"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, in practice there is". Einstein(?)
Conference papers
Pedregal DJ, (2024), Analítica predictiva censurada, no confundamos ventas con demanda, 4ª edición del Congreso R4EDI: R para Empresa, Docencia e Investigación, 3-4 october, Albacete, Spain.
Pedregal DJ, Trapero JR, (2024), “New Approaches in Demand Forecasting: Tobit Exponential Smoothing with Time Aggregation Constraints”, 10th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting, ITISE 2024, 15-17 July, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Pedregal DJ, Trapero JR, (2024), “Enhancing Inventory Management through Tobit Exponential Smoothing and Time Aggregation”, 44th International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2024, 30th June – 2nd July, Dijon, France.
Pedregal, DJ, (2023), “Un libro Quarto y un paquete de R para aprender analítica predictiva y explotarla después”, 3ª edición del Congreso R4EDI: R para Empresa, Docencia e Investigación, 19-20 october, Almagro, Spain.
Trapero, JR, Pedregal, DJ, Holgado, E, (2023), “Applications of Tobit Censored Exponential Smoothing to inventory management”, 9th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting, ITISE 2023, 12-14 July, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Trapero, JR, Holgado, E, Pedregal, DJ, Babiloni, E, Guijarro, E, (2023), “A novel classification of demand forecasting techniques under a lost-sales context”, The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management y 27th Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, CIO 2023. 6-7 Julio, Barcelona, Spain.
Pedregal, DJ, Trapero, JR, Holgado, E (2023), “Censored Exponential Smoothing for supply chain forecasting”, The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management y 27th Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, CIO 2023. 6-7 Julio, Barcelona, Spain.
Babiloni, E, Guijarro, E, Pedregal, DJ, Trapero, JR (2022), “Impact of Backordering on the Demand Forecasting Process”, The 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management y 26th Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, CIO 2022. 7-8 Julio, Toledo, Spain.
Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R., Holgado, E. (2022), Censored Exponential smoothing to solve lost-sales demand forecasting problems, 16th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, CFE 2022, 16-18 December, London, England.
Pedregal, D.J. (2022), Avances recientes en predicción analítica con R, 2º Congreso praa Empresa, Docencia e Investigación, R4EDI, 10-11 Noviembre, Pastrana (España).
Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R., Holgado, E. (2022), Development of censored ExponenTial Smoothing models for lost-sales demand forecasting, 42th International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2022, 10-13 July, Oxford, England.
Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R., Holgado, E. (2022), Demand forecasting under lost-sales stock policies with Tobit Exponential Smoothing, 8th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting, ITISE 2022, 27-30 June, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Trapero, J.R., Babiloni, M.E., Guijarro, E, Pedregal, D.J. (2022), Supply chain demand forecasting under a backordering context, 42th International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2022, 10-13 July, Oxford, England.
Trapero, J.R., Babiloni, M.E., Guijarro, E, Pedregal, D.J. (2022), Impact of backordering on the demand forecasting process, 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, ICIEIM 2022, 7-8 July, Toledo, Spain.
Pedregal, D.J. (2021), New methods for the identification of Structural Time Series Models, 7th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting, ITISE 2021, 19-21 July, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Trapero, J.R., Holgado de Frutos, E., Pedregal, D.J., (2021), Demand forecasting under lost-sales stock policies, 41st International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2021, 27-30 June, virtual.
Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R. (2021), A novel forecasting system for medium term solar irradiance, 41st International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2021, 27-30 June, virtual.
Pedregal, DJ, (2021), Componentes no observables automáticos, R4EDI. 16 Junio, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de Toledo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
Proietti, T, Pedregal, DJ, (2020), Periodic features and seasonality in high-frequency data. 14th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, CFE 2020. 18-21 December, Virtual.
Pedregal, DJ (2020), Workshop “Modern State Space methods: a workshop for practitioners”. 40th International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2020. 29 October, Virtual.
Pedregal, DJ (2020), Comprehensive automatic identification of Unobserved Components models. 40th International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2020. 26-28 October, Virtual.
Pedregal, DJ, Trapero, JR, (2019), Fast solution to the automatic identification of Unobserved Components models. 13th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, CFE 2019. 14-16 December, London (UK).
Trapero, JR, Holgado, E, Ramos, F, Pedregal, DJ (2019), GPU forecasting for big data problems. ITISE 2019. 24-27 September, Granada (Spain).
Pedregal, DJ, Trapero, JR, (2019), On the automatic identification of Unobserved Components Models. ITISE 2019. 24-27 September, Granada (Spain).
