El Laboratorio de Acústica Aplicada a la Ingeniería Civil (LA2IC) de la Universidad de Castila-La Mancha es un laboratorio de investigación científica y asistencia técnica de alto nivel, que tiene entre otras las siguientes funciones:
- Desarrollar trabajos de investigación en el área de Física Aplicada a la Ingeniería, colaborando estrechamente con otros campos de investigación presentes en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y en particular en la E.T.S.I. Caminos, como son: Ciencia de Materiales, Infraestructura del Transporte, Medio Ambiente, Ordenación Territorial, Ingeniería de la Construcción, etc.
- Organización de cursos, conferencias, seminarios, jornadas, etc., promoviendo el conocimiento y la difusión de las novedades científico-tecnológicos asociados a cualquier campo de la Física Aplicada a la Ingeniería.
- La asistencia técnica y científica a instituciones y empresas.
1. Líneas de Investigación que se están desarrollando
- Caracterización acústica de superficies de rodadura (mezclas asfálticas y pavimento).
- Auscultación de la superficie de carretera.
- Propiedades acústicas de materiales.
- Acústica asociada a infraestructuras de transporte y urbana. Ruido medioambiental.
- Diseño y caracterización de mezclas asfálticas.
- Propiedades ópticas y magnéticas de materiales. Películas delgadas.
2. Miembros del laboratorio
- SANTIAGO EXPÓSITO PAJE (Dpto. Física Aplicada, Escuela T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Ciudad Real). Investigador Principal.
- FERNANDO TERÁN SIERRA (E. S. informática).
- PEDRO HUERTAS GALLARDO(E. Politécnica Cuenca)
3. Infraestructura con la que cuenta el laboratorio
- Equipo para el estudio del ruido de rodadura y la auscultación de la superficie del pavimento de carreteras.
- Equipo para la medida de la absorción acústica de la superficie de pavimentos de carreteras.
- Equipo para la medida del ruido ambiental a la intemperie.
- Software de predicción del ruido ambiental asociado a infraestructuras de transporte para la elaboración de mapas de ruido.
- Sonómetros, analizadores, acelerómetros, GPS.
- Equipos para el diseño, fabricación y caracterización de mezclas asfálticas.
4. Contacto
Laboratorio de Acústica Aplicada a la Ingeniería Civil (LA2IC)
Departamento de Física Aplicada, E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)
Contacto: la2ic@uclm.es
La capacidad científico técnica del Laboratorio de Acústica Aplicada a la Ingeniería Civil (LA2IC) puede considerarse como muy relevante en relación a la INNOVACIÓN en la evaluación acústica de pavimentos para capas de rodadura, y a la auscultación de dichas mezclas en servicio (Innovación para el Control del Ruido Ambiental).
El LA2IC cuenta con equipos y métodos únicos a nivel internacional para una evaluación científico-técnica de excelencia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkKrhkWCdlA), y para la catalogación acústica de Pavimentos Sono-Reductores en servicio.
Este carácter de excelencia de sus investigaciones y métodos desarrollados queda reflejado en los trabajos internacionales publicados en revistas del más alto prestigio.
