- Pedregal, D.J. (2022), Automatic Identification and Forecasting of Structural Unobserved Components Models with UComp, Journal of Statistical Software, 103, 1-33.
- Proietti, T. Pedregal, D.J. (2022), Seasonality in High Frequency Time Series, Decision Support SystemsEconometrics & Statistics, in press.
- Fotios, P., Pedregal, D.J. et al. (2022), Forecasting: theory and practice, , International Journal of Forecasting, 38, 705-871.
- Pedregal, D.J. (2021), New algorithms for automatic modelling and forecasting of decision support systems, Decision Support Systems, 148, 113585.
- Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R. (2021), Adjusted combination of moving averages: A forecasting system for medium-term solar irradiance, Applied Energy, 298, 117155.
- Puig-Gamero, M., Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J., Sánchez, P., Sanchez-Silva, L. (2021), Impact of the forecast price on economic results for methanol production from olive waste, Fuel, 295, 120631.
- Pedregal, D.J. (2020), Forecasting uranium prices: Some empirical results, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 52, 1334-1339.
- Pedregal, D.J. (2019), Time series analysis and forecasting with ECOTOOL, PLOS ONE, 14(10): e0221238.
- Pedregal, D.J. (2019), State Space modeling for practitioners, Foresight, Issue 54 (Summer), 21-25.
- Castillo, J.I., Castro, M., López, L., Pedregal, D.J. (2019), From legislation to compliance: The power of traffic law enforcement for the case study of Spain, Transport Policy, 75, 1-9.
- Villegas, M.A., Pedregal, D.J. (2019), Automatic selection of Unobserved Components models for supply chain forecasting, International Journal of Forecasting, 35, 157-169.
- Villegas, M.A., Pedregal, D.J. (2018), SSpace: A toolbox for State Space modelling, Journal of Statistical Software, 87-5,1-26.
- Villegas, M.A., Pedregal, D.J. (2018), Supply chain decision support systems based on a novel hierarchical forecasting approach, Decision Support Systems, 114, 29-36.
- Castillo, J.I., Castro, M. , López, L., Pedregal, D.J., Garrido, J.M. (2018), High Speed Rail: Fast tracking tourism in the EU?, Annals of Tourism Research, 71, 64-66.
- Villegas, M.A., Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R. (2018), A support vector machine for model selection in demand forecasting applications, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 121, 1-7.
- Castillo, J.I., Pedregal, D.J., González, F., Castro, M. (2017), Legal reform and the devolution of the Spanish port system: an econometric assessment, Utilities Policy, 50, 73-82.
- Castillo, J.I., Castro, M., López, L., Pedregal, D.J. (2017), Measuring the LCC effect on charter airlines in the Spanish airport system, Journal of Air Transport Management, 65, 110-117.
- Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J. (2016), A novel time-varying bullwhip effect metric: An application to promotional sales, International Journal of Production Economics, 182, 465-471.
- Castillo-Manzano J.I., Pedregal, D.J., Pozo-Barajas, R. (2016), ‘An econometric evaluation of the management of large-scale transport infrastructure in Spain during the great recession: Lessons for infrastructure bubbles’, Economic Modelling, 53, 302-313.
- Amo-Salas, M., López-Fidalgo, J., Pedregal, D.J. (2015), ‘Experimental designs for Autoregressive Models Applied to Industrial Maintenance’, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 133, 87-94.
- García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J., Roberts, C. (2015), ‘New Methods for the Condition monitoring of Level Crossings‘, International Journal of Systems Science, 46, 878-884.
- Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J., Sánchez, A.J., (2014), ‘A toolkit to strengthen government budget surveillance’, Review of Public Economics, 211, 117-146
- Paredes, J., Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J. (2014), ‘Fiscal policy analysis in the Euro area: expanding the toolkit’, Journal of Policy Modeling, 36, 800-823.
- Castillo, J.I., Castro, M., Pedregal, D.J., (2014), ‘Temporary speed limit changes: An econometric estimation of the effects of the Spanish Energy Efficiency and Saving Plan’, Economic Modelling, 44, 568-576.
- Castillo, J.I., Castro, M., Pedregal, D.J., (2014), ‘The trend towards convergence in road accident fatality rates in Europe: the contributions of non-economic variables’, Transport Policy, 35, 229-240.
- Castillo, J.I., López, L., González, F., M. Pedregal, D.J., (2013), ‘An econometric analysis of the Spanish fresh fish market’, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71, 628-635
- Castillo, J.I., López, L., Marchena, M. Pedregal, D.J., (2013), ‘How much does water consumption drop when each household takes charge of its own consumption? The case of the city of Seville‘, Applied Economics, 45, 4465-4473.
- Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J., Fildes, R., Kourentzes, N. (2013), Analysis of judgmental adjustments in the presence of promotions, International Journal of Forecasting, 29, 234-243.