Pedregal DJ, Trapero JR, Villegas MA, Villegas D (2019), Automatic Forecasting of Unobserved Components Models with the UComp Toolbox for MATLAB, 39th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting. 16-19, June, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Trapero, JR, Holgado, E, Pedregal, DJ (2019), Impact of demand volatility forecasting on inventory systems, 39th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting. 16-19, June, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Pedregal, D.J., Villegas, M.A., Villegas, D.A., Trapero, J.R. (2018), Time series modelling with MATLAB: the SSpace toolbox, 5th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting. 19-21 September, Granada, Spain.
Pedregal, D.J., Villegas, M.A., Villegas, D.A. (2018), «Automatic forecasting support system for business analytics applications based on unobserved components models», 29th European Conference on Operational Research. 9-11 July, Valencia, Spain.
Trapero, J.R., Villegas, M.A., Pedregal, D.J. (2018), «Implementation of exponential smoothing forecasting method in a GPU for big data problems», 29th European Conference on Operational Research. 9-11 July, Valencia, Spain.
López, L., Castro, M., Castillo, J.I., Pedregal, D.J. (2017), “Measuring the LCC effect on charter airlines in the Spanish airport system”, International Conference on Regional Science. 15-17 November, Sevilla
Villegas, M.A., Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R. (2017), «Demand Forecasting model selection. A support vector machine approach», 11th Interational Conference on Industriale Engineering and Industrial Management, 5-6 July, Valencia.
Trapero, J.R., Montañola, C., Villegas, M.A., Pedregal, D.J. (2016), “Análisis de técnicas de clasificación de series temporales en función de sus componentes no observables”, XXXVI congreso nacional de estadística e investigación operativa, 5-7 septiembre 2016, Toledo.
Pedregal, D.J., Villegas, M.A., Trapero, J.R. (2016), “Modelización y predicción de series temporales con SSpace”, XXXVI congreso nacional de estadística e investigación operativa, 5-7 septiembre 2016, Toledo.
Pedregal, D.J., Villegas, M.A., Castillo, J.I., López, L., Castro, M., (2016), “Flexible time series modelling with SSpace”, 36th International Symposium on Forecasting, 19-22 Junio, Santander.
Pedregal, Diego J., Castillo, José I., Castro M., López L. (2016), “Network carriers versus charters versus low cost carriers: battling it out in the Spanish skies”, XIX Applied Economics Meeting, Sevilla. 9 y 10 de Junio.
Castillo, José I., del Pozo, R. y Pedregal, Diego J. (2015), “Evaluando la gestión de las grandes infraestructuras de transporte en España durante la crisis”, XVIII Applied Economics Meeting, Alicante. 4 y 5 de Junio.
Pedregal, Diego J. y Trapero, Juan R. (2015), “Bullwhip effect in promotional sales. New evidence based on time-varying measurements”, 27th European conference on Operational Research. 12-15 July, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Reino Unido).
Villegas, Marco A. y Pedregal, Diego J. (2015), “SSpace: a toolbox for all seasons”, 27th European conference on Operational Research. 12-15 July, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Reino Unido).
Castillo, José I., del Pozo, R. y Pedregal, Diego J. (2015), “Evaluando la gestión de las grandes infraestructuras de transporte en España durante la crisis”, XVIII Applied Economics Meeting, Alicante. 4 y 5 de Junio.
Pedregal, Diego J., Pérez, Javier J., Sánchez-Fuentes, Antonio J. (2014), «A toolkit to strengthen government budget surveillance», 77th International Atlantic Economic Society Conference, Madrid, 02/04/2014.
Pedregal, Diego J., Pérez, Javier J., Sánchez-Fuentes, Antonio J. (2014), «A toolkit to strengthen government budget surveillance», XXI Encuentro de Economía Pública, Gerona, 30-31/01/2014.
Pedregal, Diego J. (2013), «The enhanced SSpace Matlab toolbox», 7th Computational and Financial Econometrics, 14-16 December. London, Great Britain.
Pedregal, Diego J. (2013), «Regeneración de la economía», Jornada «Hacia una ética universal, ¿es posible? ¿es deseable?», 18/Octubre/2013. Albacete.
Castro, M., Castillo, J.I., Pedregal, D.J. (2013), ‘The speed limits debate: is effective a temporary change? the case of Spain’, 53rd European Regional Science Association Congress, Palermo, Italia.
Castillo, J.I., Castro, M., Pedregal, D.J. (2013), ‘Estimación econométrica del impacto de la modificación de los límites de velocidad en España’, XVI Applied Economics Meeting, Junio, Granada.