Algunos de dichos trabajos internacionales son (Datos Web of Science, Marzo 2017):
Por: Vázquez, VF (Vázquez, V. F.); Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.) |
Título: Dynamic Stiffness Assessment of Construction Materials by the Resonant and Non-resonant Methods |
Volumen: 35 |
Número: 2 |
Número de artículo: UNSP 34 |
DOI: 10.1007/s10921-016-0350-z |
Fecha de publicación: JUN 2016 |
Resumen: Dynamic stiffness of pavement surfaces is a structural property related to surface vibration and traffic noise. It is one of the mechanisms involved in tire/road noise generation. An equipment for measuring dynamic stiffness was designed and built to perform in-situ nondestructive testing on road surfaces. Laboratory studies on samples are presented to compare different measurement procedures. Measurements of the dynamic stiffness were carried out by the Resonant and Non-resonant Method. Moreover, a Dynamic Stiffness Index is proposed in order to compare the stiffness of the studied samples. Construction materials with different characteristics were studied, from resilient materials for acoustic insulation to rigid materials for pavement construction. Results show that the Non-resonant Method is more suitable for dynamic stiffness measurements, since this method could be carried out on real pavements, and both, driving point and transfer functions could bemeasured simultaneously. Little dynamic stiffness differences were found among road construction materials, compared to those of the resilient materials. However, the presented testing procedures are able to establish differences among these materials. |
Total de veces citado: 0 |
ISSN: 0195-9298 |
eISSN: 1573-4862 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000386914700013 |
Registro 2 |
Por: Vázquez, VF (Vázquez, V. F.); Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.) |
Título: Study of the road surface properties that control the acoustic performance of a rubberised asphalt mixture |
Volumen: 102 |
Páginas: 33-39 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2015.09.008 |
Fecha de publicación: JAN 15 2016 |
Resumen: Simultaneously with the fact that vehicle industry has been able to lower the noise emission from driving vehicles, tire/pavement noise has become the most significant source of traffic noise. In order to reduce it, low noise surfaces are seen as a practical solution. One of these types of surfaces may be elaborated with bituminous mixtures with crumb tire rubber added to the binder in high content by a wet process. However, the generation mechanisms involved in the tire/pavement sound and the reasons of the noise attenuation achieved with these mixtures are not so clear. This study analyses the different generation mechanisms that take place in the tire/pavement sound generation in these crumb tire rubber pavements. The surface properties of the in-service pavement, which are most important in controlling the acoustic performance (texture, acoustic absorption and dynamic stiffness or mechanical impedance), have been measured for the characterization of a test track constructed with and without crumb tire rubber. After results correlation of these surface characteristics in a pavement with crumb tire rubber added by a wet process, it seems that the parameters of roughness and texture could have a relevant role in the global tire/pavement sound emission, whereas dynamic stiffness influence is relatively minor. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Total de veces citado: 1 |
ISSN: 0003-682X |
eISSN: 1872-910X |
Número de acceso: WOS:000364608900004 |
Registro 3 |
Por: Vázquez, VF (Vázquez, V. F.); Luong, J (Luong, J.); Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Terán, F (Terán, F.); Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.) |
Título: Assessment of an action against environmental noise: Acoustic durability of a pavement surface with crumb rubber |
Volumen: 542 |
Páginas: 223-230 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.102 |
Subdivisión: A |
Fecha de publicación: JAN 15 2016 |
Resumen: Environmental noise is a worldwide problem that has an adverse effect in the quality of life of urban population. Some work has shown that there is a correlation between environmental noise and health issues as sleep disturbance or annoyance. This study presents the time evolution of a test track fabricated with an asphalt mixture with 20% of crumb rubber by weight of bitumen, added by the wet process. A complete surface characterization has been performed by determining tire/pavement sound levels, road texture profiles, in-situ dynamic stiffness and sound absorption of compacted and extracted sample cores. Two measurement campaigns were performed: just after mixture laying and after 3 years in service. This study confirms that the use of crumb rubber as a modifier of bituminous binders (CRMB) can improve the pavement characteristics: gap-graded mixtures with crumb rubber can be used in the action plans as urban rehabilitation measure to fight noise pollution. However, this noise reduction seems to decrease with age at a rate of approximately 0.15 dB(A) per year. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |
