


69. Engineering hard ferrite composites by combining nanostructuring and Al3+ Substitution: From nano to dense bulk magnets

Pierfrancesco Maltoni, Gianni Barucca, Bogdan Rutkowski, Sergey A Ivanov, Nader Yaacoub, Anastasiia Mikheenkova, Gustav Ek, Mirva Eriksson, Bjarne Almqvist, Marianna Vasilakaki, Gaspare Varvaro, Tapati Sarkar, José A De Toro, Kalliopi Trohidou, Davide Peddis, Roland Mathieu

Acta Materialia, 2025, 282, 120491


68. Tailoring the Spin Reorientation Transition of Co Films by Pd Monolayer Capping

Benito Santos Burgos, Raúl López-Martín, José A. De Toro, Chris Binns, Andreas K. Schmid and Juan de la Figuera

Nanomaterials 202414(20), 1662

67. Non-exchange bias hysteresis loop shifts in dense composites of soft-hard magnetic nanoparticles: New possibilities for simple reference layers in magnetic devices

Pierfrancesco Maltoni, Raúl López-Martín, Elena H. Sánchez, Peter S. Normile, Marianna Vasilakaki, Su Seong Lee, Benito Santos Burgos, Eloy A. López del Castillo, Davide Peddis, Chris Binns, Kalliopi Trohidou, Roland Mathieu, Josep Nogués & José A. De Toro

Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 7, 182, (2024)

66.Unraveling Exchange Coupling in Ferrites Nano-Heterostructures

Pierfrancesco Maltoni, Gianni Barucca, Bogdan Rutkowski, Maria Chiara Spadaro, Petra E. Jönsson, Gaspare Varvaro, Nader Yaacoub, José A. De Toro, Davide Peddis and Roland Mathieu.

Small, 20, 2304152 (2024)

65. Nanostructured FeCo films of exceptionally high saturation magnetisation

Raúl López-Martín, Chris Binns, Benito Santos Burgos, Peter S. Normile, José A. De Toro, Andrew Pratt, Toby Bird, Maha Alotaibi, Jack Pearce, David Hesp, Connor Fields, Shengfu Yang, Hanqing Liu, Larissa S.I. Veiga and Sarnjeet S. Dhesi.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1002, 175223 (2024)

64. Toxicity and magnetometry evaluation of the uptake of core-shell maghemite-silica nanoparticles by neuroblastoma cells.

Raúl López-Martín, Nieves Aranda-Sobrino, Nerea De Enciso-Campos, Elena H. Sánchez, Gregorio Castañeda-Peñalvo, Su Seong Lee, Chris Binns, Inmaculada Ballesteros-Yáñez, Jose A. De Toro and Carlos A. Castillo-Sarmiento.

Royal Society Open Science, 11, 231839 (2024)

63. Magnetic anisotropy engineering in onion-structured metal oxide nanoparticles combining dual exchange coupling and proximity effects.

Kevin Sartori, Raúl López-Martín, Fadi Chouekani, Alexandre Gloter, Jean-Marc Grenèche, Sylvie Begin-Colin, Dario Taverna, José A. De Toro and Benoit P. Pichon.

Nanoscale Advances, 6, 2903-2918, (2024)


62. Stacking Influence on the in-planemagnetic anisotropy in a 2D magnetic system.

Sandra Ruíz-Gómez, Lucas Pérez, Arantzazu Mascaraque, Benito Santos, Farid El Gabaly, Andreas K. Schmid, Juan de la Figuera.

Nanoscale, 15, 8313-8319 (2023)

61. Tuning the exchange-coupling effect in raspberry-like γ-Fe2O3@CoO nanoparticles engineered through the single variation of the surfactant concentration in the synthesis process.

Clémentine Bidaud, David García-Soriano, Elena H. Sánchez, Jean-Marc Grenèche, José A. De Toro, María Varela, Mónica Dhanjani, Alberto Bollero, Gorka Salas.

Materials Chemistry Frontiers 7 3116-3126 (2023)


60. Crossover From Individual to Collective Magnetism in Dense Nanoparticle Systems: Local Anisotropy Versus Dipolar Interactions

Elena H. Sánchez, Marianna Vasilakaki, Su Seong Lee, Peter S. Normile, Mikael S. Andersson, Roland Mathieu, Alberto López-Ortega, Benoit P. Pichon, Davide Peddis, Chris Binns, Per Norblad, Kalliopi N. Trohidou, Josep Nogués, José A. De Toro.