Trapero, J.R., Fildes, R., Pedregal, D.J., (2012), ‘On the identification of forecasting models in he presence of promotions’, 32nd International Symposium on Forecasting, June, Boston, US.
Trapero, J.R. and Pedregal, D.J. (2011), ‘Supply Chain Demand Forecasting: Towards and Integrated Approach’, 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, September, Cartagena, Spain.
Pedregal, D.J. and Trapero, J.R. (2011), ‘The power of ECOTOOL MATLAB toolbox’, 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, September, Cartagena, Spain.
Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J., Fildes, R. and Weller, M., (2011), ‘Analysis of judgmental adjustments in presence of promotions’, 31st International Symposium on Forecasting, June, Prague, Czech Republic.
Pedregal, D.J., Castillo, J.I., Castro, M. (2011), ‘Evaluando el miedo a volar tras un accidente aéreo’, XIV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada, Junio, Huelva.
Pedregal, D.J., Castillo, J.I. (2011), ‘El impacto de la llegada de las aerolíneas de bajo coste al sistema aeroportuario español. El efecto Ryanair’, XIV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada, Junio, Huelva.
Castillo, J.I., Pedregal, D.J., (2010), ‘¿Puede el miedo a ir a la cárcel disminuir los accidentes de carretera?’, XIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada, 10 y 11 de Junio, Universidad Pablo de Olávide, Sevilla.
Sivatte, I., Pedregal, D.J., Guadamillas, F. (2010), ‘Work-life benefits and work-family culture perceptions of employees with and without supervisory responsibilities’, 30th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Roma (Italia).
Sivatte, I., Guadamillas, F., Pedregal, D.J. (2010), ‘Antecedents and consequences of implementing work-life initiatives in Spanish organizations’, 25th anniversary workshop on strategic human resource management, Barcelona.
Pedregal, D.J., Castillo, J.I., Castro, M. (2009), ‘An econometric analysis of the effects of the Penalty Points System License in Spain’, II Workshop on Transport and Urban Economics, Universidad de Sevilla.
Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J. (2009), ‘Should quarterly government finance statistics be used for fiscal surveillance in Europe?’, First Macroeconomic Forecasting Conference. Roma, Italia.
Dejuán, O, Gómez, N., Pedregal, D.J., Tobarra, M.A., Zafrilla, J. (2008), «An energy AGE model. Forecasting energy demand in Spain», Input Output Meeting on Managing the Environment, Sevilla.
Sivatte, I., Guadamillas, F., Pedregal, D.J. (2008), ‘The measurement of work-life benefits and culture’, 23rd Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management. Bled, Slovenia.
Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J. (2007), ‘Análisis del ciclo económico basado en filtros adaptativos de ranura’, XI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización. Madrid.
Pérez, J.J., Pedregal, D.J. (2007), ‘Fiscal forecasting with mixed frequency data:forecasting euro area government deficit’, 27th International Symposium on Forecasting. New York.
Onorante, L., Pérez, J.J., Signorini, S., Pedregal, D.J. (2007), ‘Short-term public finance indicators for fiscal surveillance in Europe’, 27th International Symposium on Forecasting. New York.
Sivatte, I., Guadamillas, F., Pedregal, D.J. (2007), ‘The importance of a corporate culture which supports work-life benefits and its impact on firm performance’, VI International Wokshop on Human Resource Management, Jerez de la Frontera.
García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J., Roberts, C. (2007), ‘New methods for the Condition Monitoring of Level Crossings Registration Status’, 5th International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Chiang Mai (Tailandia).
Rivas, R., Feliu, V., Sánchez, L., Pedregal, D.J., Linares, A., Aguilar, J.V., Langarita, P. (2007), ‘System Identification of Aragon’s Imperial Irrigation Main Canal’, 8th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation, Ciudad de La Habana (Cuba).
Rivas, R., Feliu, V., Sánchez, L., Pedregal, D.J., Linares, A., Aguilar, J.V., Langarita, P. (2007), ‘Fractional PI Control of an Irrigation Main Canal’, 8th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation, Ciudad de La Habana (Cuba).
Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J. (2006), ‘Métodos en el dominio de la frecuencia aplicados a mercados eléctricos’, X Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización. Valencia.
Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J.R. (2006), ‘Electricity markets forecasting based on Frequency Domain Methods’, 26th International Symposium on Forecasting. Santander.
García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J., (2006), ‘An algorithm for detecting faults in railway point mechanisms’, SAFEPROCESS 2006. September. Beijing (China).