- Carnero, M.C., Pedregal, D.J. (2013), Ex-ante Assessment of the Spanish Occupational Health and Safety Strategy (2007-2012) Using a State Space framework, RESS, 110, 14-21.
- Fernández, L., Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J. (2012), ‘Monitoring Sub-central Government Spending in Spain‘, Review of Public Economics, 77-104.
- Castillo, J.I., López, L., Pedregal, D.J. (2012), ‘What role will hubs play in the LCC point-to-point connections era? The Spanish experience‘, Journal of Transport Geography, 24, 262-270.
- Castillo, J.I., Pedregal, D.J., Pozo, R. (2012), ‘Assessing fear of flying after a plane crash. The «Rainman» effect – Myth or reality?‘, Journal of Air Transport Management, 20, 20-22.
- Castillo, J.I., López, L., Pedregal, D.J. (2012), ‘How can the effects of the introduction of a new airline on a national airline network be measured? A time series approach for the Ryanair case in Spain‘, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 46, 1-17.
- Castillo, J.I., Pedregal, D.J. (2012), ‘How many lives can bloody and shocking road safety advertising save? the case of Spain‘, Transportation Research Part F, 15, 174-187.
Pedreal, D.j., Taylor, C.J. (2012), ‘SSpace: A Flexible and General State Space Toolbox for MATLAB‘, in Wang, L., Garnier. H. (eds.), System Identification, Enrivonmental Modelling and Contro System Design, 615-636. 10.1007/978-0-85729-974-1_30.
- Castillo, J.I., Castro, M., Pedregal, D.J. (2011), ‘Can fear of going to jail reduce the number of road fatalities? The Spanish experience‘, Journal of Safety Research, 42, 223-228.
- Carnero, C., Pedregal, D.J. (2011), ‘Forecasting turbine problems by means of the state space framework’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24, 432-439.
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- Carnero, C., Pedregal, D.J. (2010), ‘Modelling and forecasting occupational accidents of different severity levels in Spain’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 95, 1134-1141.
- Castillo, JI, Castro, M, Pedregal, DJ, (2010), “An econometric analysis of the effects of the penalty points system driver’s license in Spain”, Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (4): 1310-1319.
- García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J., Roberts, C. (2010), ‘Time Series methods applied to failure prediction and detection‘, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 95, 698-703.
- Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R. (2010), ‘Mid-term hourly electricity forecasting based on a multi-rate approach’, Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 105-111.
- Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J. (2010), ‘Should quarterly government finance statistics be used for fiscal surveillance in Europe?‘, International Journal of Forecasting, 26, 794-807.
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- Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J. (2009), ‘Frequency domain methods applied to forecasting electricity markets’, Energy Economics, 31, 727-735.
- Pedregal, D.J., Dejuán, O., Gómez, N. y Tobarra, M.A. (2009), ‘Modelling demand for crude oil products in Spain’, Energy Policy, 37, 4417-4427.
- Pedregal, D.J., Rivas, R., Feliu, V., Sánchez, L., Linares, A. (2009), ‘A non-linear forecasting system for the Ebro River at Zaragoza, Spain’, Environmental Modelling and Software, 24, 502-509.
- Pedregal, D.J., Carnero, C. (2009), ‘Vibration analysis diagnostics by continuous-time models: A case study’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 94, 244-253.
- Pedregal, D.J., García, F.P., Roberts, C. (2009), ‘An algorithmic approach for maintenance management based on advanced state space systems and harmonic regressions’, Annals of Operations Research, 166, 109-124.
- Rivas, R., Feliu, V., Sánchez, L., Pedregal, D.J., Linares, A., Aguilar, J.V., Langarita, P. (2008), ‘Identificación del primer tramo del canal principal de riego «Imperial de Aragón«’, Ingeniería hidráulica en México, 23, 71-87.
- Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (2008), Development of improved adaptive approaches to electricity demand forecasting, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59, 1066-1076.
- García, F.P. and Pedregal, D. J. (2007). Applied RCM2 Algorithms Based on Statistical Methods, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 4, 109-116.
- García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J., (2007), ‘Failure Analysis and Diagnostics for Railway Trackside Equipment‘, Engineering Failure Analysis, 14, 1411-1426.
- Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R. (2007), ‘Electricity Prices Forecasting by Automatic Dynamic Harmonic Regression Models’, Energy Conversion and Management, 48, 1710-1719.
- Taylor, C.J., Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C., Tych, W., (2007) ‘Time series analysis and forecasting with the Captain toolbox‘, Environmental Modelling and Software, 22, 797-814.
- García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J., Schmid, F., (2007), ‘Unobserved Components models applied to the assessment of wear in railway points: a case study‘, European Journal of Operational Research, 176, 1703-1712.
- Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (2006), ‘Modulated cycles, an Approach to Modelling Periodic Components from Rapidly Sampled Data’, International Journal of Forecasting, 22, 189-194.
- Pedregal, D.J., Carnero, C. (2006), ‘State Space Models for Condition Monitoring. A case study’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 91, 171-180.
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