Graduated in Physics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 1997, where I published my first paper as a result of undergraduate work in optoelectronics. My PhD thesis at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), the first in any area of Physics defended in this young university, represented the introduction of a new research line in the Physics Department, namely, Magnetic Nanoparticles, in which I have subsequently published about 80 JCR papers. More specifically, some of this work deals with exchange-biased nanostructures, often core-shell structured particles, and some other with dipolar interaction-driven collective properties (often superspin glass behavior). I lead the Applied Nanomagnetism Group (ApNano) at the IRICA Institute since its creation in 2014, with current interest in magnetic nanocomposites for energy and sensor applications. The group collaborates closely with Uppsala University, IBN-Singapore, ICN2 – Barcelona, NTNU – Trondheim, and NCSR Demokritos – Athens, among others.
In 2004 I was awarded a postdoctoral EIF Marie Curie fellowship to research at the University of Liverpool. In 2008, I succeeded in the last “national habilitation” on-site examinations to upgrade to Associate Professor in Applied Physics, becoming Full Professor in 2019. I have been a Visiting Professor in summers at Cagliari (2016), Tampa (2019) and CNRS-Strasbourg (2021). In the last decade I have published in high-impact journals such as Advanced Functional Materials, Physical Review Letters or Chemistry of Materials, given invited talks at prestigious conferences such as the ICFPM, TMS or the APS and ACS Meetings, and chaired two symposia on Substitution of Critical Raw Materials in the 2016 and 2018 Spring Meetings of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).