Small 2106762 (2022)

59. Effectiveness of Silver Nanoparticles Deposited in Facemask Material for Neutralising Viruses

Raúl López-Martín, Imanol Rodrigo, Carlos Ballesta, Armando Arias, Antonio Más, Benito Santos Burgos, Peter S. Normile, José A. De Toro and Chris Binns.

Nanomaterials 2022, 12(15), 2662

58.Structure and magnetism in ultra-thin hcp Fe films on Re(0001)

Benito Santos Burgos, Jorge Iribas Cerda, José M. Puerta, Raúl López-Martín, José A. De Toro, Davide Peddis and Chris Binns.

Surfaces and Interfaces 101982 (2022)


57. Reconfigurable Mechanical Anisotropy in Self Assembled Magnetic Superstructures

Verner Håkonsen, Gurvinder Singh, José A. De Toro, Peter S. Normile, Erik Wahlström, Jianying He, and Zhiliang Zhang

Advanced Science 2002683 (2021)

56. Gas Phase Synthesis of Multi-Element Nanoparticles

Raúl López-Martín, Benito Santos Burgos, Peter S. Normile, José A. De Toro and Chris Binns.

Nanomaterials 11:2803 (2021)

55. New insights into controlling the twin structure of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

Birgitte H. McDonagh, Christoph Staundinger, Peter S. Normile, José A. De Toro, Sulalit Bandyopadhyay, Wilhelm R. Glomm and Gurvinder Singh

Applied Materials Today 101084 (2021)

54. On the detection of surface spin freezing in iron oxide nanoparticles and its long-term evolution under ambient oxidation

M. Ghoshani, E. H. Sánchez, S. S. Lee, G. Singh, N. Yaacoub, D. Peddis, M. Mozaffari, C. Binns, J. A. De Toro and P. S. Normile

Nanotechnology 32 (2021)

53. Effective control of the magnetic anisotropy in ferromagnetic MnBi micro-islands

Melek Villanueva, Elena H. Sánchez, Pablo Olleros-Rodríguez, Patricia Pedraz, Paolo Perna, Peter S. Normile, Jose A. De Toro, Julio Camarero, Cristina Navío, Alberto Bollero

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 852 (2021)


52. Multiferroic behavior in EuTiO3 films constrained by symmetry

P. J. Ryan, G. E. Sterbinsky, Y. Choi , J. C. Woicik, Leyi Zhu, J. S. Jiang, J.H. Lee, D. G. Schlom, T. Birol, S. D. Brown, P. B. J. Thompson, P. S. Normile, J. Lang, and J.-W. Kim

Physical Review B 101 (2020)

51. Photocatalysis meets magnetism: designing magnetically recoverable supports for visible-light photocatalysis

Julio C. S. Terra, Ariane Desgranges, Cyrille Monnereau, Elena H. Sánchez, José A. De Toro, Zacharias Amara and Audrey Moores

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020)

50. Simultaneous Individual and dipolar collective properties in binary assemblies of magnetic nanoparticles

Elena H. Sánchez, Marianna Vasilakaki, Su Seong Lee, Peter S. Normile, Giuseppe Muscas, Massimiliano Murgia, Mikael S. Andersson, Gurvinder Singh, Roland Mathieu, Per Nordblad, Pier Carlo Ricci, Davide Peddis, Kalliopi N. Trohidou, Josep Nogués, José A. De Toro

Chemistry of Materials 32, 3 (2020)


49. Magnetically enhanced mechanical stability and super-size effects in self-assembled superstructures of nanocubes

Verner Hakonsen, Gurvinder Singh, Peter S. Normile, José A. De Toro, Erik Wahlström, Jianying He, Zhiliang Zhang

Advanced Functional Materials 1904825 (2019)

48. Flexible multifunctional nanoribbon arrays of palladium nanoparticles for transparent conduction and hydrogen detection.

Elena H. Sánchez, Peter S. Normile, Jose A. de Toro, Rubén Caballero, J. Canales-Vázquez, Esther Rebollar, Marta Castillejo and Jose M. Colino.