García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J., Roberts, C. (2006), ‘Failure analysis using condition monitoring systems: a case study’, ICEFA II. Toronto (Canadá).
Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J., García, F.P. (2005), ‘Predicción de precios y demandas de energía eléctrica basada en modelos de regresión armónica dinámica’, IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización. Gijón.
García, F.P., Trapero, J.R., Pedregal, D.J. (2005), ‘La mejora de la seguridad y fiabilidad del transporte ferroviario mediante RCM2’, IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización. Gijón.
Trapero, J.R., Pereira, E., Pedregal, D.J., Feliu, V. (2005), ‘Identificación del modelo de un brazo de robot flexible de un eslabón mediante modelos Box-Jenkins’, XXVI Jornadas de Automática. Alicante.
García, F.P., Pedregal, D.J. (2005), ‘A digital filter based approach to the remote condition monitoring’, Conference of theInternational Federation of Operational Research Societies 2005. Honolulu (USA).
Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (2005), ‘Forecasting telephone call demand at a Barclaycard plc. Call centre in Great Britain: An Unobserved Components approach’, 13th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference. Ottawa (Canadá).
Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J., Leal, T. (2005), ‘Forecasting the General Government deficit: the role of leading indicators’, 25th International Symposium on Forecasting. San Antonio (Texas, EEUU).
Pedregal. D.J., Castillo, J.I. (2004), ‘Análisis del sistema aeroportuario español mediante modelos SVAR’, Workshop de Economía del Transporte, centrA, Sevilla.
Pedregal, D.J. (2004), ‘Matlab toolboxes for the analysis of Time Series’, Workshop on Recent Advances in Time Series Modelling and Forecasting, Sevilla. Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J. (2003), ‘A fiscal indicator for the Euro Area’, Workshop on Monitoring and Forecasting Public Finances. Sevilla. Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
Pedregal, D.J., Pérez, J.J., Toro, J. (2002), ‘Leading fiscal indicators for the Euro area government deficit’, Workshop on Monitoring and Forecasting Public Finances. Sevilla. Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
Pedregal, D.J. (2002), ‘Filter design and model based análisis of economic cycles’, II Congreso Internacional sobre Ciclos Económicos. Madrid.
Conde, L.J., Pedregal, D.J., Conde, J. (2000), ‘A New class of Unobserved Components Models for the analysis of Economic Cycles’, I Congreso Internacional sobre Ciclos Económicos. Orense.
Conde, J., Pedregal, D.J. (2000), ‘Modelización Flexible de Sistemas Dinámicos’, I Workshop de Ingeniería de Organización. Bilbao.
Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (2000), ‘Alternative Seasonal Models for the Analysis of Non-stationary Time Series’, 20th International Symposium on Forecasting. Lisboa.
Pedregal, D.J., Tych, W., Young, P.C. (1998), ‘A Software Package for Multi-Rate Unobserved Component Forecasting of Telephone Call Demand’, Eighteenth International Symposium on Forecasting. Edimburgo.
Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (1998), ‘Adaptive Electricity Demand Forecasting Using a Novel Non-Linear, Unobserved Components Model Estimated in the Frequency Domain’, Colloquium on Electricity Demand Forecasting. London Business School. Londres (Reino Unido).
Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (1997), ‘Dynamic Harmonic Regression: An Unobserved Components Model for Signal Extraction and Forecasting of Nonstationary Time Series’. Econometric Forecasting Theory Workshop. Universidad de Oxford (Reino Unido).
Young, P.C., Pedregal, D.J. (1997), ‘Macroeconomic Relativity: Government Spending, Private Investment and Unemployment in the USA’, Econometric Forecasting Practice Workshop. Universidad de Oxford (Reino Unido).
Young, P.C., Pedregal, D.J., Tych, W. (1997), ‘Recent Advances in Unobserved Components Modelling’, Seventeenth International Symposium on Forecasting. Barbados.
Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C., Infield, D., Watson, S. (1997), ‘Adaptive Unobserved Components Models and Electricity Demand Forecasting’, Colloquium on Electricity Demand Forecasting. London Business School. Londres (Reino Unido).
Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (1996), ‘Adaptive Forecasting of Electricity Load Demand in the United Kingdom’, Sixteenth International Symposium on Financial Markets and Forecasting. Estambul.
Pedregal, D.J., Young, P.C. (1995), ‘Adaptive Forecasting of Electricity Load Demand’, Quadrenniel Meeting of the Centre for Research on Environmental Systems and Statistics (CRES).