates organismal and cellular growth in Drosophila larvae, with effects on nutrient signaling through the “master cellular regulator” Target of Rapamycin (Tor) as well as through the insulin-signaling system. In this work, funded by Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF; Independent Research Fund Denmark), we will investigate the precise ways that cholesterol affects metabolism and growth through genetic analyses and manipulations of the Tor and insulin pathways, through transcriptomic assessments, imaging, and other approaches. We will also probe the function of the Niemann-Pick-disease-related cholesterol-transport genes in various tissues, as well as the neuronal basis (if any) for cholesterol sensation and preference.
Position two: signals from the gut that regulate metabolism
Animal bodies are made up of a collection of different organs, each with different functions. To maintain energy homeostasis, each of them has access to different aspects of information about the internal nutritional state of the animal and of its environment. In our lab, one of our research goals is to identify hormonal signals that regulate metabolism; the gut, as the first organ that can assess recently eaten food, is a likely source of these signals. There are about two thousand potentially secreted proteins encoded in the fly genome, any of which might act as a signal from the gut to other tissues – the brain, the fat, or the musculature – apprising them of new nutritional information. In this work, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, we aim to comprehensively screen the gut “secretome” for metabolism-regulating hormonal signals using a combination of unbiased transcriptomic correlations between tissues and tissue-specific gene knockdown and CRISPR manipulations. The successful applicant will be involved in preparations for and analysis of transcriptomic data, RNAi screening, and metabolic assessment of animals, as well as follow-up studies on identified factors of interest through, e.g., genetic, metabolic, and imaging studies.
Fellowship opportunities
Although these positions are fully funded, we encourage Ph.D. applicants to apply for external funding through the EU “TALENT Doctoral Fellowship Programme” (DEADLINE OCTOBER 1, 23:59!).
Students who have not resided or worked in Denmark for longer than 12 months in the last three years, and who have not worked in science for more than four years, may apply to the EU “TALENT Doctoral Fellowship Programme.” Read about it here:
New facilities!
We have just completely rebuilt our fly facilities, so fly-pushers can work in a bright open space with plenty of storage space at the bench as well as in an 18-degree room. All-new fly scopes sit at every bench space. Incubators at a variety of temperatures are available. In addition to this new space, the lab also has standard molecular-lab tools and apparatus – a qPCR machine and PCR machines; a plate reader for absorbance, fluorescence, DELFIA/TRFIA, and “Alpha” signals; and access to confocal microscopes (LSM 800 with AiryScan) as well as more-advanced imaging tools such as TEM, PALM/STORM, structured illumination microscopy, and so on.
For more information, please contact us! An official posting may be made later through the University’s recruiting system, but interested students should get in touch as soon as possible.
Kim Rewitz
Associate Professor
Department of Biology, Section for Cell and Neurobiology
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15
Building 12, 3-3-430
2100 Copenhagen

Becas Predoctorales en Medioambiente de la Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno

La Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno tiene entre sus fines principales el apoyo a la formación superior y la investigación multidisciplinar. Entre sus líneas prioritarias se incluye la formación e investigación medioambiental, que permitirá conocer mejor el entorno natural para gestionarlo de manera más integral y sostenible. En cumplimiento de su misión, la fundación convoca 4 becas/contratos predoctorales en Medioambiente para jóvenes investigadores españoles que vayan a realizar su tesis doctoral en un programa de doctorado acreditado oficialmente en España.

El objetivo de las becas es la realización de una tesis doctoral en temas medioambientales desarrollados en territorio español que hagan referencia a alguno de los siguientes retos:

  1. Proponer, diseñar y evaluar acciones de restauración ecológica.
  2. Desarrollar propuestas que faciliten conciliar la producción agrícola y ganadera con la conservación de la biodiversidad.
  3. Proponer, diseñar y evaluar tecnologías y estrategias productivas.

La duración inicial de las becas es de un año, prorrogable por períodos iguales, hasta un máximo de tres años, en función del cumplimiento satisfactorio del plan de trabajo.

La dotación de la beca es de 23.700 € brutos en la primera anualidad.

La fecha límite de envío de solicitudes es el 30 de septiembre de 2019 a las 14:00h.

Para más información:

Contacto para información adicional:

PhD position in “Modelling Phosphorus cycle in EU agricultural soils and assessing land impact and land mitigation options”

Within the CDP framework, we are looking for a PhD candidate to enhance and apply a spatially explicit crop and ecosystem models integrated with life cycle impact assessment at EU scale. Agriculture is driving the global impacts on land and water use, as well as on eutrophication. The objective of this PhD will be to find most sustainable practices for food provision considering impacts on land and water related to the fertilization and irrigation. In the first phase, the PhD candidate will calibrate and validate the Phosphorus component of the JRC-D.3 biogeochemical modelling framework (based on DAYCENT model) at European scale, on top of the already available Carbon and Nitrogen components. This phase will also take advantage of the extensive soil sampling LUCAS, providing the main chemical soil properties and change for 2009 and 2015 at high spatial detail for ~22’000 geo-referenced samples distributed in 28 countries. In a second phase during her/his stay in ETHZ, the PhD candidate will integrate the modelling outputs (phosphorus flows from DayCent model) with a LCA framework (including inventory data and impact assessment results). At a final stage, the PhD candidate will analyze the system-wide effects of different forms of nutrient supply, including manure and other organic fertilizers (incl. mulching of intercrops), phosphate from mines and waste recovery, and synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. Organic fertilizer cannot be transported over larger distances and is therefore not everywhere available. Additional limitations of organic fertilizers include sub-optimal N/P ratios and requirement of land and water to either produce fertilizing intercrops or manure (as a by-product of meat and dairy). The PhD candidate will also analyze different supply chains and related environmental impacts, benefits and tradeoffs between various fertilization schemes with particular emphasis on the P cycle.