Applied Surface Science 470, 212 (2019)

47. Optical and vibrational properties of CaZnOS: The role of intrinsic defects.

P.C. Ricci, J. Satta, D. Chiriu, R. Corpino, C.M. Carbonaro, M. Salis, C. Melis, P.S. Normile, J.A. De Toro

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 777, 225 (2019)


46. The interplay between single particle anisotropy and interparticle interactions in ensembles of magnetic nanoparticles

G. Muscas, G. Concas, S. Laureti, A. M. Testa, R. Mathieu,J. A. De Toro, C. Cannas, A. Musinu, M. A. Novak,C. Sangregorio, Su Seong Lee and D. Peddis

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 28634 (2018)

45. Temperature dependence magnetic and resistive switching phenomena in (La,Ba)MnO3/ZnO heterostructure.

T. Polek, E.H. Sanchez, J.M. Colino, P.S. Normile, G.S. Lotey, A. Tovstolytkin,Y. Nakamura, L. Reddy, S. Kaneko, P. Mele, T. Endo

Superlattices and Microstructures 120, 525 (2018)


44. Remanence Plots as a Probe of Spin Disorder in Magnetic Nanoparticles.

J. A. De Toro, M. Vasilakaki, S. S. Lee, M. S. Andersson, P. S. Normile, N. Yaacoub, P. Murray, E. H. Sanchez, P. Muñiz, D. Peddis, R. Mathieu, K. Liu, J. Geshev, K. N. Trohidou, and J. Nogués

Chemistry of Materials 29, 8258 (2017)

43. Maximizing Exchange Bias in Co/CoO Core/Shell Nanoparticles by Lattice Matching between the Shell and the Embedding Matrix.

J. A. González, J. P. Andrés, R. López Antón, J. A. De Toro, P. S. Normile, P. Muñiz, J. M. Riveiro, J. Nogués

Chemistry of Materials 29, 5200 (2017)

42. Magnetic properties of nanoparticle compacts with controlled broadening of the particle size distribution

M. S. Andersson, R. Mathieu, P. S. Normile, S. S. Lee, G. Singh, P. Nordblad, and J. A. De Toro

Physical Review B 95, 184431 (2017)

41. Exchange Bias Optimization by Controlled Oxidation of Cobalt Nanoparticle Films Prepared by Sputter Gas Aggregation

R. López Antón, J. A. González, J. P. Andrés, P. S. Normile, P. Muniz, J. M. Riveiro, J. A. De Toro

Nanomaterials 61, 7 (2017)


40. Demagnetization effects in dense nanoparticle assemblies

P. S. Normile, M. S. Andersson, R. Mathieu, S. S. Lee, G. Singh, J. A. De Toro

Applied Physics Letters 109, 152404 (2016)

39. Particle size-dependent superspin glass behavior in random compacts of monodisperse maghemite nanoparticles

M. S. Andersson, R. Mathieu, P. S. Normile, S. S. Lee, G. Singh, P. Nordblad, J. A. De Toro

Materials Research Express 3 045015 (2016)

38. Effects of the individual particle relaxation time on superspin glass dynamics

M.S. Andersson, J.A. de Toro, S.S. Lee, P.S. Normile, P. Nordblad, R. Mathieu

Physical Review B 93, 054407 (2016).


37. Size-dependent surface effects in maghemite nanoparticles and its impact on interparticle interactions in dense assemblies

M.S. Andersson, R. Mathieu, S.S. Lee, P.S. Normile, G. Singh, P. Nordblad, J.A. de Toro

Nanotechnology 26, 475703 (2015).

36. High temperature magnetic stabilization of cobalt nanoparticles by an antiferromagnetic proximity effect

J.A. de Toro, D.P. Marques, P. Muñíz, V. Skumryev, J. Sort; D. Givord, J. Nogués

Physical Review Letters 115, 057201 (2015).


35. Spin Dynamics of the low-temperature magnetic relaxation in disordered Fe35Al50B15 alloys
D. Alba Venero, L. Fernández-Barquín, J.A. de Toro, J.M. Riveiro
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50, 6971453 (2014).

34 . Ageing dynamics of a superspin glass
M.S. Andersson, J.A. de Toro, S.S. Lee, R. Mathieu, P. Nordblad
EPL – Europhysics Letters 108, 17004 (2014).

33 . Effect of Ni precursor solution concentration on the magnetic properties and exchange bias of Ni-NiO nanoparticulate systems
A. Roy, J.A. de Toro, V.S. Amaral, D.P. Marqués, J.M.F. Ferreira
Journal of Applied Physics 116, 093906 (2014).

32 . Malleability of uranium: Manipulating the charge desity wave in epitaxial films
R. Springell, R.C.C. Ward, J. Bouchet, J. Chivall, D. Wermeille, P.S. Normile, S Langridge, S.W. Zochowski, G.H. Lander
Physical Review B 89 (24), 245101(2014).

