ICC Case re the destruction of Timbuktu mausoleums: confirmation of charges hearing postponed until 1 March 2016


Reconstructions of World Heritage mausoleums damaged by armed extremists in 2012. The works are carried out by Timbuktu residents in the framework of a project financed by Mali and Unesco with contributions from Andorra, Barein, Croatia and Mauritius, and logistical support from MINUSMA in Mali. See http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/1112/

Logo ICCOn 13 January 2016 Judge Cuno Tarfusser, Single Judge of the Pre-trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC), decided the postponement of the confirmation of charges hearing, initially scheduled for 18 January 2016, to take place on Tuesday 1 March and, if necessary, to continue on Wednesday 2 March 2016.

The decision was taken following the request of the defense based on the impact in the preparations of the hearing caused by the need of translating disclosed material of Al Mahdi, the delay in providing a computer for his use, the difficulties concerning the access and use of programs necessary to assess the material disclosed by the Prosecutor up until mid-December 2015, and the Court´s moving to its permanent premises. The Prosecutor acknowledged the technical and logistical challenges highlighted by the defense and supported the request. Under these considerations, Judge Cuno Tarfusser concluded that it was appropriate to postpone the confirmation of charges hearing until Tuesday 1 March 2016.

See here Mr Cune Tarfuser Decision postponing confirmation of charges hearing

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