G7 Taormina Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism and Violent Extremism – Cultural Heritage mentioned

On 26 May 2017, the Leaders of G7 meeting at Taormina issued a Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism and Violent Extremism.

In this Statement, the Leaders condemned terrorist attack of Manchester and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, and proclaimed that the fight against terrorism and violent extremism remains a major priority for the G7.

Further to the G7 Action Plan adopted in Ise-Shima, the Leaders of G7 tasked their Ministers of Interior to meet as soon as possible to focus on the implementation of a set of measures in close cooperation with private sector and civil society, including (1) the misuse of Internet by terrorists, (2) the risk posed by foreign fighters as they disperse from theaters of conflict, (3) existing sources and channels of terrorist financing and the financing of violent extremists, (4) the flow and return of foreign fighters using regular flights (5) the diversion of weapons into the hands of terrorists, (6) information sharing functions of Interpol.

As regards culture and the protection of cultural heritage, the G7 Statements is as follows:

“11. We are convinced of the distinctive role of culture as an instrument to fight terrorism. Cultivating culture is a way to foster tolerance and dialogue among peoples, mutual understanding, religious pluralism, and recognition and respect for diversity. Culture contributes to the preservation of identity and the memory of mankind, encourages dialogue and exchanges among nations, and, ultimately, can be an extraordinary instrument to prevent radicalization and violent extremism, especially among youth.

12. We also affirm our strong determination to cooperate in protecting cultural heritage and countering the looting and trafficking of cultural property. Such property is a source of financing for activities of terrorist groups and organizations, but also a heinous means to eradicate cultural diversity from the territories under their control”.

See G7 Taormina Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism and Violent Extremism.