31 . Angle calculations for an area detector on a two-axis arm: application to powder diffraction
P.S. Normile
Journal of Applied Crystallography 47, 1769 (2014).

30 . High-vacuum annealing reduction of Co/CoO nanoparticles
R. López Antón, J.A. González, J.P. Andrés, J. Canales-Vázquez, J.A. de Toro, J.M. Riveiro
Nanotechnology 25, 105702 (2014).

29 . Surface Effects Under Visible Irradiation and Heat Treatment on the Phase Stability of ?-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and ?-Fe2O3-SiO2 Core-Shell Nanostructures
L. Stagi, J.A. de Toro, A. Ardu, C. Cannas, A. Casu, S.S. Lee, P.C. Ricci
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 2857 (2014).

28 . Exchange bias beyond the superparamagnetic blocking temperature of the antiferromagnet in a Ni-NiO nanoparticulate system
Aparna Roy, J.A. de Toro, V.S. Amaral, P. Muñiz, J.M. Riveiro, J M.F. Ferreira
Journal of Applied Physics 115, 073904 (2014).


27. Magnetic ordering in GdNi2B2C revisited by resonant x-ray scattering: Evidence for the double-q model
P.S. Normile, M. Rotter, C. Detlefs, J. Jensen, P.C. Canfield, J.A. Blanco
Physical Review B 88, 054413 (2013).

26. Emergent Superstructural Dynamic Order due to Competing Antiferroelectric and Antiferrodistortive Instabilities in Bulk EuTiO3
Jong-Woo K., P. Thompson, S. Brown, P.S. Normile, J.A. Schlueter, A. Shkabko, A. Weidenkaff, P.J. Ryan
Physical Review Letters 110, 027201 (2013).

25. Reversible control of magnetic interactions by electric field in a single-phase material
P.J. Ryan, J-W Kim, T. Birol, P. Thompson, J-H. Lee, X. Ke, P.S. Normile, E. Karapetrova, P. Schiffer, S.D. Brown, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom
Nature Communications 4, 1334 (2013).

24. Controlled close-packing of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles: an assessment of the role of interparticle superexchange versus dipolar interactions
J.A. de Toro, P.S. Normile, S.S. Lee, D. Salazar, J.L. Cheong, P. Muñiz, J.M. Riveiro, M. Hillenkamp, F. Tournus, A. Tamion, P. Nordblad
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,117, 10213 (2013).

23. Phase transition in a super superspin glass
R. Mathieu, J. A. de Toro, D. Salazar, S.S. Lee, J. L. Cheong, P. Nordblad.
EPL – Europhysics Letters 102, 67002 (2013).

22. A nanoparticle replica of the spin-glass state
J.A. de Toro, S.S. Lee, D. Salazar, J.L. Cheong, P.S. Normile, P. Muñiz, J.M. Riveiro, M. Hillenkamp, F. Tournus, A. Tamion, P. Nordblad
Applied Physics Letters 102, 183104 (2013).


21. Comment on “Accurate determination of the magnetic anisotropy in cluster-assembled nanostructures” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 062503 (2009)]                                        P.S. Normile, J.A. de Toro
Applied Physics Letters 100, 13610 (2012).

20 . Energy barrier enhancement by weak magnetic interactions in Co/Nb granular films assembled by inert gas condensation
J.A. de Toro, J.A. González, P.S. Normile, P. Muñiz, J.P. Andrés, R. López-Antón, J.M. Riveiro, J. Canales-Vázquez.
Physical Review B 85, 054429 (2012).

19. 2D Crystallography introduced by the sprinkler watering problem
J.A. de Toro, G.F. Calvo, P. Muñiz.
European Journal of Physics 33, 167 (2012).


18. Role of the oxygen partial pressure in the formation of composite Co–CoO nanoparticles by reactive aggregation
J.A. de Toro, J.P. Andrés, J.A. González, J.M. Riveiro, M. Estrader, A. López–Ortega, L. Tsiaoussis, N. Frangis, J. Nogués.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13, 4583 (2011)


17. Co-CoO Nanoparticles Prepared by Reactive Gas-Phase Aggregation
J.A. González, J.P. Andrés, J.A. de Toro, P. Muñiz, T. Muñoz, J. M. Riveiro.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 11, 2105 (2009).

16 . The oxidation of metal-capped Co cluster films at ambient conditions
J.A. de Toro, J.P. Andrés, J.A. González, P. Muñiz, J. M. Riveiro.
Nanotechnology 20, 085710 (2009).

