- Raúl López Martín presents his PhD thesis defense.por Moisés Gilberto Zarzoza MedinaLast Tuesday, February 11, 2025, R. L. M. successfully defended his PhD thesis titled «Expanding the Nanomagnetism Chart: Non-Dipolar Interparticle Interactions and Non-Exchange Bias in Dense assemblies of Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticles «, by summarizing his excellent research work and masterfully answering the challenging questions posed by the thesis examining committee, he earned his doctoral degree. Congratulations, … Seguir leyendo Raúl López Martín presents his PhD thesis defense. →
- Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos Joins ApNano Grouppor Moisés Gilberto Zarzoza MedinaThe ApNano research group is excited to announce a new member. Dr. Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, a renowned expert in nanoscience and nanotechnology, has joined the team, bringing extensive experience in nanoparticle research and applications. Dr. Grammatikopoulos has built an impressive career focused on the theoretical elucidation of fundamental nanotechnology processes such as nanoparticle growth, coalescence, cluster-support … Seguir leyendo Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos Joins ApNano Group →
- Moisés Gilberto Zarzoza Medina, new student in ApNanopor RAUL LOPEZ MARTINMoisés Zarzoza has joined the ApNano group and will pursue a PhD at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). He earned his MSc at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City, Mexico. His research will focus on the study of magnetic nanostructures, from their synthesis to novel … Seguir leyendo Moisés Gilberto Zarzoza Medina, new student in ApNano →
- Oral contribution at the 5th YRinMpor RAUL LOPEZ MARTINRaúl López Martín has presented the early results of his research work entitled “Exchange bias studied by protected-annealing experiments in maghemite-core and iron-core nanoparticles” at the 5th Young Researchers in Magnetism (YRinM). In this work, the evolution of the exchange bias field coming from the surface spin disorder shell of magnetic silica-coated nanoparticles upon annealing … Seguir leyendo Oral contribution at the 5th YRinM →
- Reconfigurable Mechanical Anisotropy and Super-Magnetostriction in Self-Assembled Magnetic Superstructurespor RAUL LOPEZ MARTINOur group, in collaboration with NTNU-Trondheim and the University of Sydney, is contributing to the emerging field of enhanced mechanical properties in self‐assembled superstructures of magnetic nanoparticles. In two papers recently published in the high-IF journals Advanced Functional Materials and Advanced Science, we have demonstrated how the mechanical properties of self‐assembled magnetic nanocubes can be … Seguir leyendo Reconfigurable Mechanical Anisotropy and Super-Magnetostriction in Self-Assembled Magnetic Superstructures →
- Elena H. Sánchez defends her PhDpor RAUL LOPEZ MARTINElena H. Sánchez defends her PhD Elena successfully defended her thesis entitled “Magnetic Anisotropy Effects in Nano-Undulated Films and Strongly Interacting Nanoparticle Assemblies” in Toledo last March. After presenting a difficult summary of her great job on a variety of nanomagnetism topics over the last four years, she was awarded with a Cum Laude qualification … Seguir leyendo Elena H. Sánchez defends her PhD →
- Benito Santos, new PhD in Apnanopor RAUL LOPEZ MARTINBenito Santos, with a PhD from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2011), has just joined the group. Benito worked as a postdoc at the nanospectroscopy line of the Elettra synchrotron, where he studied the structural, reactivity and magnetic properties of very thin metallic films by combining X-ray spectroscopy and electron microscopy and diffraction (LEED, LEEM) … Seguir leyendo Benito Santos, new PhD in Apnano →
- Raúl, new member of ApNanopor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZRaúl López Martín has just joined the group to pursue a PhD with 4-year grant he got in the last call of UCLM’s “Plan Propio”. Raúl holds a double degree in Physics and Materials Engineering and a Msc in ‘Science and Technology of New Materials’ (both at the University of Seville). The topic of his … Seguir leyendo Raúl, new member of ApNano →
- SQUIDing and skiing with the ApNANO grouppor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZVerner Håkonsen (in the picture with Jose Angel), from the NTNU Nanomechanical Lab at Trondheim (Norway), has been with us in Ciudad Real for the last 10 days to further our collaboration on superstructures of Fe oxide nanocubes (see three posts below for a summary of our recent paper in AFM). As you can see, … Seguir leyendo SQUIDing and skiing with the ApNANO group →
- Chris Binns will join the ApNANO group in February-2020por ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZChris Binns, Emeritus Professor of Nanoscience at the University of Leicester, was in Ciudad Real last October to sign his “Beatriz Galindo distinguished researcher” contract and will join the ApNano group in February/2020. The research project that won him the senior Beatriz Galindo grant (one of only 100 nationwide) is based on the gas-phase synthesis … Seguir leyendo Chris Binns will join the ApNANO group in February-2020 →
