2. Abstract

Sustainable Electrochemical Reduction of contaminants of emerging concern and Pathogens in WWTP effluent for Irrigation of Crops .

The overall aim of the SERPIC project is to investigate and minimise the spread of CECs and ARB/ARG with a focus on additional water sources for food production. The consortium will follow three objectives: Objective 1 aims to minimize the spread and transformation of CECs including ARB and ARG, within the water cycle from households and industries to WWTPs effluents, and afterwards via irrigation into the food chain, into soil and groundwater and into river basins, estuaries, coastal areas, and oceans; Objective 2 to reduce CECs from WWTP effluent by developing an innovative treatment technology, based on membrane filtration and light driven electro-chemical processes; and Objective 3 is to elaborate methodologies and tools for monitoring, health and environmental risk assessment and for the implementation of new reuse concepts including new treatment technologies, as a basis for better policy and decision-making, for regulatory issues and new standards. SERPIC will develop an integral technology, based on a multi-barrier approach, to treat the effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to maximise the reduction of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). A membrane nanofiltration (NF) technology will be applied to reduce CECs in its permeate stream by at least 90 % while retaining the nutrients. A residual disinfection using chlorine dioxide produced electrochemically will be added to the stream used for crops irrigation (Route A). The CECs in the polluted concentrate (retentate) stream will be reduced by at least 80 % by light driven electro-chemical oxidation. When discharged into the aquatic system (route B), it will contribute to the quality improvement of the surface water body. A prototype treatment plant will be set-up and evaluated for irrigation in long-term tests with the help of agricultural test pots. A review investigation of CECs spread will be performed at four regional showcases in Europe and Africa. It will include a detailed assessment of the individual situation and surrounding condition. Transfer concepts will be developed to transfer the results of the treatment technology to other regions, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The SERPIC consortium is composed with partners based on their proven track-record capabilities and successful past experiences on the collaboration and development of ambitious projects in the field of aquatic ecosystems. The consortium combines leading experts from research (IST, ISE, UCLM, UNIFE, UP, NIVA, SU) and industry (SSP, AdP). This project collects an interdisciplinary team with competencies in CECs monitoring and risk assessment (UNIFE, SU), electrochemical advanced oxidation (EAOP) (IST, UCLM), membrane filtration (NIVA), advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and photochemical reactor design (UP), design and implement of solutions for wastewater treatment (WWT) and operation of WWT facilities (AdP), solar systems (ISE, SSP), LCA (UCLM), policy and decision-making (UNIFE) and project management (IST).