Cátedra del Tajo UCLM-Soliss

Director: Beatriz Larraz

The concern of FUNDACIÓN SOLISS and the Tagus Research Group of the UCLM for the poor ecological and chemical status of the waters of the Tagus river basin district, with its economic, environmental and social implications, is the main reason for the creation of this UCLM-SOLISS Chair of the Tagus. The main objective of the Chair is to collaborate with the Research Group in the integral recovery and improvement of the ecological and chemical status of the Tagus River and its tributaries through the advancement of scientific research and the development of dissemination and training actions. This is intended to help the Tagus and its rivers to provide all the ecosystem services of a river system in good condition and fully functional: provisioning services — supply for the population and for the various economic sectors; regulatory services — improving water quality, protecting against natural hazards, or maintaining natural habitats and populations; Cultural services that improve the quality of life of its citizens collaborating in their well-being through the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy environment and sustainable or recreational uses of water landscapes. Likewise, it is proposed to carry out educational and scientific dissemination activities with the aim of reaching the public the work developed within the chair.

web site: http://www.catedradeltajo.es