A bit about me

Diego J. Pedregal holds an M.S. degree in economics and management from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, Spain, June 1991), an M.A. degree in Public Finance and Economic Programming from the Spanish Institute of Fiscal Studies (June 1992), and a PhD degree in Economics in April 1995 from the UAM. His career started as an Associate Research position at Lancaster University (UK) from September 1994 to October 1997, and followed with positions of assitant professor at the UAM and Banco del Comercio staff (BBVA holding) from October 1997 until October 1999; assistant professor in the Industrial Engineering Politecnic at theCastilla-La Mancha University since 15/12/2000; professor tenure since 14/04/2002; and full professor since 13/05/2009. He has research contributions in the areas of econometrics and time series analysis, unobserved components models, signal extraction, data-based modelling, signal processing and forecasting. Applied work areas that include economic modelling and forecasting of fiscal variables; modelling of business cycles; supply chain modelling; transport economics; electricity load and price forecasting; predictive maintenance of industrial equipment; modelling of hydrological and other environmental systems. Collaborations in projects and consultancy interests include: Barclaycard plc. UK, the Ebro Hydrological Confederation, the Spanish National Energy Commission, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Spain, the Spanish Institute for Fiscal Studies, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, among others. Expertise in the use of the Matlab/SimulinkTM software environment, author of several toolboxes for MatlabTM (SSpace and ECOTOOL) and co-author of the Captain toolbox.