Transfer of knowledge to private sector or public administrations

In-depth analysis of natural water retention measures against floods in the basin of the Ramabujas stream (Toledo). Firm: Mediodes Consultoría Ambiental y Paisajismo, S.L. Main researcher. 2024-2025

Report on incorporation of ecological flows to new rules of exploitation of the Tajo-Segura transfer, Association: Asociación de Municipios Ribereños de los Embalses de Entrepeñas y Buendía. Main researcher. 2023-2024

Analysis of the conservation status of the Guadarrama river basin. Consequences in the municipality of Batres. Public administration: Ayuntamiento de Batres (Madrid). Main researcher. 2022-2023

Report on cadastral lands of the basin of the Guajaraz reservoir (Toledo). Firm: Mediodes Consultoría Ambiental y Paisajismo, S.L. Main researcher. 2022

The Water Framework Directive and Cost Recovery in the Tajo-Segura Transfer. Association: Asociación de Municipios Ribereños de los Embalses de Entrepeñas y Buendía. Main researcher. 2021-2022

Report on ecological flows in the Red Natura 2000 areas of the hydrographic basins of Castilla-La Mancha. Public administration: Dirección General de Medio Natural y Biodiversidad de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Main researcher. 2020-2021

Statistical Support for Quironsalud Professionals. Firm: QS Instituto de Investigación e Innovación, S.L.U. Researcher. 2020-2022

Report on the proposal to improve the exploitation rules of the Tajo-Segura transfer. Association: Asociación de Municipios Ribereños de los Embalses de Entrepeñas y Buendía. Main researcher. 2020

Application of Advanced Statistical Techniques for the Design of an Automated Housing Valuation Model. Firm: COHISPANIA (COMPAÑIA HISPANIA DE TASACIONES). Main researcher. 2018-2019

Design of a housing automated valuation model. Firm: COHISPANIA (COMPAÑIA HISPANIA DE TASACIONES). Main researcher. 2016-2017

Online Valuation Project for Real Estate Portfolios. Firm: AXESOR CONOCER PARA DECIDIR S.A. Main researcher, 2013-2014

Valuation of housing using geostatistical techniques. Firm: INFOTEL: Información y Telecomunicaciones S.A. Main researcher. 2009