15 . Magnetic structure and effects of pressure on U4PdGa12
R. Jardin, J-C Griveau, K. Prokeš, K. Gofryk, A.V. Kolomiets, P. Normile, S. Heathman, E. Colineau, F. Wastin, J. Rebizant
Physical Review B 79, 014409 (2009).


14. CoO1-d layers in a reactively sputtered exchange bias system
J.M. Riveiro, P.S. Normile, J.A. de Toro, T. Muñoz, P. Muñiz, J.A. González, J.P. Andrés.
New Journal of Physics 10, 083028 (2008).


13. Influence of spacer layer morphology on exchange bias properties of reactively sputtered Co/Ag multilayers
P.S. Normile, J.A. de Toro, T. Muñoz, J.A. González, J.P. Andrés, P. Muñiz, R.E. Galindo, J.M. Riveiro
Physical Review B 76, 104430 (2007).

12 . Spectral line shapes of U M2- and As K-edge resonant X-ray scattering in the two antiferromagnetic phases of UAs
P.S. Normile, S.B. Wilkins, B. Detlefs, D. Mannix, E. Blackburn, L. Bouchenoire, N. Bernhoeft, G.H. Lander
Physical Review B 75, 184437 (2007).

11 . Ageing and memory effects in a mechanically alloyed nanoparticle system
M. Östh, D. Hérisson, P. Nordblad, J.A. de Toro, J.M. Riveiro
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 313, 373 (2007).

10 . Reactive sputtering synthesis of Co-CoO/Ag nanogranular and multilayer films containing core-shell particles
T. Muñoz, J.A. de Toro, P.S. Normile, J.P. Andrés, J.A. González, P. Muñiz, A.J. Barbero, J.M. Riveiro
Journal of Applied Physics 101, 09E504 (2007).


9. Oxygen-assisted control of surface morphology in non-epitaxial sputter growth of Ag
J.M. Riveiro, P.S. Normile, J.P. Andrés, J.P. González, J.A. de Toro, T. Muñoz, P. Muñiz
Applied Physics Letters 89, 201902 (2006).

8 . A comprehensive structural and magnetic study of Ni nanoparticles prepared by the borohydride reduction of NiCl2 solution of different concentrations
A. Roy, V. Srinivas, S. Ram, J.A. de Toro, J.P. Goff
Journal of Applied Physics 100, 094307 (2006).

7. Low-temperature magnetization dynamics of oxygen-stabilized tetragonal Ni nanoparticles
A. Roy, V. Srinivas, J.A. de Toro, J.P. Goff
Physical Review B 74, 104402 (2006).

6. Exchange bias and nanoparticle magnetic stability in Co-CoO composites.
A. de Toro, J.P. Andrés, J.A. Gonzalez, P. Muñiz, T. Muñoz, P.S. Normile, J.M. Riveiro.
Physical Review B 73, 094449 (2006).

5. Improvement of magnetic particle stability upon annealing in an exchange-biased nanogranular system
P.S. Normile, J.A. de Toro, J.P. Andrés, J.A. González, T. Muñoz, P. Muñiz, A.J. Barbero, J.M. Riveiro
Journal of Applied Physics 100, 064312 (2006).


4. Exchange-bias stabilization of the magnetic nanoparticles in a Co-Ag granular alloy grown by reactive sputtering
J.M. Riveiro, J.A. de Toro, J.P. Andrés, J.A. González, T. Muñoz, J.P. Goff.
Applied Physics Letters 86, 172503 (2005).

3. Structure and magnetic properties of oxygen-stabilized tetragonal Ni nanoparticles prepared by the borohydride reduction method
A. Roy, V. Srinivas, S. Ram, J.A. de Toro, U. Mizutani
Physical Review B 71, 184443 (2005).

2. A high-pressure structure in curium linked to magnetism
S. Heathman, R.G. Haire, T. Le Bihan, A. Lindbaum, M. Idiri, P. Normile, S. Li, R. Ahuja, B. Johansson, G.H. Lander
Science 309, 110 (2005).

1. High-pressure structural parameters of the superconductors CeMIn5 and PuMGa5 (M= Co, Rh)
P.S. Normile, S. Heathman, M. Idiri, P. Boulet, J. Rebizant, F. Wastin, G.H. Lander, T. Le Bihan, A. Lindbaum
Physical Review B 72, 184508 (2005).