Helena Aikin


I hold a BA in History from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, a MA in Spanish studies from the University of California at Davis (USA) and a PhD in English Studies (Applied Linguistics) from the University of Castilla la Mancha (Spain).My area of expertise lies within the field of intercultural education in bilingual and plurilingual schools. I am currently working on project-based educational models where I explore the interdisciplinary dimension of CLIL with special attention to establishing relational links between the different school subjects and learners´ lives and communities at local, national and international levels. I have conducted teacher training seminars and workshops on CLIL methodology, intercultural education and creative learning in several Spanish universities as well as at ITESO university (Guadalajara, Mexico) and Manipal University (Karnataka, India), where I was a visiting researcher in 2013 and 2015 respectively.