Total de veces citado: 0 |
ISSN: 0048-9697 |
eISSN: 1879-1026 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000365602100023 |
ID de PubMed: 26519582 |
Registro 4 |
Por: Vázquez, VF (Vázquez, Víctor F.); Terán, F (Terán, Fernando); Vinuela, U (Vinuela, Urbano); Paje, SE (Paje, Santiago E.) |
Volumen: 13 |
Número: 10 |
Páginas: 2487-2495 |
Fecha de publicación: OCT 2014 |
Resumen: End-of-life tires are waste materials that pollute landscapes when they are disposed of in tire dumps. However, its life cycle is not finished when they are scrapped. The rubber of end-of-life tires could be used for new purposes as construction material in road rehabilitation. A gap-graded mix characterization was carried out in this work by means of laboratory and field performance tests. The mixture has a high content of crumb rubber (CR) by weight of bitumen. Crumb Rubber was added to the binder by a wet process. Close proximity methodology has been used in in-situ characterization of the acoustic behaviour. Moreover, absorption and dynamic stiffness tests were also conducted to determine the noise generation mechanisms involved in noise. According to the results achieved, a reduction of the noise emitted by the tire/pavement interaction could be accomplished with the construction of roads with mixture with CR added by a wet process. In addition, this would result in a decrease of the amount of waste tires in landfills. |
Total de veces citado: 3 |
ISSN: 1582-9596 |
eISSN: 1843-3707 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000347162500008 |
Registro 5 |
Por: Bueno, M (Bueno, Moises); Luong, J (Luong, Jeanne); Terán, F (Terán, Fernando); Vinuela, U (Vinuela, Urbano); Vázquez, VF (Vázquez, Víctor F.); Paje, SE (Paje, Santiago E.) |
Título: Noise Reduction Properties of an Experimental Bituminous Slurry with Crumb Rubber Incorporated by the Dry Process |
Fuente: COATINGS |
Volumen: 4 |
Número: 3 |
Páginas: 602-613 |
DOI: 10.3390/coatings4030602 |
Fecha de publicación: SEP 2014 |
Resumen: Nowadays, cold technology for asphalt pavement in the field of road construction is considered as an alternative solution to conventional procedures from both an economic and environmental point of view. Among these techniques, bituminous slurry surfacing is obtaining an important role due to the properties of the obtained wearing course. The functional performance of this type of surfaces is directly related to its rough texture. Nevertheless, this parameter has a significant influence on the tire/road noise generation. To reduce this undesirable effect on the sound performance, new designs of elastic bituminous slurries have been developed. Within the FENIX project, this work presents the acoustical characterization of an experimental bituminous slurry with crumb rubber from wasted automobile tires incorporated by the dry process. The obtained results show that, under controlled operational parameters, the close proximity sound levels associated to the experimental slurry are considerably lower than those emitted by a conventional slurry wearing course. However, after one year of supporting traffic loads and different weather conditions, the evaluated bituminous slurry, although it conserves the original noise reduction properties in relation to the conventional one, noticeably increases the generated sound emission. Therefore, it is required to continue improving the design of experimental surfaces in order to enhance its long-term performance. |
Total de veces citado: 0 |
ISSN: 2079-6412 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000209733700012 |
Registro 6 |
Por: Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Luong, J (Luong, J.); Terán, F (Terán, F.); Vinuela, U (Vinuela, U.); Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.) |
Título: Macrotexture influence on vibrational mechanisms of the tyre-road noise of an asphalt rubber pavement |
Volumen: 15 |
Número: 7 |
Páginas: 606-613 |
DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2013.790547 |
Fecha de publicación: AUG 9 2014 |
Resumen: The road surface is one of the most important factors that have influence on the current traffic noise. Usually, for dense surfaces, impacts of the tyre on the pavement generate vibrations which are the dominant mechanisms in the tyre-road noise. In this study, the effect of muffling these vibrations, by the incorporation of crumb rubber (CR) from wasted tyres into asphalt pavements, has been evaluated acoustically. Close proximity measurements have been carried out to register the sound emission generated in the contact zone between a reference tyre and an experimental asphalt pavement with CR. The analysis of the measurements indicates that the incorporation of CR as well as the air voids content has less influence than the macrotexture of the road surface on the acoustical behaviour of this experimental asphalt pavement. |
Total de veces citado: 5 |
ISSN: 1029-8436 |
eISSN: 1477-268X |
Número de acceso: WOS:000334074700004 |
Registro 7 |
Por: Luong, J (Luong, J.); Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Vázquez, VF (Vázquez, V. F.); Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.) |