More details: Place: ETHZ ZurichSwitzerlandDeadline: Saturday, August 31, 2019

Oferta de tesis doctoral:Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación (CIDE-CSIC-UV),

Se busca una persona interesada en hacer la tesis doctoral sobre las “implicaciones ecológicas de la transferencia de nutrientes entre plantas como mecanismo de cooperación entre plantas en ambientes semiáridos”. Se evaluará la capacidad de las plantas para almacenar nutrientes después de pulsos de precipitación y su redistribución entre plantas vecinas en momentos con mayor estrés hídrico y nutricional. El trabajo combinará muestreos de campo para caracterizar la fenología, uso temporal de los nutrientes, eficiencia en el uso de agua y producción de frutos de varias especies con análisis isotópicos para cuantificar la transferencia de nutrientes entre plantas. Es importante resaltar que esta propuesta de tesis provee de un marco conceptual de trabajo, pero está abierta, y se incita, a que el solicitante proponga sus propios intereses, por lo que es imprescindible la curiosidad, iniciativa y motivación para proponer y desarrollar ideas propias. Lugar: La tesis se desarrollará en el Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación (CIDE-CSIC-UV), en Moncada (Valencia), con trabajo de campo en tomillares gipsícolas del sur de Alicante. El trabajo incluye tanto trabajo de campo como diseño de experimentos en condiciones controladas en invernadero, aunque el marco de la tesis es principalmente ecológico, se valorará la experiencia/interés en componentes más eco-fisiológicos (eficiencia en el uso del agua, ciclado de nutrientes en plantas, etc) y es imprescindible disponer de carnet de conducir. Los solicitantes deben haber: terminado la licenciatura después de 1 de enero de 2016 o el grado después del 1 de enero de 2015, tener un expediente académico mayor de 8,5 (sobre 10) y haber realizado un master universitario oficial. Los interesados pueden mandar por email una carta de motivación, Curriculum Vitae (con la nota media del expediente académico), y el email de dos personas que puedan dar referencias. Contacto: Alicia Montesinos Navarro. Email:


Lugar: Cantabria

Empresa: Universidad de Cantabria

Experiencia: Según bases

Más información:

Dpto. Ciencias y Técnicas del Agua y Medio Ambiente, convoca a través del C.O.I.E. de la Universidad de Cantabria una preselección para una oferta de empleo de personal investigador para el proyecto de investigación «PROCESO INTEGRADO SOSTENIBLE PARA ELIMINACIÓN BIOLÓGICA DE NUTRIENTES: HACIA LA EDAR CON BALANCE DE ENERGIA POSITIVO (ENBE+) (SODERCAN/FEDER)» cuyo investigador principal es D./Dña. Juan Ignacio Tejero Monzón. REFERENCIA DE LA CONVOCATORIA Nº 2545

El tipo de categoría de la/s plaza/s convocada/s es de Investigador Tipo 4 – Titulado Universitario no doctor (más de cuatro años desde la fecha de obtención de título)
Número de plazas: 1
Límite para inscripciones en Web
23:59 horas del martes, 16 de julio de 2019

Plazo para presentar documentación
5 días hábiles

Trabajo de investigación en laboratorio y gabinete. Puesta a punto de reactores de biopelícula con soporte permeable a gases para tratamiento de aguas residuales en laboratorio, así como medida de parámetros experimentales. Redacción de informes técnicos.

La duración del contrato de duración determinada por obra o servicio será de 1 mes, en régimen de dedicación a tiempo completo, pudiéndose prorrogar en función de la continuidad de la «obra o servicio» objeto del contrato y de existencia de crédito.

En horario: Lunes a Viernes, de 9 a 14 h y de 16 a 18.30

2069,41 € brutos, incluida la parte proporcional de las pagas extraordinarias, durante el contrato.

Requisitos académicos
Estudios Universitarios (Máster Universitario en Investigación en Ingeniería Ambiental)
Tener nacionalidad española o tener la nacionalidad de un país miembro de la Unión Europea o ser de cualquiera de los estados en los que, en virtud de tratados internacionales establecidos por la U.E. y ratificados por España, sea aplicable la libre circulación de trabajadores. Así mismo podrán presentar su solicitud los aspirantes con nacionalidad diferente a la mencionada anteriormente, siempre que puedan acreditar estar en posesión del permiso de trabajo y residencia.
Estar en posesión de la titulación requerida en la presente convocatoria. Los documentos expedidos en el extranjero que quieran hacerse valer en este procedimiento deberán estar legalizados de acuerdo con la normativa vigente (Circular nº 134 de la Gerencia).
Experiencia en laboratorio de aguas residuales.
Requisitos académicos: Máster Oficial en Investigación en Ingeniería Ambiental.

Origen: Información recogida a través de