I got my PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in 1993 and the MsC deegree in Risk Prevention and Laboral Health in 2002. Currently, I am Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at the UCLM and the Head of the Institute of Chemical and Environmental Technology, ITQUIMA.
I have been the supervisor of 12 PhD Thesis and the co-author of 10 patents. I have published more than 190 SCI indexed research articles and 20 non-indexed articles. Also I am the author of several Book Chapters in collective publications. more than 170 communications in national and international conferences. My participation in research projects covers more than 40 research projects funded by European (6), national and regional public organizations and I have managed more than 7 million € in more than 100 projects financed by national and multinationals companies. My team has been granted the European project NANOLEAP, of which was the coordinator, endowed with € 6.8 million and the participation of 18 European companies and organizations. Currently we are partners of the ambitious H2020 EU project, PUresmart, endowed with 6 MM€ with the goal of making more sustainable the polyurethane life cycle.
I am a member of the editorial board of journals as Materials, J. Macrom. Sci. A., Pure App. Chem and Topol. Supramol. Poly. Sci. I have been recently the chairman of the European Meeting of Supercritical Fluids 2019 (EMSF2019) and editor of the special issue for the EMSF2019 of the Journal of Supercritical Fluid. I have been also member of the scientific committee and organizer of several international scientific congresses: Challenges in Science and Technology of Polymer Materials 2015, GPE2014, GPE2018, ISFR2011, E2KW, EWPC-11. Specifically, in the 11th European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry, organized in Sofia in March 2014, I had the honour of giving the opening plenary lesson. Also, I am president of the Steering Committee of the EU NANOLEAP project and member of the Steering Committee of Polinnova (FP7) and I was External Referee of different European projects.
In relation with my entrepreneurial activity I can highlight that I have found several spin-off companies based on the scientific and technical achievements of my research works such as Converlim, Alquimia Soluciones Ambientales and Garlincisa.
I have received several awards during my career as the best trajectory of collaboration of the Spanish Network of Enterprise-University Foundations, the Award MATEX 2006 in the International Congress APLIMATEC’06 by the development of thermoregulatory microcapsule for textiles the Regional Award INNOVARED to the best research based business idea in 2008, the distinction of the best regional research centre in 2012 and the best contribution to the congress Polyurethanes 2012.
I am member of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry since 1989 and Member of the Castellano Manchega Association of Chemical Engineers since its creation in 2000.