Título: Ultrathin porous pavement made with high viscosity asphalt rubber binder: A better acoustic absorption? |
Volumen: 79 |
Páginas: 117-123 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2013.12.020 |
Fecha de publicación: MAY 2014 |
Resumen: This work presents a non-destructive technique applied to ultrathin porous asphalt pavements that allows us to characterize their internal structure. Comparison between acoustic absorption data from experimental tests with an impedance tube and analytical simulation leads to an optimization of intrinsic parameters, such as tortuosity, airflow resistivity and porosity. The studied ultrathin specimens are of a high air void content porous mixture made with conventional polymer modified bituminous binder and high viscosity rubber binder. It has been found that one of the studied mixtures presents less air void content than specified by the manufacturer, and thus absorbs less noise as foreseen. Finally, in this case it appears that using a high viscosity asphalt rubber binder has no influence on maximum acoustic absorption but on the frequency of appearance of this maximum, tortuosity and airflow resistivity. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Total de veces citado: 5 |
ISSN: 0003-682X |
eISSN: 1872-910X |
Número de acceso: WOS:000355231500015 |
Registro 8 |
Por: Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.); Luong, J (Luong, J.); Vázquez, VF (Vázquez, V. F.); Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Miro, R (Miro, R.) |
Título: Road pavement rehabilitation using a binder with a high content of crumb rubber: Influence on noise reduction |
Volumen: 47 |
Páginas: 789-798 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.05.008 |
Fecha de publicación: OCT 2013 |
Resumen: Although performance of pavements depend on the characteristics of materials used, design accuracy and construction quality, crumb rubber modified binders (CRMB) are materials with an increasing use in road pavements due to their enhanced properties and to the environmental protection by re-using a waste material. This paper presents the laboratory characterization and the evaluation of field performances of a gap-graded mix with 20% of crumb rubber by weight of bitumen, added by a wet process. Acoustical field characterization has been performed by determining, at different speeds, sound levels and noise spectra measured in close proximity. Road profiles along the test sections and sound absorption of compacted sample cores also have been studied to analyze their relationship with the noise emitted. Results show that the use of a binder modified with a high content of crumb rubber reduces the noise emitted by the tyre/pavement interaction. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Total de veces citado: 10 |
ISSN: 0950-0618 |
eISSN: 1879-0526 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000325232600085 |
Registro 9 |
Por: Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Luong, J (Luong, J.); Vinuela, U (Vinuela, U.); Terán, F (Terán, F.); Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.) |
Título: Pavement temperature influence on close proximity tire/road noise |
Volumen: 72 |
Número: 11 |
Páginas: 829-835 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2011.05.005 |
Fecha de publicación: NOV 2011 |
Resumen: The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of the surface temperature on the acoustical behaviour of a semidense asphalt pavement located in an urban area. The sound levels emitted by the interaction between a reference tire and the asphalt pavement at different surface temperatures were measured with the trailer Tiresonic Mk4 LA(2)IC-UCLM rolling at a speed of 50 km/h. The analysis of the results shows that increasing pavement temperature leads to a reduction in the close proximity sound levels assessed at a rate of 0.06 dB(A)/degrees C. Moreover, spectral analysis confirms that both the mechanisms associated with vibration and impacts and those related to the friction and adhesion between tire and pavement in the contact patch could be affected by the variation of the surface temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Total de veces citado: 14 |
ISSN: 0003-682X |
Número de acceso: WOS:000293425600004 |
Registro 10 |
Por: Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.); Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Terán, F (Terán, F.); Miro, R (Miro, R.); Pérez-Jimenez, F (Pérez-Jimenez, F.); Martínez, AH (Martínez, A. H.) |
Título: Acoustic field evaluation of asphalt mixtures with crumb rubber |
Volumen: 71 |
Número: 6 |
Páginas: 578-582 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2009.12.003 |
Fecha de publicación: JUN 2010 |