- Can we go together? Individual vs Collective Behavior in Binary systemspor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZThe journal Chemistry of Materials has just accepted for publication our study (in collaboration with long-term collaborators) on the magnetism of random binary compacts comprising two uniformly mixed populations of soft and hard nanoparticles (preprint here). It turns out that the answer we have found for the question above is «it depends where!», as we … Seguir leyendo Can we go together? Individual vs Collective Behavior in Binary systems →
- Magnetically Enhanced Mechanical Stability in Self-Assembled Superstructures of Nanocubespor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZThe ApNano group has taken part, in collaboration with researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and from the University of Sydney, in an investigation of magnetically enhanced mechanical stability in self-assembled nanostructures. The results, which have just been published in Advanced Functional Materials, combine Monte Carlo simulations, magnetic characterization and electronic microscopy to … Seguir leyendo Magnetically Enhanced Mechanical Stability in Self-Assembled Superstructures of Nanocubes →
- Spring Training at ApNANO for Francesca and Chiarapor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZChiara Olla (University of Cagliari) and Francesca Airaldi (University of Genoa) just left us after spending three months in our lab as Erasmus+ trainees. Both will next defend their Master degrees projects with new data and training in magnetometry and X-ray diffraction. We learnt with Chiara about the magnetism and structure of luminescent carbon dots … Seguir leyendo Spring Training at ApNANO for Francesca and Chiara →
- Nanoparticle Stripes prepared for the first timepor PABLO MUÑIZ GARCIAIn collaboration with Instituto Rocasolano (CSIC, Madrid), who provided laser-irradiated undulated polymer substrates, we have succeeded in the preparation of nanoparticle stripes by self-shadowing deposition of gas-aggregated Pd particles. This novel type of nanostructure, with promising anisotropic properties, was one of the main objectives of our ongoing national project. The synthesis procedure, as well as … Seguir leyendo Nanoparticle Stripes prepared for the first time →
- El grupo ApNANO de la UCLM organiza un simposio de sustitución de materiales críticos en el congreso anual de la European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)por ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZEsta semana se celebra en Estrasburgo el E-MRS Spring Meeting, con unos 3000 ponentes distribuidos en 28 simposios. Uno de ellos, titulado “Sustitución y Reciclado de Materias Primas Críticas en Dispositivos Optoelectrónicos, Magnéticos y para Energía”, ha sido organizado por los profesores José Ángel De Toro (del Applied Nanomagnetism Group, ApNano, en el Instituto Regional … Seguir leyendo El grupo ApNANO de la UCLM organiza un simposio de sustitución de materiales críticos en el congreso anual de la European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) →
- Maral Ghoshani arrives to Ciudad Real to pursue a double PhD (UCLM-Esfahan University)por ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZMaral received an Iranian fellowship to come to work with the ApNano group. She will stay with us the whole 2018 year researching on the exchange-bias properties of different nanostructured materials.Jessica Satta (University of Cagliari) shared office with Maral during her Erasmus+ stay in our group (April-June 2018), a stay essentially devoted to X-Ray Diffraction … Seguir leyendo Maral Ghoshani arrives to Ciudad Real to pursue a double PhD (UCLM-Esfahan University) →
- Massi Murgia gets some magnetism & XRD training in Ciudad Realpor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZMassimiliano Murgia, a graduate student from University of Cagliari, stayed in our labs working as an Erasmus+ traineeship from March to June. He got hands-on experience on SQUID magnetometry, X-ray diffraction and gas-phase synthesis of nanoparticles.He is heading back to UNICA to pursue his Master studies. Good luck Massi, we hope to see you soon … Seguir leyendo Massi Murgia gets some magnetism & XRD training in Ciudad Real →
- Mikael Andersson defends succesfully his PhD thesis in Uppsala.por ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZMikael spent two research stays with us in 2014 and 2015 studying superspin glass behavior in random nanoparticle compacts (+ riding the hills in the Guadiana riverside). His thesis was co-supervised by Per Nordblad, Roland Mathieu and Jose A. De Toro, all in the picture.He now intends to pursue a postdoc career in neutron scattering.Congratulations, … Seguir leyendo Mikael Andersson defends succesfully his PhD thesis in Uppsala. →
- Tenure-track positionpor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ“Ayudante Doctor in Applied Physics Department/ Magnetic NanoMaterials”Deadline: June-july, 2018Contact Person: Prof. Jose M. Colino (INAMOL / Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)(josemiguel.colino@uclm.es)
- Elena H. Sánchez starts her PhD studiespor ELENA HERNANDEZ SANCHEZElena has been hired with funds from the national NANOESENS projects. She will pursue a doctoral degree on the topic of novel magnetic nanostructures by working alternate years in our IRICA and INAMOL labs.Welcome to La Mancha, Elena!