Chemistry of atmospheric processes: laboratory and field measurements.
Química de los procesos atmosféricos: experimentación en laboratorio y medidas de campo.
Group members.
Dr. Alfonso Aranda Rubio1
Dr. Alberto Notario Molina1
Dra. Yolanda Díaz de Mera Morales1
Dra. Diana Rodríguez Rodríguez2
Dra. Ana Mª Rodríguez Cervantes2
Mercedes Tajuelo2
Alba Escalona Verbo1
Gabriela Viteri Tovar1
1 Fac. Ciencias y Tecnolog. Químicas, Ciudad Real
2 Fac. CC. Ambientales y Bioquímica. Toledo
Laboratory Studies and Techniques,
-large volume Teflon Smog chambers for the simulation of reactions under atmospheric pressure. Detection of species by GC-FID, GC-MS and FTIR. Temperature and pressure dependent reaction rate coefficients (OH, Cl, O3, and NO3), reaction mechanisms, reaction products. Particle counting and particle size distribution. CPC-SMPS, FMPS.
-Long path pressure regulating cell with FTIR in situ detection. High-resolution infrared absorption/emission spectra. Absorption cross sections, reaction rate coefficients (RR), reaction product yields, reaction mechanisms.
-Field measurements. Ozone, NOx, SO2, CO, PM, VOCs. In situ measurements. Active adsorption of volatile organic compounds.

From left to right: Alfonso A., Ana R., Yolanda D. and Diana R.