Resumen: The aim of this study is to characterize the acoustical behavior of bituminous mixtures fabricated with recycled rubber crumb. Acoustic field measurements of the tire/pavement interaction in close proximity to the contact patch were carried out with a trailer with a protective chamber (TiresonicMk4-LA2IC). The survey was conducted on a test track with several experimental sections paved with a gap-graded mixture. Different methods of incorporating crumb rubber in the mixture were used: (i) into binder and (ii) with the aggregate materials. Close proximity sound levels are assigned to the gap-graded mixtures containing rubber and compared to that of a reference mixture without rubber. It is shown that asphalt mixtures fabricated with the addition of crumb rubber to the aggregate material (dry process) managed to reduce the noise from the tire/pavement interaction up to 2 dB(A). (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Total de veces citado: 28 |
ISSN: 0003-682X |
Número de acceso: WOS:000276652800011 |
Registro 11 |
Por: Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.); Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Vinuela, U (Vinuela, U.); Terán, F (Terán, F.) |
Título: Toward the acoustical characterization of asphalt pavements: Analysis of the tire/road sound from a porous surface |
Volumen: 125 |
Número: 1 |
Páginas: 5-7 |
DOI: 10.1121/1.3025911 |
Fecha de publicación: JAN 2009 |
Resumen: Sound level in close proximity to the contact patch of the tire and road (L(CPtr)) is analyzed as a function of the vehicle speed in the acoustic frequency range, showing different behavior depending on frequency. At least two regions are observed; one at low frequencies, where the variation in sound with speed (coefficient B) increases with frequency, and the other at higher frequencies, where such sound/speed variation does not increase significantly with frequency. The dependence of B at low frequencies seems to be correlated with the high sound absorption of this porous surface. |
Total de veces citado: 15 |
ISSN: 0001-4966 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000262672600009 |
ID de PubMed: 19173385 |
Registro 12 |
Por: Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.); Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Terán, F (Terán, F.); Vinuela, U (Vinuela, U.); Luong, J (Luong, J.) |
Título: Assessment of asphalt concrete acoustic performance in urban streets |
Volumen: 123 |
Número: 3 |
Páginas: 1439-1445 |
DOI: 10.1121/1.2828068 |
Fecha de publicación: MAR 2008 |
Resumen: Geo-referenced close proximity rolling noise and sound absorption measurements are used for acoustical characterization of asphalt concrete surfaces in an urban environment. A close proximity noise map of streets with low speed limits is presented for a reference speed of 50 km/h. Different pavements and pavement conditions, common in urban streets, are analyzed: dense and semidense asphalt concrete, with Spanish denomination D-8 and S-12, respectively, and on the other hand, dense pavement at the end of its service life (D-8*). From the acoustics point of view, the most favorable surface, by more than 4 dB(A) compared with the S-12 mix, is the smoothest surface, i.e., the D-8 mix, even though it presents a minor absorption coefficient in normal incidence. Noise levels from dense surfaces (D-8) increase significantly over time, principally due to the appearance of surface defects such as cracks and ruts. Longitudinal variability of the close proximity tire/ pavement noise emission and surface homogeneity are also analyzed. (C) 2068 Acoustical Society of America. |
Total de veces citado: 17 |
ISSN: 0001-4966 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000254208300022 |
ID de PubMed: 18345833 |
Registro 13 |
Por: Paje, SE (Paje, S. E.); Bueno, M (Bueno, M.); Terán, F (Terán, F.); Vinuela, U (Vinuela, U.) |
Título: Monitoring road surfaces by close proximity noise of the tire/road interaction |
Volumen: 122 |
Número: 5 |
Páginas: 2636-2641 |
DOI: 10.1121/1.2766777 |
Subdivisión: 1 |
Fecha de publicación: NOV 2007 |
Resumen: Applied acoustics is becoming an important field for civil infrastructure and environmental assessment, and road maintenance or rehabilitation strategies. In this research LA2IC has developed a GPS-based measurement techniques and apparatus on a test vehicle, for monitoring the acoustical properties of different road pavement surfaces with a reference tire. A field test on PA-12 Spanish porous pavement found in Ciudad Real is developed. The test procedure, a modification based upon the close-proximity method (CPX), relies on the use of three standard microphones situated very close to the tire/road contact patch. This procedure allows the simultaneous measurement of the sound emission synchronized to a GPS receiver, which permits tracking of the position of the sound emission. Geo-referenced sound spectra for every 10 m during individual passes of the test vehicle are analyzed to determine the tire/road noise emissions from tire/PA-12 pavement interaction. Noise levels of around 102 dB(A), with a variability of approximately 0.6 dB(A), are found at a reference vehicle speed of 85 km/h. The frequency spectrum analysis over the test section shows noticeable differences for frequencies above 1 kHz, where the tire/road noise generation mechanisms are dominated by air pumping. (c) 2007 Acoustical Society of America. |
Total de veces citado: 15 |
ISSN: 0001-4966 |
Número de acceso: WOS:000250451800017 |
ID de PubMed: 18189555 |